Our DBA Evan­ge­lism Team would like to part­ner with you in 2012 to help you reach your com­mu­ni­ty for Christ and we are ask­ing each of our 50 DBA church­es to pray about being a DBA HARVEST 2012 Church.

HARVEST 2012 church­es will part­ner togeth­er in com­mit­ting to the following:

  • Set aside the first Thurs­day of every month in 2012 to fast and pray for the lost in our community.
  • Host an outreach/harvest event (Revival or some oth­er evan­ge­lis­tic event) in March or April of 2012.
  • Plan at least 3 oth­er outreach/evangelistic events in 2012 such as con­duct­ing Block Par­ties, Can­vass­ing, Com­mu­ni­ty Sur­veys, Har­vest Week­ends with an evan­ge­list, Evan­ge­lis­tic Com­mu­ni­ty Movie Night, Fall Fes­ti­vals, etc.

Every church who agrees to be a HARVEST 2012 church will be offered assis­tance in the fol­low­ing ways:

  • Evan­ge­lism Coach­ing free of charge on the 2nd and 4th Thurs­days of each month (Jan­u­ary-April) at noon and/or 6:30 p.m. with Mar­cus Mer­ritt from our Geor­gia Bap­tist Con­ven­tion and Rob­by Smith.
  • Week­ly “Out of the Box” Evan­ge­lism Ideas deliv­ered by email.
  • List of Har­vest Evan­ge­lists to help you choose the right Evan­ge­list for your situation.
  • Spe­cial­ized train­ing to help you reach your goals.
  • Per­son­al Evan­ge­lism Train­ing for your con­gre­ga­tion. (Upon Request)

We have over 41,000 peo­ple in our four coun­ties (Mont­gomery, Toombs, Treutlen, and Wheel­er) who do not attend church any­where and God wants us to reach them. Please pray about being a HARVEST 2012 church and part­ner with us in reach­ing 41,000 peo­ple for Jesus.

To date, the fol­low­ing church­es have made the com­mit­ment to be HARVEST Churches:

First Uval­da, First Mt. Ver­non, First Sop­er­ton, First Vidalia, First Alamo, Boil­ing Springs, Cedar Cross­ing, South Thomp­son, Fairview, First Lyons, Vidalia Bap­tist Tem­ple, Cor­ner­stone, First Mt. Ver­non, Taber­na­cle, New Corinth, Ohoopee, Trinity, Beu­lah, and Rocky Creek.

Pas­tors, if your church is will­ing to take this chal­lenge (and make the com­mit­ment as stat­ed above) please call our DBA office to let us know of your commitment.