Please remember, if you plan to go with us on the West Virginia mission trip March 28 (the day after Easter) through April 2 the deposit of $100 and the registration are both due on February 22nd. This trip will be a construction trip which will take place in the New River area of the state. The cost is $200 per person which covers lodging, food, and transportation. Also, we will take and additional mission trip to West Virginia June 4–10. If you are interested in attending the June trip please attend the information meeting at our DBA office on Sunday, March 6th at 4 p.m.
Please be in prayer for our Transitional Center Planning Team as they are assembled and begin meeting. The team will consist of members from our DBA churches whom have a heart for sharing the Gospel with former inmates. Pray for this team as they investigate prices to acquire land/buildings, and then create the strategy we will use to launch this important ministry.
We are also excited about our upcoming mission trip to Kantunilkin, Mexico June 21–27 where we will be working in small villages sharing Christ through revivals, construction, prayer walking, testimonies, and vacation bible school. If you are planning on partnering with us for this mission trip please remember to turn in your registration form and the non-refundable deposit of $500 by March 24th.
Please be in prayer for this week’s Churches of the Week:
- Providence (pastor Robert Ferrell)
- Red Bluff (pastor Donny Crosby)
- Rocky Creek (pastor Bill Black)
- Sardis (pastor Wayne Bennett)
- Smith Street (pastor Chester Proctor)
During the month of February we will be collecting loose-leaf notebook paper to be used by our prison ministry which is growing to include another dorm of 84 men. Please bring all donations to our Ailey office. To discover additional ways you can partner with our Association in reaching our community, state, and world for Jesus please go to by pasting it in your web browser.