DBA UPDATE                                                                     June 16th 2016

Mexico HeartPlease remem­ber to be in prayer for the 10 mis­sion­ar­ies from our DBA church­es who will be min­is­ter­ing next week in Kan­tu­nilkin, Mex­i­co June 21–27. Led by Mitch Bell­flower, this team will do con­struc­tion, per­son­al evan­ge­lism, revivals, prayer walk­ing and will have a spe­cial min­istry with the chil­dren. Pray for bold­ness, recep­tiv­i­ty, and safe­ty for this won­der­ful team.


SURGEOur DBA camps are fast approach­ing and I hope your children/grandchildren are mak­ing plans to be with us. Both our camps are qual­i­ty “spend the night” camps that are rea­son­ably priced which makes it pos­si­ble for most chil­dren to attend. Both camps inclDBA Childrens Campude excit­ing bible teach­ing, ener­getic wor­ship ser­vices, food, lodg­ing and a bunch of fun. For reg­is­tra­tion forms and infor­ma­tion on both camps, please call our DBA office or paste the fol­low­ing in your favorite web brows­er: https://dbachurches.com/summer-camps/


law chaplinChief Wes­ley Walk­er of Lyons PD will be offer­ing area pas­tors a free train­ing sem­i­nar in law enforce­ment chap­lain­cy. The train­ing will be 2 hours long, one night a week, for 8 weeks. Par­tic­i­pants will have a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn what our offi­cers face on a dai­ly basis as well as how to effec­tive­ly min­is­ter to them. Train­ing will include ride-alongs on patrol, fir­ing weapons at the range, pos­si­bly even real­is­tic train­ing on the emer­gency vehi­cle oper­a­tion sim­u­la­tor and shoot-don’t shoot sce­nar­ios. Kei­th Horne, our DBA Mis­sion Ser­vice Corp mis­sion­ary, (a for­mer State Troop­er and Law Enforce­ment Chap­lain) will be assist­ing Chief Walk­er with the train­ing. Come and join us for this vital and unique min­istry train­ing! To enroll con­tact Chief Walk­er at wwalker@lyonspolice.com 912 386‑2020 or Kei­th Horne at keithhornebfc@aol.com 912 293‑4596. Depend­ing on the response, train­ing may begin as ear­ly as late June. Hur­ry and signup before the class fills up!


Spanish BibleDur­ing the month of June, we will be col­lect­ing Span­ish bibles for our two His­pan­ic church plants. Please bring all dona­tions to our Ailey office. To dis­cov­er addi­tion­al ways you can part­ner with our Asso­ci­a­tion in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, and world for Jesus please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr by past­ing it in your web browser.


 AuctionMt. Pis­gah Bap­tist Church in Kibbee is spon­sor­ing a live auc­tion Sat­ur­day, June 25th at 5:30 at their social hall. They need dona­tions to auc­tion off such as: gift cards, cakes, gift bas­kets, and many oth­er items. All pro­ceeds will be used to pur­chase school sup­plies for area fos­ter chil­dren. Please note, all dona­tions should be turned in no lat­er than June 20th. Items can be dropped off at the DBA office in Ailey and Smith Street Bap­tist Church or you can con­tact Mikay­la Reese and she will make arrange­ments to pick up your items. For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact Mikay­la Reese at (912) 293‑0183 or (912) 538‑9917.

Community closet Cedar Cross­ing His­pan­ic
is begin­ning a clothes clos­et for the com­mu­ni­ty and they need help. If you are will­ing to help them build clothes racks please give pas­tor Joey a call at 912–246-5657. Also, they wel­come the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come and share with your church what God is doing through not only the Cedar Cross­ing Church plant but the His­pan­ic plant in Glen­wood as well. Please call Joey for more details.

 VBS splash
First Bap­tist Church of Mount Ver­non SUBMERGED: Find­ing Truth Below the Surface

June 26-July 1st 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Except Fri­day evening, this will be graduation


Week_of_Prayer_Web_copyPlease be in prayer for this week’s Church­es of the Week:

  • Prov­i­dence Bap­tist (pas­tor Robert Ferrell)
  • Red Bluff Bap­tist (pas­tor Don­ny Crosby)
  • Rocky Creek Bap­tist (pas­tor Bill Black)
  • Nor­man­town Bap­tist (cur­rent­ly with­out a pastor)
  • New Corinth Bap­tist (pas­tor Emory Fennell)


Church­es that become pas­sion­ate about peo­ple out­side their walls will be far more effec­tive than church­es that are pas­sion­ate only about keep­ing the few peo­ple they have inside their walls.
‑Carey Nieuwhof 

Blessed to serve,





DBA Update 6/16/16