DBA UPDATE Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â June 23rd 2016
Please remember to be in prayer for the 10 missionaries from our DBAÂ churches who are ministering in Kantunilkin, Mexico today through June27. Led by Mitch Bellflower, this team is doing construction, personal evangelism, revivals, prayer walking and VBS. Pray for boldness, receptivity, and safety for this wonderful team.
I’m happy to announce your Daniell Baptist Association now offers free web design for medium to small sized churches. In an effort to help our churches reach their communities for Jesus, DBA now offers web design service. There is a small charge ($100) which covers all start-up costs. For more information, please Jessica at our DBA office.
Our DBA camps are just weeks away and I hope your children/grandchildren are making plans to be with us. Both our camps are quality “spend the night†camps that are reasonably priced which makes it possible for most children to attend. Both camps include exciting
bible teaching, energetic worship services, food, lodging and a bunch of fun. For registration forms and information on both camps, please call our DBA office or paste the following in your favorite web browser: https://dbachurches.com/summer-camps/
Our Montgomery County Christian Learning Center is doing a wonderful job in Montgomery and Toombs counties. See the attached (3 guns) to see how you can help this wonderful ministry.
During the month of June, we will be collecting Spanish bibles for our two Hispanic church plants. Please bring all donations to our Ailey office. To discover additional ways you can partner with our Association in reaching our community, state, and world for Jesus please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr by pasting it in your web browser.
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Kibbee is sponsoring a live auction Saturday, June 25th at 5:30 at their social hall. They need donations to auction off such as: gift cards, cakes, gift baskets, and many other items. All proceeds will be used to purchase school supplies for area foster children. Please note, all donations should be turned in no later than June 20th. Items can be dropped off at the DBA office in Ailey and Smith Street Baptist Church or you can contact Mikayla Reese and she will make arrangements to pick up your items. For more information, please contact Mikayla Reese at (912) 293‑0183 or (912) 538‑9917.
First Baptist Church of Mount Vernon SUBMERGED: Finding Truth Below the Surface
June 26-July 1st 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Except Friday evening, this will be graduation
Snow Hill Baptist Church
 July 22nd from 6:00 – 9:00 and July the 23rd from 9:00 – until
Please be in prayer for this week’s Churches of the Week:
- Normantown Baptist (currently without a pastor)
- New Corinth Baptist (pastor Emory Fennell)
- Pisgah Baptist (pastor Keith Tipton)
- Long Pond Baptist (pastor Joe Siman)
- Journey (pastor Jason Corbett)
We have insulated and isolated ourselves from the massive material poverty that surrounds us in the world. We have filled our lives and our churches with more comforts for us, all while turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to abject poverty in others. We need our eyes opened to the implications of the gospel for how we live.
‑David Platt
Blessed to serve,