- Our annual DBA Worship Celebration and Business Session were both wonderful events again this year. Our hearts were blessed as we heard both the Wheeler Prison and DBA Choirs and an inspiring testimony from former inmate Hasan Falero. We then heard a heart stirring message from missionary Greg Riner which was a true blessing. We had over 630 people in attendance at the Celebration Service with almost 90 attending the business session at Boiling Springs. Thank you Choir and Orchestra, Boiling Springs Baptist and FBC Vidalia for your wonderful work and hospitality. You are true servants of the Lord and, our Association is blessed to have you as ministry partners.
- Please be in prayer as we seek a church parsonage for our new church planter who will be coming to our area to start a church January of 2014. If your church has a parsonage not being used that may be available to be used by a church planter and his family please let me know.
- The Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer is fast approaching and I invite you to be with us at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Monday, November 4th at 6 p.m. This will be a great time of prayer, fellowship, and instruction with special guest Bonnie Simoneaux who has served as IMB Missionary to Japan.
Also, we will be collecting the following for the Dream Center (ministry for women overcoming hurtful addictions) so bring as much as you are able: Paper products: toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, tissue, paper plates, paper cups, etc.
Personal care items such as toothpaste, soap, deodorant, lotion, etc. Other items include laundry detergent, dryer sheets, kitchen and bathroom cleaning supplies, sos pads, Clorox cleanup, hardwood and tile floor cleaners. We will be enjoying a meal together that evening so please bring a salad and we’ll all share. For more information please call Betty Fountain at 478–463-5230.
- Our updated DBA calendar is now available online by going to: http://bit.ly/17MpBhp Please look it over and place these important dates and opportunities on your personal calendar.
Blessed to Serve,
DBA Update