Our DBA Dis­ci­ple Mak­ing through Sun­day School con­fer­ence will be Thurs­day, April 30th begin­ning at 6:30 at Stuck­ey Bap­tist in Wheel­er Coun­ty. This con­fer­ence is designed to help Bible Study/Sunday School lead­ers and work­ers learn cre­ative ways to lead class­es to become true dis­ci­ple-mak­ing dis­ci­ples. The first hour will cov­er ways to be a dis­ci­ple mak­ing teacher/worker and the last hour will be a time of idea brain­storm­ing which will give each par­tic­i­pant new ideas in the areas of reach­ing peo­ple for Christ and then how to mature them in the faith. Also, there will be a draw­ing for a free (brand new) Kin­dle Fire HD6 tablet but you must be present to win and must be on time.

As a reminder, our DBA Acts 1:8/Calvin Dur­rence Mis­sions offer­ing is Sun­day, May 10th. All funds from this offer­ing will go to sup­port mis­sion work in our com­mu­ni­ty, state, nation and world. If you need envelopes for the spe­cial offer­ing please call our DBA office at 912–583-2713.

Our prison min­istry is doing a won­der­ful job and is expand­ing in min­istry. With that in mind we are ask­ing you/your church to con­sid­er col­lect­ing loose-leaf note­book paper to be used for this expand­ing min­istry. Please bring all dona­tions to our DBA office in Ailey.

To dis­cov­er addi­tion­al ways you can part­ner with our Asso­ci­a­tion in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, and world for Jesus please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr by past­ing it in your web browser.

Church News
Beu­lah Bap­tist requests your prayers as they begin revival ser­vices with evan­ge­list Dr. Bill Saye begin­ning Sun­day, April 19th at 6 p.m. and Mon­day through Wednes­day at 7 p.m.

FBC Lyons will be host­ing the REAL MOMENTUM men’s con­fer­ence this Sat­ur­day, April 18th begin­ning at 8:30 a.m. Reg­is­tra­tion clos­es tomor­row (Fri­day) at noon so please call FBC Lyons @ 912–526-8136 to reg­is­ter and for more information.

 Quote of the Day
Lead­ers are always teach­ers. To be an effec­tive long-range leader, you must teach with author­i­ty. You must be pre­pared. You must know what you are talk­ing about. Remem­ber, Jesus pre­pared for more than thir­ty years. —Kenneth Blanchard

Blessed to Serve,