DBA UPDATE                                                      Octo­ber 27, 2016

please-prayPlease com­mit to pray for our search com­mit­tee and our inter­im committee.

Search Com­mit­tee: Dan­nie Williams (Team Leader. Con­tact: (912) 526‑8136, dwfbclyons@bellsouth.net ), Natal­ie Beall, Tere­sa Mead­ows, Chris Vin­son, Kyle Woodfin.

Inter­im Com­mit­tee: Karl Hay (Team Leader. Con­tact: (912) 583‑2472, karlhay59@gmail.com), Bill Black, and Kel­lie Bellflower.




Don’t be the last to know! Stay up-to-date on events, meet­ings, and hap­pen­ings host­ed by the Daniell Bap­tist. For the lat­est news vis­it our Face­book page at https://www.facebook.com/DaniellBaptistAssociation/. You may receive a friend request from Daniell Bap­tist Assoc. this is a legit­i­mate request from us. If you have not received one, feel free to ‘friend’ us!



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FBC Lyons-Col­li­sion: A Live Judge­ment House Per­for­mance Octo­ber 22–23 & Octo­ber 29–30. 4 p.m. — 8p.m. each day. Walk-in’s Wel­come, but reser­va­tions are rec­om­mend­ed (912) 245‑6709 NOT FOR CHILDREN UNDER TEN.   www.afterjudgementhouse.org




For DBA Minister’s Wives Thurs­day, Novem­ber 3rd 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. Meet at FBC Lyons at 6:00 p.m. to trav­el on the bus to Dan­nie & Gwen Williams’ Barn House 339 Mill Creek Rd. Lyons




WMU Day of Prayer for Inter­na­tion­al Mis­sion­s Novem­ber 7th 6:00 p.m. First Bap­tist Church of Mount Ver­non Bring a sal­ad & a friend!



Vis­it http://missiongeorgia.org/backpacks-for-appalachia/Bul­letin inserts


  • Back­pack Tags
  • The Christ­mas Sto­ry Insert for Backpack
  • ARM Mail­box Club Postcard
  • Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions
  • How to Pack a Back­pack Instructions

You may deliv­er back­packs Novem­ber 7–8, from 8 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 5 PM to: First Bap­tist Church of Lyons 144 South Wash­ing­ton Street Lyons, Geor­gia 30436 912–526-8136

DBA Update 10/27/16