• Our DBA Vaca­tion Bible School Clin­ic will be Mon­day, April 14th at 9 p.m. at FBC Mt. Ver­non. Please put this impor­tant train­ing date on your cal­en­dar. Din­ner will be served free of charge but you must reg­is­ter by April 10th.
  • Our Youth Min­istry Team is excit­ed to announce we will be hav­ing a Con­nect Con­fer­ence for stu­dents and par­ents May 9th and 10th. Our guest speak­er will be Clint Purvis who is the sports chap­lain for Flori­da State Uni­ver­si­ty. The par­ent con­fer­ence will be very prac­ti­cal designed to help them under­stand stu­dents and will pro­vide ways to lead them to a pro­duc­tive, God-hon­or­ing life.
  • Our mis­sion trip to Savan­nah was a great bless­ings as we dis­trib­uted food and cloth­ing to sev­er­al of the areas 20 home­less camps. Thank you to the 5 DBA church­es rep­re­sent­ed as well as to Kei­th Horne who was respon­si­ble for plan­ning. If you would like to take a group from your church to min­is­ter to the home­less for a day please give me a call I can help you make that hap­pen. For more infor­ma­tion on how you can help with this min­istry please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr
  • The date for our DBA Evan­ge­lism Trail­er Train­ing is April 12th from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. This will be a time where you will learn to us both our Evan­ge­lism and Adven­ture trail­ers. Please remem­ber, only church­es who have been to train­ing will be per­mit­ted to check out the trailers.
  • Con­grat­u­la­tions to Mal­lo­ry Edge on pro­gress­ing to finals in Bible Drill. Mal­lo­ry did a fan­tas­tic job at our Asso­ci­a­tion­al drill and I know she will do won­der­ful­ly at the state completion.

Blessed to Serve,


DBA Update