Brew­ton-Park­er Col­lege and the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion trav­eled to Albany, GA on Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 28 to assist with recov­ery efforts after a tor­na­do dev­as­tat­ed the Albany area on Jan­u­ary 22.
Bil­ly led a 6 mem­ber team in an effort to clear away downed trees and debris. The team worked along­side Javier, a home­own­er work­ing to recov­er his res­i­dence so that his dis­placed fam­i­ly can move back home as soon as possible.
The DBA/BPC team con­tributed to the recov­ery of the Albany com­mu­ni­ty and found that serv­ing is a blessing.
Aquil­la Ross, a fresh­man at BPC, par­tic­i­pat­ed in the mis­sion effort and com­ment­ed, “Today’s mis­sion trip was inspir­ing. Mate­r­i­al things can be replaced but a per­son­’s life can­not be. Although, they’re sad that their hous­es are dam­aged there will be joy in the end.”

Dis­as­ter Relief in Albany, GA