SEPTEMBER 18, 2020
Host­ed by the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion & Brew­ton Park­er College

Do you want to see your church strong, advanc­ing the Great Commission?
One-Day Total Church Equip­ping Conference
That’s why there’s SPARK. Not just anoth­er con­fer­ence, SPARK is a gath­er­ing of local church lead­ers pas­sion­ate about mak­ing dis­ci­ples to reach the world for Christ. Last year we host­ed over 1200 local church lead­ers and this year we plan to dou­ble or triple that engage­ment through strate­gic partnerships.


Who is this Con­fer­ence for?
Lay Leaders
Dis­ci­ple­ship Leaders
Chil­dren’s’ Leaders
Stu­dent Pastors
Wor­ship Leaders
Sun­day School Directors
Mis­sions Coordinators
Any­one involved in min­istry and equipping!

What You’re Going To Learn…
Exact­ly what strate­gies move the ball for­ward as you min­is­ter in and through your local church.
How to reach and equip Gen Z
How to dis­ci­ple your family
Mak­ing evan­ge­lism nat­ur­al and easy
Mobi­liz­ing wom­en’s’ ministries
Dis­ci­pling 20- and 30-somethings
Ramp­ing up mis­sion­al impact
Going from local to inter­na­tion­al impact
Equip­ping par­ents for fam­i­ly ministry
Get­ting start­ed with stu­dent ministries
The basics of lead­ing a children’s choir
How to do online media effec­tive­ly post-COVID-19
Respond­ing to the grow­ing LGBTQ culture
Build­ing a mis­sions portfolio
Mobi­liz­ing Sun­day School for evangelism
Grow­ing your age 55+ groups
Reach­ing and equip­ping singles
New fron­tiers in church ministry
Plan­ning min­istry spaces
Over 50 High-Impact Ses­sions To Equip You To Lead In Your Ministry

One-Day Total Church Equip­ping Conference
Host­ed by the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion & Brew­ton Park­er College
Sep­tem­ber 18th, 2020
Wel­come begins at 9 a.m.
at Brew­ton — Park­er Guilder Recital Hall
Morn­ing Break­out Ses­sions 9:30 a.m. — Noon
Lunch Noon — 1 p.m.
avail­able for pur­chase at BPC Din­ing Hall or local restaurants
After­noon Ses­sions 1:00 — 3:15 p.m.