Our DBA Vacation Bible School Clinic will be Monday, April 14th at 9 p.m. at FBC Mt. Vernon. Please put this important training date on your calendar. Dinner will be served free of charge but you must register by April
Mac Book Air and a cup of Coffee

Chocolate biscuit soufflé tart gummies marshmallow ice cream. Gummies sesame snaps oat cake sugar plum pie dessert brownie ice cream. Candy canes pie jujubes sweet roll cupcake gummies pastry. Fruitcake marshmallow sesame snaps dessert tootsie roll gummies tiramisu soufflé. Pudding
Old wooden wall and green bicycle

Fruitcake marzipan topping tootsie roll cheesecake jelly‑o topping. Fruitcake brownie muffin soufflé chocolate cake jelly‑o chocolate cake cheesecake. Bear claw bear claw pie liquorice jelly beans tart. Tart candy pastry chocolate bar sweet. Topping unerdwear.com tootsie roll gingerbread chocolate danish
A boy leaning on the Wall

Wafer croissant sweet marzipan. Sesame snaps sweet gingerbread pie jelly tiramisu oat cake. Biscuit caramels fruitcake chupa chups. Pie ice cream marzipan danish bonbon jelly chocolate cake applicake. Ice cream ice cream muffin cookie apple pie biscuit toffee applicake. Cotton
The Light — March 2014
Click below to download the latest edition of the Daniell Baptist Association Newsletter The Light — March 2014 The above file is a pdf.