There is a strong sense of evan­ge­lis­tic urgency in our denom­i­na­tion. Our lead­ers are call­ing us to evan­ge­lism. John­ny Hunt, with NAMB, and our SBC pres­i­dent, J.D. Greer, are  encour­ag­ing our church­es to par­tic­i­pate in the Who’s Your One ini­tia­tive as well as Bap­tism Sun­day on Sep­tem­ber 8.

May I add to these calls, anoth­er chal­lenge and encour­age­ment. Let’s lead God’s peo­ple to increase our prayers for those who are lost and sep­a­rat­ed from a rela­tion­ship with God.

Our prayer lists are filled with spe­cif­ic names of those who have spe­cif­ic phys­i­cal needs, which is excel­lent. Can we be inten­tion­al about fill­ing our prayer lists with spe­cif­ic names of those who have a des­per­ate spir­i­tu­al need?

The lead­ers with­in our church­es will have to show the way. When it’s time to pray and we ask if any­thing needs to be added to the prayer list, make sure you add some­one with a spir­i­tu­al need to the list and encour­age oth­ers to do the same. “I’d like to pray for one of my fam­i­ly mem­bers who does not know the Lord.” “I’d like to add one of my cowork­ers to the list please. I want her to come to know Jesus.” When we ask for an update on how some­one with a phys­i­cal need is fair­ing, let’s also be ask­ing for any reports on how those spir­i­tu­al needs are pro­gress­ing. Our lead­ers must mod­el it, teach it and stay at it if we are going to devel­op a cul­ture of prayer for lost­ness. And don’t give up. Don’t become weary, it may take time. Don’t be con­formed to a cul­ture devoid of prayer for the lost, but trans­form the cul­ture in your church to an envi­ron­ment that is bur­dened about lostness.

We have friends, rel­a­tives, cowork­ers and neigh­bors who are with­out the hope of Christ and they will one day meet their holy cre­ator with sin in hand. Prayer can change things. Prayer can change cir­cum­stances and change us. Jesus com­mand­ed us to pray that God would send out work­ers into the har­vest. If we obey and pray for the har­vest, we may soon come to real­ize that we are those workers.
Bro. Billy

Evan­ge­lis­tic Prayers