Our Annu­al DBA Mobile Den­tal Min­istry will take place March 10–14, 2015 at Cedar Cross­ing Bap­tist Church. If you or some­one you know has a need and can­not afford den­tal care (and does not have den­tal insur­ance) we can help. In order to take advan­tage of this min­istry please call 912–326-0372 on Thurs­day, March 4th begin­ning at 9 a.m. in order to make an appoint­ment. Please under­stand this will be the only day you will be able to call for an appoint­ment so be sure to put it as a reminder on your cal­en­dar today.



Our Women’s Min­istry Team has planned a Mis­sions Inspi­ra­tional Ser­vice for Tues­day, March 17th @ 6 p.m. @ Smith Street Bap­tist in Vidalia and we hope you will make plans to be there. This will be a time of inspri­ra­tion, prayer, and com­mit­ment as we part­ner togeth­er to do mis­sions in our com­mu­ni­ties and world.  Speak­ers will include Rev. Clint Hutch­e­son, Lynn Skin­ner, and tes­ti­monies will be shared from church WMU’s in our Asso­ci­a­tion. Par­tic­i­pants are encour­aged to bring a sal­ad large enough to share with oth­ers. Also, we will be col­lect­ing loosleaf paper to be used in our DBA Prison Ministry.

Cur­rent­ly 4 of our church­es have gone through the DBA Church Strength­en­ing Process and we have seen some won­der­ful results. We are cur­rent­ly look­ing for 2 addi­tion­al church­es to begin this process and would love to talk with pas­tors about this oppor­tu­ni­ty. For more infor­ma­tion please give me a call.

Plans are well on their way for our mis­sion trip to Fayet­teville West Vir­ginia May 30-June 5 where we will be part­ner­ing with New Riv­er Bap­tist Church. Our min­istry will con­sist of light con­struc­tion for fam­i­lies in need as well as prayer walk­ing, block par­ties, and mis­sion bible clubs. If you would like to help us with this great min­istry please email Rob­by at rsmithdba@windstream.net for more infor­ma­tion and a reg­is­tra­tion form. The dead­line to reg­is­ter is March 18th with a deposit of $85.

Our newest church planter (Joey Davis) is busy at work in the area of Cedar Cross­ing and Glen­wood. Joey began his min­istry Jan­u­ary 19th and is doing a mar­velous job. Please con­tin­ue to pray for Joey and Gab­by as they reach His­pan­ic fam­i­lies for Jesus in the Cedar Cross­ing area. For more infor­ma­tion on how you can help please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr or con­tact Joey at 912–246-5657.

Our next deliv­ery for Duck­town, Ten­nessee will be Tues­day, March 17th. If you are col­lect­ing dia­pers and per­son­al hygiene prod­ucts for that min­istry please have them deliv­ered to our DBA office by Mon­day, March 16th.

It’s about to be spring and that brings us to the time of Children’s Bible Drills. Our Asso­ci­a­tion­al Bible Drill this year is Mon­day, March 9th at 6 p.m. at our DBA office in Ailey. If you or some­one from your church is plan­ning to par­tic­i­pate please call our DBA office (912–583-2713) to con­firm participation.

Taber­na­cle invites you to join them for a Sim­ple Steps to a Stronger Fam­i­ly con­fer­ence March 6–11. For more infor­ma­tion please see the attached or call Madi­son Her­rin at 912–537-4272.
Quote of the Day

“We should be more con­cerned with reach­ing the lost than pam­per­ing the saved.” ‑David McGee


Blessed in Jesus,

