BucketI know you have heard of the dev­as­tat­ing floods in Louisiana and want to help. We are part­ner­ing with the Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion Board and will be col­lect­ing Buck­ets of Care for Louisiana. I do not have all the infor­ma­tion as things are hap­pen­ing so quick­ly but want you the have an idea of the things we are col­lect­ing. In addi­tion to the items below please feel free to include a bible and/or gospel tract. The state drop off loca­tion will be in Warn­er Robins but if you would like to drop them off in Ailey at our DBA office we will be hap­py to deliv­er the buck­ets for you. If you bring them to DBA we MUST have them by Mon­day, August 29th. That being said, if you have a strong back and are will­ing to help us deliv­er them please let me know. All items MUST be put in 5 gal­lon buck­ets which are avail­able at Lowes, Handy Andy, Home Depot, and maybe Wal­mart. Remem­ber, all buck­ets must have a lid.

Buck­ets of Care for Louisiana

Safe­ty Equipment

6 pair – latex gloves

2 pair – leather gloves

2 pair – safe­ty goggles

4 – dust masks


1 – util­i­ty knife with extra blades

1 – chalk line with chalk

½ — gal­lon bleach

6 – Teri cloth rags

1 – flash­light and 6 batteries

1 – 6′ or 12’ mea­sur­ing tape

1 – twist noz­zle for a gar­den hose

First Aid

1 – bot­tle Anti-Bac­te­r­i­al hand wash

1 – bot­tle Hydro­gen peroxide

1 – bot­tle Alcohol

1 – antibi­ot­ic cream

1 – box Band aides

Place all of the above into a 5‑gallon buck­et and close with lid.

Buck­ets of Care For Louisiana