• Our annu­al DBA Wor­ship Cel­e­bra­tion and Busi­ness Ses­sion were both won­der­ful events again this year. Our hearts were blessed as we heard both the Wheel­er Prison and DBA Choirs and an inspir­ing tes­ti­mo­ny from for­mer inmate Hasan Falero. We then heard a heart stir­ring mes­sage from mis­sion­ary Greg Riner which was a true bless­ing. We had over 630 peo­ple in atten­dance at the Cel­e­bra­tion Ser­vice with almost 90 attend­ing the busi­ness ses­sion at Boil­ing Springs. Thank you Choir and Orches­tra, Boil­ing Springs Bap­tist and FBC Vidalia for your won­der­ful work and hos­pi­tal­i­ty. You are true ser­vants of the Lord and, our Asso­ci­a­tion is blessed to have you as min­istry partners.


  • Please be in prayer as we seek a church par­son­age for our new church planter who will be com­ing to our area to start a church Jan­u­ary of 2014. If your church has a par­son­age not being used that may be avail­able to be used by a church planter and his fam­i­ly please let me know.


  • The Bap­tist Women’s World Day of Prayer is fast approach­ing and I invite you to be with us at Taber­na­cle Bap­tist Church on Mon­day, Novem­ber 4th at 6 p.m. This will be a great time of prayer, fel­low­ship, and instruc­tion with spe­cial guest Bon­nie Simoneaux who has served as IMB Mis­sion­ary to Japan.
    Also, we will be col­lect­ing the fol­low­ing for the Dream Cen­ter (min­istry for women over­com­ing hurt­ful addic­tions) so bring as much as you are able: Paper prod­ucts: toi­let paper, paper tow­els, nap­kins, tis­sue, paper plates, paper cups, etc.
    Per­son­al care items such as tooth­paste, soap, deodor­ant, lotion, etc. Oth­er items include laun­dry deter­gent, dry­er sheets, kitchen and bath­room clean­ing sup­plies, sos pads, Clorox cleanup, hard­wood and tile floor clean­ers. We will be enjoy­ing a meal togeth­er that evening so please bring a sal­ad and we’ll all share. For more infor­ma­tion please call Bet­ty Foun­tain at 478–463-5230.


  • Our updat­ed DBA cal­en­dar is now avail­able online by going to: http://bit.ly/17MpBhp Please look it over and place these impor­tant dates and oppor­tu­ni­ties on your per­son­al calendar.

Blessed to Serve,


DBA Update