Join us on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 23rd at 6:30 pm at First Bap­tist church of Mount Ver­non as we explore mate­ri­als for dis­ci­ple­ship through Sun­day School. Our speak­ers will be Mike Tay­lor of the GBMB, and Mike Atkin­son of Lifeway.

Mike Tay­lor GBMB

Mike Tay­lor has served as a state mis­sion­ary with the Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion Board since 2011 and is an Adult Group­s & Faith Devel­op­ment Con­sul­tant.. Mike assists church­es in the area of Adult Sun­day School. He designs and imple­ments Sun­day School Train­ing strat­e­gy, Sun­day School Train­ing work­shops, advis­es church­es about facil­i­ty needs, and works to mul­ti­ply a lead­er­ship train­er base to assist Geor­gia church­es and associations.



Michael Atkin­son Lifeway

I con­sult with church­es along the coastal area to help them with dis­ci­ple­ship strate­gies. It is a joy to use my exper­tise along with Life­Way resources as I seek to “pastor pas­tors” by pro­vid­ing a lis­ten­ing heart as well as resources for ministry.

Sun­day School Workshop