Dear Friends of DBA,

  1. Thank you DBA for lov­ing the Lord and His chil­dren. On Decem­ber 3rd we col­lect­ed 280 cakes plus gift cards from 28 church­es for the Bax­ley Children’s Home. Thank you again for min­is­ter­ing to the children.
  2. Our Mer­cy Clin­ic has need for a can­is­ter vac­u­um clean­er to vac­u­um vinyl floors. If you can help with this need please give me a call.
  3. Our DBA Super Evan­ge­lism Sem­i­nar this year will be held at First Bap­tist Vidalia on Jan­u­ary 21st at 7 p.m. Top­ics include the following:

Evan­ge­lism through Sun­day School equips Sun­day School lead­ers and mem­bers to reach peo­ple through their Sun­day School min­istry. We will also dis­cuss Hot Top­ic Points like being guest friend­ly, enroll­ment process, etc.

The WANT TO Behind the HOW TO is per­son­al evan­ge­lism train­ing that explains why most church mem­bers don’t share their faith. It will pro­vide a sim­ple evan­ge­lism tool using one verse of scrip­ture which encour­ages and removes fear by build­ing the moti­va­tion to share based on spir­i­tu­al foundations.

Stand­ing In the Gap will give scrip­tur­al prin­ci­ples as well as a step by step guide for pray­ing for indi­vid­u­als by name. A brief prayer­walk­ing train­ing will also be imple­ment­ed into this study.

Child Evangelism……More than the ABC’s will equip Sun­day School lead­ers, VBS lead­ers, and all oth­er children’s leaders/workers in the how to’s relat­ing to lead­ing chil­dren to a rela­tion­ship with Jesus.

Pastors/Ministers Track:
Revival/Revival Prep
offers help to pas­tors in plan­ning for a revival in order to make it a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for peo­ple to come to Christ and join the church.

Top Ten Hits and the Church­es That Sing Them will inform pastors/ministers of ten things that every church can do to make their church focus (strate­gies and min­istries) more inten­tion­al­ly evangelistic.

This is going to be an awe­some time of train­ing and fel­low­ship and I hope each of you will make plans to par­tic­i­pate and as we part­ner togeth­er to reach our com­mu­ni­ties for Christ.

Quote of the Month:

The mark of a great church is not its seat­ing capac­i­ty, but its send­ing capac­i­ty. –
Mike Stachu­ra

Bless­ings and Hap­py New Year upon each of you as you reach your com­mu­ni­ty for Christ.

Excit­ed in Jesus,

Hap­py New Year