Right StartMis­sion Right Start is a mis­sion oppor­tu­ni­ty offered from our DBA Mis­sions Team designed for our com­mu­ni­ty to show chil­dren and their fam­i­lies the LOVE of JESUS! We will give away back­packs and school sup­plies to chil­dren who are in need. Our goal is to help kids get this school year start­ed in the “RIGHT” direc­tion. We will also have den­tal hygiene infor­ma­tion and sup­plies, pro­vide free hair-cuts for chil­dren, games, face paint­ing, sto­ry-time, gospel tracts and much more.

Join us Sat­ur­day, August 13 

 11:00 am until 2:00 pm

 Lyons First Bap­tist Church Park­ing Lot

For more infor­ma­tion or to be involved con­tact Mitch Bell­flower at 912–245-1396 or Rob­by Smith at 912–583-2913.

Mis­sion: “Right Start” Items Need­ed

Paper (Wide and Col­lege Ruled)#2 Wood Pen­cils–Erasers–Com­po­si­tion Note­books (spi­ral and sewn)1 inch 3 ring binders–2 inch 3 ring binders–High­lighters–Glue sticks–Crayons–Sub­ject dividers–Prong and Pock­et Fold­ers–Scis­sors–Index cards–Blue, Black, Red Ink Pens–Pen­cil pouch

We will need 600 of each of the above items to fill 600 back­packs. Please bring all dona­tions to our DBA office or FBC Lyons.


Pastors roundtableOur quar­ter­ly Pastors/Ministers Round Table dis­cus­sion will take place on Thurs­day, August 11th, at 10:00 a.m. at the DBA office. Dis­cus­sion with Randy Mul­li­nax and Mike Ever­son will be on Reach­ing Peo­ple in the Bible Belt. All pas­tors are invit­ed to attend. Please put this date on your cal­en­dar, make plans to join us, and feel free to bring guests.


Cry out AmericaSep­tem­ber 11 is des­ig­nat­ed Cry Out Amer­i­ca and this year it falls on a Sun­day. Across Amer­i­ca church­es are encour­aged to use this day to tru­ly cry out to God in Solemn Assem­bly, a day of hum­bling our­selves, repent­ing and cry­ing out to God for mer­cy.  Solemn Assem­blies were called in bib­li­cal times when things were not going well in the nation.  Joel 2 verse 15 blows the trum­pet in Zion; con­se­crate a fast; call a solemn assem­bly; gath­er the peo­ple. Con­se­crate the con­gre­ga­tion.  This was done when the lead­ers sensed they were in trou­ble and might be under the discipline/judgement of God. In our life time we have nev­er seen a time like this in America. Now is a time for lead­ers to call the peo­ple togeth­er in humil­i­ty and cry­ing out to God for mer­cy. Sep­tem­ber 11 gives us an occa­sion to do that.  For the last 2 years we have done this at the South­ern Bap­tist Convention. For more infor­ma­tion and guide­lines for a Solemn Assem­bly you can go to awakeningamerica.us. Claude King has info on this as well as Fresh Encounter by Hen­ry Black­a­by. What would it be like if all of Geor­gia cried out to God together?

What we are see­ing in Amer­i­ca today is unprece­dent­ed. Peo­ple are ask­ing ‘what is going on and what do we do’. Now is a time to lead in a God­ly, bib­li­cal way. This gives lead­ers an oppor­tu­ni­ty to give spir­i­tu­al lead­er­ship in a des­per­ate time.


Boot printPlease be in prayer for our Get­ting Men Engaged in Dis­ci­ple­ship Con­fer­ence with Kei­th Bog­gs on August 20th, at Cedar Cross­ing Bap­tist Church. Cost is $10. Break­fast will be served at 7:30, and the ses­sion will begin at 8:00 a.m. RSVP must be received by August 15th, (912) 583‑2713 or dbassoc@windstream.net.


Get to Packing!

BackpackNow is the per­fect time to orga­nize your church to pack Back­packs for Appalachia! School sup­plies will be in the stores. August is a per­fect month to pack back­packs for the chil­dren of Appalachia who depend on our help.

An online resource for back­packs is www.bagsinbulk.com. You can get great 17” back­packs for $3.40 each when you order a case of 24.

Uti­lize the online reg­is­tra­tion por­tal (http://missiongeorgia.org/backpacks-for-appalachia-registration) so you can reg­is­ter your church’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in this excit­ing project. The statewide goal is 50,000 back­packs! Can’t wait to see what the church­es in our asso­ci­a­tion do this year! Plan big!

You may take back­packs Novem­ber 7–8, from 8 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 5 PM to: First Bap­tist Church of Lyon­s 144 South Wash­ing­ton Street Lyons, Geor­gia 30436 912–526-8136


Week_of_Prayer_Web_copyPlease be in prayer for this week’s Church­es of the Week:

Hig­gston Bap­tist Church (pas­tor Allen Rea)
Sardis Bap­tist (pas­tor Wayne Bennett)
FBC Vidalia (cur­rent­ly with­out a pastor)
Taber­na­cle Bap­tist (pas­tor Bob­by Thompson)
A church with­out the bro­ken is a bro­ken church. –Ed Stetzer

Blessed to serve,


DBA Update 8/4/16