DBA Min­istry Needs
Please join us in prayer as we ask God to meet the fol­low­ing needs of our Association:

FH Logo2Great news, the won­der­ful folks of First Bap­tist Lyons unan­i­mous­ly agreed to allow Free­dom begin min­istry in a house (for­mer­ly known as Hussey House) they own. Because of their gen­eros­i­ty we will be able to begin the tran­si­tion­al cen­ter (for for­mer inmates) before the end of the year. With that in mind, we need your help to fur­nish the home. If you have any of the fol­low­ing you would like to donate, please call Free­dom House team mem­ber (Becky Porter) at 912–526-6765 to be sure the item has not been secured. To stay updat­ed on these needs and to dis­cov­er addi­tion­al ways you can part­ner with our Asso­ci­a­tion in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, and world for Jesus please check back here often.

1 Dou­ble or Queen Bed with linens, blan­ket and mat­tress cov­er, 3 twin beds, 6 addi­tion­al twin mat­tress­es, 10 night stands, 8–10 lamps, 5 chests of draw­ers, 9 twin mat­tress cov­ers, 9 twin blan­kets, cur­tains, throw rugs, 9 new sets of twin linens, 9 twin bedspreads

Dish­es, pots and pans, skil­lets, dish tow­els, forks, knives, spoons, serv­ing spoons, carv­ing knives, spat­u­las, plas­tic bowls with lids, serv­ing bowls, mix­er, toast­er, canisters/storage con­tain­ers, tea pitch­ers, glass­es, crock­pots, dish drain­er, hot pad hold­ers, mea­sur­ing cups, mea­sur­ing spoons, bak­ing sheet pans, refrig­er­a­tor, freezer.

Liv­ing Room
Sofas, chairs/footstools, cof­fee table, end tables, lamps, pic­tures for walls, rugs, cur­tains, DVD player

Din­ing Room
Large table for at least ten men, 10 chairs, cur­tains, rugs, pic­tures for walls

Tow­els, bath cloths, show­er cur­tains, bath mats, trash cans, dirty clothes bags, curtains

Misc. Items
Pic­nic table, stor­age bins for blan­kets, brooms, mops, mop buck­et, vac­u­um clean­er, clocks, clothes dry­er, lawn mow­er, hedge clip­pers, rakes, leaf blow­er, “wipe your feet” mats for out­side mats, clean­ing sup­plies, exten­sion cords, 12 pas­sen­ger van.

Please join us in prayer as we ask God to meet the fol­low­ing needs of our Association:

Church Plant­i­ng Needs
Span­ish Bibles
Indi­vid­u­al­ly wrapped snacks for chil­dren like Lit­tle Deb­bie Cakes, Twinkies, etc.
Block Parties
Prayer Walking
Ministry/Financial Partners

Prison Min­istry Needs
Loose-leaf Note­book Paper
Let­ters for prisoners
Brown­ies or cook­ies for 150 men
Church Partners

Home­less Min­istry Needs
Knit caps
gloves of all types
warm socks
sleep­ing bags (new or in usable condition)
canned food that is ready to eat (tuna, crack­ers, pork and beans, Vien­na sausages, etc.)
Tooth­brush­es, tooth­paste, deodor­ant etc.
bot­tled water
tarps and bungees

DBA Office Needs
Knock­er Balls 8 @ $239 each
Stor­age build­ing for van and trailer
Oppor­tu­ni­ties to share the DBA Vision on
Sun­day or Wednes­day evenings or WMU/Brotherhood meetings
Addi­tion­al Prayer Partners

Peo­ple to min­is­ter to the home­less of Savannah
Church Planters to plant addi­tion­al churches

Dream­ing AGAIN
Sum­mer Interns
Addi­tion­al Van
Addi­tion­al Evan­ge­lism Trailer

Please bring all dona­tions to our DBA office in Ailey or you may give online @ www.dbachurches.com