This spon­sored event by the Geor­gia Bap­tist Con­ven­tion and Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion will be at First Bap­tist Lyons on Sat­ur­day, August 20 begin­ning at 8:30 a.m. and end­ing at noon. Reg­is­tra­tion will begin at 8 a.m. Class­es will include:

Adults Teach­ers & Lead­ers
–George Yates of Son Care
EXCEL­er­at­ing Your Teachers
Bring­ing Life Back to My Class

Youth/Student Teach­ers and Lead­ers –Patrick Thomp­son of GBC/Youth Min­istries in Duluth, GA.
Get­ting Youth Excit­ed about Sun­day School

EXCEL­er­at­ing Youth Out­reach and Baptisms

Children’s Teach­ers & Lead­ers –David Join­er of Sher­wood Bap­tist Church in 

Albany, GA.
Mak­ing Children’s Sun­day School Fun for All
EXCEL­er­at­ing Spir­i­tu­al Growth in Children

Preschool Teach­ers & Lead­ers –Donna Har­ris of Emmanuel Bap­tist Church in Black­s­hear, GA.
Plan­ning for a Sun­day in a Preschool Sun­day School Class
EXCEL­er­at­ing Preschool Fam­i­ly Outreach

Pas­tors & Sun­day School Direc­tors –Kevin Kil­go­re of North­side Bap­tist Church in Tifton, GA.
Lessons from Effec­tive Sun­day School Direc­tors and Pastors
EXCEL­er­at­ing Your Sun­day School –New Lead­ers and New Classes

Gen­er­al –Robby Smith of the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion in Ailey, GA.
Assim­i­la­tion through the Sun­day School (Repeat Ses­sions)

The train­ing is $5 per per­son and you can reg­is­ter at the door.


 *Nursery provided for children 4 and under. Please call 912-583-2713 to reserve childcare
Sun­day School Seminar