Our DBA Dis­ci­ple Mak­ing through Sun­day School con­fer­ence will be Thurs­day, April 30th begin­ning at 6:30 at Stuck­ey Bap­tist in Wheel­er Coun­ty. This con­fer­ence is designed to help Bible Study/Sunday School lead­ers and work­ers learn cre­ative ways to lead classes


Our Annu­al DBA Mobile Den­tal Min­istry will take place March 10–14, 2015 at Cedar Cross­ing Bap­tist Church. If you or some­one you know has a need and can­not afford den­tal care (and does not have den­tal insur­ance) we can help.


Our 2nd Annu­al Lead­er­ship Insti­tute Grad­u­a­tion Cel­e­bra­tion at the Wheel­er prison in Alamo this year was a great bless­ing. We not only had our Prison Min­istry Team present but Dr. Robert White (Exec­u­tive Direc­tor), Dr. Frank Nuck­olls, and Bryan Nowak


I am very excit­ed about this year’s Night of Dis­ci­ple­ship (for­mer­ly “M” Night) to be held at Taber­na­cle Bap­tist Sep­tem­ber 15th at 6:30 p.m. This will be a great night of fel­low­ship, encour­age­ment and train­ing and I hope each of