Ups and downs char­ac­ter­ize life and min­istry. There are too many highs and lows on this jour­ney to be tossed about by them. Our spir­i­tu­al barom­e­ter must not be attune to the pres­sure in the atmos­phere. The Great Com­mand­ment and the Great Com­mis­sion are our con­stant Polaris. Whether it’s day­light or a time of dark­ness, God’s eter­nal pur­pose is our North Star and the anchor for our soul. (Heb. 6:19)

And we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be in fel­low­ship with one anoth­er as we nav­i­gate the waters. Please don’t walk alone. I know we’re nev­er alone because Jesus is a friend who sticks clos­er than a broth­er and will nev­er leave us, but it is for good rea­son the scrip­tures teach us often of the val­ue of our rela­tion­ships. Fel­low­ship with our Lord is sweet, and Christ often comes to us through a broth­er or sister.

Seek fel­low­ship. Text or call a broth­er or sis­ter. Fel­low­ship at the table togeth­er. Go for a walk or exer­cise togeth­er. Reach out and part­ner in a min­istry ven­ture. We can be encour­aged and cel­e­brate with one anoth­er, and we can stand along­side each oth­er in sup­port. Life and min­istry has its ups and downs. I would dare to say that you need each other.

Acts 2:42–47
And they devot­ed them­selves to the apos­tles’ teach­ing and the fel­low­ship, to the break­ing of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many won­ders and signs were being done through the apos­tles. And all who believed were togeth­er and had all things in com­mon. And they were sell­ing their pos­ses­sions and belong­ings and dis­trib­ut­ing the pro­ceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attend­ing the tem­ple togeth­er and break­ing bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and gen­er­ous hearts



From the Desk of Bro. Billy