Please remem­ber we are begin­ning a month­ly DBA Prayer Ral­ly which will take place the first Mon­day of each month to specif­i­cal­ly pray for our com­mu­ni­ty. Our first ral­ly will take place at FBC Mt. Ver­non on Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 4th at 6:30 p.m. Lead­ing our time in prayer each month will be Mark Mirza who is him­self a prayer war­rior. Please invite any­one  you know (no mat­ter the Chris­t­ian denom­i­na­tion they belong to) who has a heart for erad­i­cat­ing spir­i­tu­al dark­ness in our com­mu­ni­ties to join you and oth­ers as we seek God in prayer. Also, if your church would like to host the Feb­ru­ary Prayer Ral­ly please let me know.

God is doing a won­der­ful work through our DBA Prison Min­istry and we give Him all the Glo­ry! High­lights include the following:

  • Grad­u­a­tion from our Prison Bible Lead­er­ship Insti­tute occurred last Wednes­day and through the preach­ing of God’s Word we saw at least 12 inmates give their hearts and lives to Christ.
  • We are cur­rent­ly offer­ing 7 Bible Stud­ies in the prison where dozens have received Christ.
  • We have now equipped 7 inmates to teach in the prison.

I am hap­py to announce we will be host­ing the Great Com­mis­sion Resource Cen­ters Con­fer­ence on Thurs­day, Jan­u­ary 14th at 6:30 p.m. at Smith Street Bap­tist. The point of the con­fer­ence is to encour­age church mem­bers to use exist­ing rela­tion­ships and inter­est groups to share their faith with oth­ers.  Whether its rid­ing motor­cy­cles, hunt­ing, read­ing a book-of-the-month or scrap­book­ing, Chris­tians can use nat­ur­al con­nec­tions as con­duits for the Great Com­mis­sion.  I encour­age each of our pas­tors to invite (and encour­age) their con­gre­ga­tions to join them at this won­der­ful con­fer­ence. Also, the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Geor­gia Bap­tist Con­ven­tion (Dr. Robert White) will be there to share in the dis­cus­sion. Hope to see you there!

Our Spir­i­tu­al Lead­er­ship Team has invit­ed nation­al­ly known speak­er Josh Hunt to lead a spe­cial con­fer­ence for us Feb­ru­ary 11th at 6:30 p.m. at FBC Lyons. Change Your Church or Die is a great con­fer­ence that every pas­tor, staff mem­ber, and church vol­un­teer will ben­e­fit from attend­ing. This con­fer­ence will address real prob­lems many small­er and larg­er church­es are fac­ing and will give each par­tic­i­pant some very prac­ti­cal and use­ful ideas on how to take a church from where it is today to where God would have it be.

Please be in prayer for this week’s Church­es of the Week:

  • Fairview Bap­tist (pas­tor Glenn Russell)
  • East Gor­don Street Bap­tist (cur­rent­ly with­out a pastor)
  • Cedar Cross­ing Bap­tist (pas­tor Reece Mincey)
  • Bethel Bap­tist (cur­rent­ly with­out a pastor)
  • Cross Tim­bers Bap­tist (pas­tor Clarence Best)

The staff at the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion wish each of your and our 50 church­es a mer­ry Christ­mas. As we approach the end of the year let me ask you a cou­ple of questions:
1. Are you mak­ing con­tri­bu­tions for the future?
2. Have you con­sid­ered mak­ing a year-end gift to the DBA Acts 1:8 Mis­sions Fund? Gifts to this fund can help us reach our com­mu­ni­ty and world for Christ. Please remem­ber gift­s must be made by Decem­ber 31 and you can make a gift online at or via mail with a check payable to the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion Acts 1:8 fund and mailed to PO Box 388, Ailey, GA. 30410.  Mailed checks must be post­marked by Decem­ber 31st. For oth­er tan­gi­ble ways you or your church can help please see our Needs List on our home page.


Update Decem­ber 23