Please remem­ber, if you plan to go with us on the West Vir­ginia mis­sion trip March 28 (the day after East­er) through April 2 the deposit of $100 and the reg­is­tra­tion are both due on Feb­ru­ary 22nd. This trip will be a con­struc­tion trip which will take place in the New Riv­er area of the state. The cost is $200 per per­son which cov­ers lodg­ing, food, and trans­porta­tion. Also, we will take and addi­tion­al mis­sion trip to West Vir­ginia June 4–10. If you are inter­est­ed in attend­ing the June trip please attend the infor­ma­tion meet­ing at our DBA office on Sun­day, March 6th at 4 p.m.


Please be in prayer for our Tran­si­tion­al Cen­ter Plan­ning Team as they are assem­bled and begin meet­ing. The team will con­sist of mem­bers from our DBA church­es whom have a heart for shar­ing the Gospel with for­mer inmates. Pray for this team as they inves­ti­gate prices to acquire land/buildings, and then cre­ate the strat­e­gy we will use to launch this impor­tant ministry.


We are also excit­ed about our upcom­ing mis­sion trip to Kan­tu­nilkin, Mex­i­co June 21–27 where we will be work­ing in small vil­lages shar­ing Christ through revivals, con­struc­tion, prayer walk­ing, tes­ti­monies, and vaca­tion bible school. If you are plan­ning on part­ner­ing with us for this mis­sion trip please remem­ber to turn in your reg­is­tra­tion form and the non-refund­able deposit of $500 by March 24th.


Please be in prayer for this week’s Church­es of the Week:

  • Prov­i­dence (pas­tor Robert Ferrell)
  • Red Bluff (pas­tor Don­ny Crosby)
  • Rocky Creek (pas­tor Bill Black)
  • Sardis (pas­tor Wayne Bennett)
  • Smith Street (pas­tor Chester Proctor)


Dur­ing the month of Feb­ru­ary we will be col­lect­ing loose-leaf note­book paper to be used by our prison min­istry which is grow­ing to include anoth­er dorm of 84 men. Please bring all dona­tions to our Ailey office. To dis­cov­er addi­tion­al ways you can part­ner with our Asso­ci­a­tion in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, and world for Jesus please go to by past­ing it in your web browser.

Update for Feb­ru­ary 18, 2016