Pray GA 3

PRAY GEORGIA with spe­cial guest Dr. Robert White of our Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion Board will take place April 26th at 12 noon at Hig­gston Bap­tist in Higgston.
This we be a time seek­ing God on behalf of our state and com­mu­ni­ty in order to reduce spir­i­tu­al darkness.
Please join us as Dr. White leads us in this impor­tant time of prayer for our com­mu­ni­ties, state, coun­try, and world


VBS2Our annu­al VBS Com­mis­sion­ing Ser­vice will be held next Tues­day, April 26th at 6:00 p.m. at Vidalia Bap­tist Tem­ple. Our guest speak­er from Taber­na­cle Bap­tist Church will be Madi­son Her­rin who will encour­age each par­tic­i­pat­ing church to reach our com­mu­ni­ty through Vaca­tion Bible School. This impor­tant com­mis­sion­ing ser­vice is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­cen­trate thoughts and prayers on our VBS mis­sion as well as pro­vide train­ing and cre­ative ideas.. Every­one that is involved with VBS is invit­ed to attend; teach­ers, direc­tors, pas­tors, helpers, etc. This event in not “theme” cen­tered and is ben­e­fi­cial for any VBS vol­un­teer regard­less of the lit­er­a­ture you will be using. The evening will begin with a won­der­ful sup­per so please RSVP no lat­er than today, April 21st to the DBA office at 583‑2713. Child care will only be pro­vid­ed upon request.


I’m excit­ed about the upcom­ing men’s con­fer­ence we are plan­ning with pas­tor Ken­ny Grant of Cal­vary Bap­tist is Savanah. The event will take place May 12th at 6 p.m. at Taber­na­cle Bap­tist in Vidalia and is free of charge but reser­va­tions must be made in advance. For more infor­ma­tion please place the fol­low­ing in your web brows­er: http://bit.ly/1U7lVCH


Church SecurityOn Thurs­day, May 19th at FBC Mt. Ver­non at 6:30 p.m. we will be host­ing a spe­cial Church Security/Safety sem­i­nar for our church­es and com­mu­ni­ty. This spe­cial con­fer­ence led by Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion­ary Ricky Thrash­er cov­er the fol­low­ing topics:

  • Church Safe­ty Teams
  • Hand­guns at Church
  • What to do in case of intruders
  • Ways to bet­ter pro­tect your congregation

Please join us for this very infor­ma­tive con­fer­ence and please feel free to bring guests with you.


Week_of_Prayer_Web_copyPlease be in prayer for this week’s Church­es of the Week:

  • FBC Vidalia (pas­tor Bucky Kennedy)
  • Friend­ship Bap­tist (pas­tor Paul Thompson)
  • Grace Truth (pas­tor James Tippins)
  • Ham­mond Bap­tist (pas­tor Daniel Caraway)
  • Har­mo­ny Bap­tist (cur­rent­ly with­out a pastor)
  • Please keep our Tran­si­tion­al Cen­ter Min­istry Team in prayer as we begin to search for rental prop­er­ty to begin a Tran­si­tion­al Cen­ter for for­mer inmates. This cen­ter will help train them in the ways of Christ while help­ing them tran­si­tion back into soci­ety. In addi­tion, we are look­ing for­ward to begin­ning a new church to reach those who are lost and once in prison.


Dur­ing the month of April, we will con­tin­ue col­lect­ing loose-leaf note­book paper to be used by our prison min­istry. Please bring all dona­tions to our Ailey office. To dis­cov­er addi­tion­al ways you can part­ner with our Asso­ci­a­tion in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, and world for Jesus please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr by past­ing it in your web browser



Quote of the Week
It’s not the truth that you know, but the truth that you obey that mat­ters.  –Johnny Hunt


Blessed to Serve,


DBA Min­istry High­lights for 2016

April 2016

26        Pray Geor­gia with Dr. White, @ Hig­gston Bap­tist, 12:00 noon

26        VBS Com­mis­sion­ing Ser­vice @ 6 p.m. @ Vidalia Bap­tist Tem­ple in Vidalia

May 2016

02        DBA Prayer Ral­ly @ 6:30 @ South Thomp­son Bap­tist in Toombs County

12        Men’s Evan­ge­lism Ral­ly @ Taber­na­cle @ 6 p.m. in Vidalia

19        Church Security/Safety Con­fer­ence @ 6:30 p.m. @ FBC Mt. Vernon

June 2016

06        DBA Prayer Ral­ly @ 6:30 @ Cor­ner­stone Bap­tist in Kibbee

21–27   Mis­sion Trip to Kan­tu­nilkin, Mexico

July 2016

11–15   DBA Children’s Camp

18–22   DBA SURGE Camp (Stu­dents)


05–06  Small Group Train­ing @ Prince Ave. Bap­tist in Athens

20       Bring­ing It Home Men’s Con­fer­ence with Kei­th Bog­gs @ 7:30 a.m. to noon @ Cedar Cross­ing Bap­tist Church

 Sep­tem­ber 2016

12        Night of Dis­ci­ple­ship @ Smith Street Bap­tist  @ 6:30 p.m. with Mike Grif­fin, Pub­lic Affairs Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion Board

Octo­ber 2016

16        DBA Cel­e­bra­tion @ FBC Vidalia @ 6 p.m.

17        DBA Annu­al Meet­ing @ FBC Sop­er­ton @ 6 p.m.

Novem­ber 2016

10        DBA Minister’s Christ­mas Party

14–15  Geor­gia Bap­tist Convention

Decem­ber 2016

01        Cake Min­istry for Bax­ley Children’s Home

07        Grad­u­a­tion at Alamo Prison




Update April 21, 2016