DBA Needs

DBA Min­istry Needs Please join us in prayer as we ask God to meet the fol­low­ing needs of our Asso­ci­a­tion: Church Plant­i­ng Needs Span­ish Bibles Indi­vid­u­al­ly wrapped snacks for chil­dren like Lit­tle Deb­bie Cakes, Twinkies, etc. Elec­tri­cian Ser­vices Block Par­ties Prayer Walking

DBA Update

Our annu­al DBA Wor­ship Cel­e­bra­tion and Busi­ness Ses­sion were both won­der­ful events again this year. Our hearts were blessed as we heard both the Wheel­er Prison and DBA Choirs and an inspir­ing tes­ti­mo­ny from for­mer inmate Hasan Falero. We then