Dear Pastors/Church Leaders,

  1. Please be in prayer for Pas­tor Chester Proc­tor (Alston Bap­tist) who is hav­ing severe back issues.
  2. Con­tin­ue to pray for Pas­tor Lar­ry High­tow­er as he recov­ers from a motor­cy­cle acci­dent and surgery. He will be preach­ing this Sun­day and appre­ci­ates your prayers for strength.
  3. Please pray for our Annu­al wor­ship cel­e­bra­tion (this Sun­day, Octo­ber 18 at First Vidalia) and our Annu­al Meet­ing (Mon­day at Rocky Creek Bap­tist). We plan to have a great time brag­ging on Jesus.
  4. If you have not signed up to par­tic­i­pate in Oper­a­tion Balm (Hos­pi­tal Chap­lain­cy train­ing for cler­gy and non-cler­gy) Octo­ber 27, please con­sid­er doing so today. Please call us at 912–583-2713 for more information.
  5. Our DBA Church Lead­er­ship Insti­tute is awe­some and we would love for you to take part. The next course being offered will be on Octo­ber 20 and 27 from 6–9 p.m. and is called Wor­ship: The­ol­o­gy and Prac­tice. It is designed to help us under­stand the the­ol­o­gy (and prac­tice) of wor­ship. Top­ics of dis­cus­sion will include: Per­son­al Def­i­n­i­tion of Wor­ship, Under­stand­ing Trends and Deal­ing with Change, Prac­ti­cal ideas in Imple­ment­ing Wor­ship, Bib­li­cal Val­ues in Wor­ship, Bar­ri­ers in Wor­ship, Cre­ative Ideas for Wor­ship-Involv­ing Peo­ple, and Steps in Build­ing an Effec­tive Wor­ship Ser­vice. Our instruc­tor will be Dr. Jon Dun­can with the Geor­gia Bap­tist Convention.

Quote of the Day:

 The wrong ques­tion is whether your church is “traditional” or “contemporary” and which is bet­ter. The real issue is whether your church is bib­li­cal­ly faith­ful, act­ing as the pres­ence of Christ in the com­mu­ni­ty at large, able to relate Christ to peo­ple in cul­ture, and is on mis­sion. In short, is your church “missional”?

Have an awe­some week­end and I hope to see you Sun­day evening (at 6 p.m.) for our DBA Wor­ship Cel­e­bra­tion. Remem­ber, we will also have some­thing spe­cial for chil­dren (in Kids Bay) and an awe­some expe­ri­ence for youth in the His­toric Sanc­tu­ary. The rest of us will be meet­ing in the Wor­ship Cen­ter with our DBA Choir and spe­cial guest speak­er Dr. Lar­ry Wynn.

