Please join us this Mon­day evening for our annu­al “Night of Dis­ci­ple­ship” (for­mer­ly “M” Night) as it will be infor­ma­tive as well as inspir­ing. Mike Grif­fin is a bless­ing to our state and I know you will find him to be rel­e­vant as we deal with reli­gious lib­er­ty issues in our com­mu­ni­ty and state.

(Click pic­ture for larg­er image)



Cry out America


Across Amer­i­ca church­es are encour­aged to use this day to tru­ly cry out to God in Solemn Assem­bly, a day of hum­bling our­selves, repent­ing and cry­ing out to God for mer­cy. Solemn Assem­blies were called in bib­li­cal times when things were not going well in the nation.  Joel 2 verse 15 blows the trum­pet in Zion; con­se­crate a fast; call a solemn assem­bly; gath­er the peo­ple. Con­se­crate the congregation.  This was done when the lead­ers sensed they were in trou­ble and might be under the discipline/judgement of God. In our life time we have nev­er seen a time like this in Amer­i­ca. Now is a time for lead­ers to call the peo­ple togeth­er in humil­i­ty and cry­ing out to God for mer­cy. Sep­tem­ber 11 gives us an occa­sion to do that.  For the last 2 years we have done this at the South­ern Bap­tist Con­ven­tion. For more infor­ma­tion and guide­lines for a Solemn Assem­bly you can go to Claude King has info on this as well as Fresh Encounter by Hen­ry Black­a­by. What would it be like if all of Geor­gia cried out to God together?


1st –Print Web Ban­ners (posters) and put up to pro­mote Cry Out AMERICA SUNDAY.

2nd – Show this short video about Cry Out Amer­i­ca- Call to Prayer  on Sun­day 4th.

3rd – Insert Sep­tem­ber Prayer Gath­er­ing Pro­gram into your Bul­letin for 9/11 service.

4th – Set aside at least 11 min­utes of your Sun­day Ser­vice using the Pro­gram to guide prayer points.

What a priv­i­lege to know the Body of Christ in church­es across out COUNTY, state and nation are simul­ta­ne­ous­ly CRYING OUT FOR OUR LAND ON 9/11.


greekOur DBA Bible Insti­tute is pleased to announce the fol­low­ing Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Min­istry course: 

An Ele­men­tary Intro­duc­tion to Bib­li­cal Greek

 Taught by Pas­tor Allen Rea of Hig­gston Bap­tist Church

  • Every Tues­day evening from 6:00 p.m. ‑8:30 p.m. for 10 Week­s Begin­ning Sep­tem­ber 13th
  • At the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion Office
  • Cost $45.00 + Text­book (Greek for the Rest of Us: The Essen­tial­s of Bib­li­cal Greek, 2nd Edi­tion, approx. $24.28)

The Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion Board will issue 2 cred­it units upon com­ple­tion of this course and allow it to go toward a 30 cred­it unit (15 course) require­ment for a diplo­ma in Chris­t­ian Ministry. 

 This course is offered to every­one (cler­gy, non-cler­gy, men and women)

Please con­tact the DBA office to pre-reg­is­ter or come ear­ly the first evening of class to register.

For More Infor­ma­tion Con­tact: Rob­by Smith at 912–583-2713 or or David Bar­rett (Bible Insti­tute Dean) at 912–537-7343 or


Week_of_Prayer_Web_copyPlease be in prayer for this week’s Church­es of the Week:

  • Taber­na­cle (pas­tor Bob­by Thompson)
  • Stuck­ey (pas­tor Glenn Waters)
  • Spring Hill (pas­tor Niles Dixon)
  • South Thomp­son (pas­tor BL Horne)


Faith is the real­iza­tion that God’s plea­sure in you will nev­er be based upon your per­for­mance for him.
‑David Platt

Blessed to serve,









DBA Update Sep­tem­ber 12, 2016