Part­ner­ships to accom­plish the Great Com­mand­ment and the Great Com­mis­sion, that’s who we are and that defines our win. As believ­ers from our church­es con­nect to love each oth­er and grow deep­er in Christ and when we join hands togeth­er to expand the king­dom of Christ, we cel­e­brate the win.

  • I was delight­ed in the month of Jan­u­ary to see the major­i­ty of you part­ner­ing togeth­er finan­cial­ly through giv­ing to your DBA.
  • I was delight­ed to see the youth from many church­es wor­ship­ping and serv­ing togeth­er at Win­ter Surge week­end in February.
  • More than 10 of your sis­ter church­es are either pro­vid­ing meals or evan­ge­lists for the Mobile Den­tal Med­ical Mis­sion work tak­ing place this month.
  • DBA church­es have come togeth­er and planned three mis­sion trips to Kan­tu­nilkin, Mex­i­co for this year. Praise God!
  • We will for­ev­er sing the praise of our God on account of the oppor­tu­ni­ty he has opened for you to ful­fill the Great Com­mis­sion in India. Togeth­er we are still in deep prayer for Pan­du and our broth­ers and sis­ters in India as the gov­ern­ment in India is per­se­cut­ing the church and wants to stop the advance of the gospel.

The tes­ti­mo­ny of your coop­er­a­tion can go on and on (see the remain­der of this newslet­ter). It makes the heart glad. I cel­e­brate your fel­low­ship togeth­er and I encour­age any of you who have not con­nect­ed with your fel­low church­es in going, pray­ing and giv­ing; this adven­ture is a whole lot more joy­ous and enrich­ing for you and your con­gre­ga­tion when you become an active mem­ber of the team. This year is going to be anoth­er spec­tac­u­lar year of obe­di­ence and ful­fill­ment of the Great Com­mand­ment and Great Com­mis­sion among us because of the faith­ful and strong lead­er­ship of the Spir­it of Christ in us. I’m ready.


From the Desk of Bro. Billy