Please click the link below for the Associational Missionaries Meetings for 2018
Suggested Report Material
For Annual Associational Meetings, 2016Â
Georgia Baptist Mission Board state missionaries seek to reduce lostness by focusing with Baptists on spiritual renewal resulting in Kingdom generosity, church revitalization, church planting, and authentic evangelism.
- Robert White
Assisting Georgia Baptists in reaching lost people in Georgia for Jesus Christ is the priority of all state missions ministries. State missionaries began aligning all ministries with the 5 Smooth Stones following their adoption at the 2011 Convention annual meeting. The 5 Smooth Stones or core initiatives of Spiritual Renewal, Kingdom Generosity, Church Revitalization, Church Planting, and Authentic Evangelism, will help Georgia Baptists reach the projected 8.1 million lost people expected to live in Georgia by the year 2020. It will take spiritual renewal among all Georgia Baptists resulting in our working together to accomplish these initiatives in order to make the needed impact of the Gospel upon our state.
The administration of state missions is the responsibility of the Executive Committee of the Georgia Baptist Convention. The ministries and operations of state missions are under the leadership of Executive Director, J. Robert White. State missionaries serve through the various ministries across the state assisting our churches in responding to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
The Georgia Woman’s Missionary Union and Women’s Enrichment Ministries is an auxiliary to the Georgia Baptist Convention and serves our churches through providing resources, training and mission opportunities. The Christian Index serves the interests of state missions in the publication of news and in promotion of the various ministry activities.
State missions ministry is supported through the Cooperative Program and the annual Mission Georgia Offering. It depends upon the local church family to faithfully and unselfishly share their resources through our cooperative efforts to reach Georgia with the Gospel and provide a strong base for carrying out the Great Commission throughout the world.
Mike Griffin, State Missionary
Over the past year the Public Affairs Ministry has been very successful in representing Georgia Baptists on their positions regarding social and moral concerns. In 2016, Mike Griffin, Public Affairs Representative, and his assistant, Tom Rush, monitored over 35 bills in the Georgia General Assembly. The two greatest accomplishments were stopping casino gambling and passing the most comprehensive religious liberty legislation in the history of Georgia. However, Governor Nathan Deal vetoed the latter legislation.
Each year a Legislative Prayer Breakfast is held at the State Capitol for all elected officials. These breakfasts are important in communicating that Georgia Baptists are not just concerned about public policy, but also the spiritual health of our legislators.
In addition to lobbying on legislation, hundreds of pastors have been trained through Pastors’ Days at the Capitol, Public Affairs Pastor’s Training Seminar and Alliance Defending Freedom Church Protection Seminar.
When the Georgia General Assembly is not in session, Mike Griffin is traveling the state speaking in associations, churches and conducting Public Affairs Briefings for ministers and laymen.
Beth Ann Williams, Executive Director-Treasurer
The purpose of WMU and Women’s Enrichment Ministry is to encourage and equip Georgia Baptist churches to fulfill the Great Commission and, more specifically, to lead women and girls to discover and live out their purpose in God’s Kingdom.
- We assist new and existing churches in creating a tailored missions involvement strategy.
- We connect women and churches to local and global mission opportunities.
- We lay the foundation essential for children and youth to become tomorrow’s mission leaders.
- We offer a customized, comprehensive ministry strategy for women.
- We prepare women to lead through personalized consultations, team training, and workshops.
- We challenge children, youth and women to a deeper commitment to Christ that leads to a missional lifestyle.
Ministries that highlight our 5 Smooth Stone priorities include:
Spiritual Renewal
- Approximately 600 women gathered at the Jekyll Island Convention Center for the 2016 Spring Event to hear speaker and author, Margaret Feinberg, musician Shelly Johnson, and a variety of outstanding conference leaders and missionaries.
- To learn more visit
- The annual Hispanic Women’s Retreat was held in two locations with 573 participants between the GA Baptist Conference Centers in Toccoa and Norman Park. There were three salvations.
- Thirty-five women’s ministry leaders from 22 churches gathered for three days at Pinnacle Retreat Center to participate in a retreat designed for networking, fellowship, and spiritual enrichment.
- Through the theme Living Faith, 100 participants at the Women on Mission Series at Pinnacle Retreat Center were challenged to live out their faith in all contexts of their lives. There were three salvations.
- One in Prayer is our web-based prayer initiative to equip and encourage a more effective individual and corporate praying life. For more information visit
Kingdom Generosity
- 3 in1, our online ordering resource, continues to enable churches to create a standing order that leads to automatic shipments of materials for the Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, and Mission Georgia offering emphases. Visit
- The Georgia Missionary Parents Fellowship continues to provide support and encouragement to parents of missionaries through a fall retreat, a spring meeting and a vibrant prayer network
- In 2016, staff provided awareness of the Cooperative Program at events and in local churches and utilized missionary personnel at events to personalize giving through the Cooperative Program.
- In 2016, Camp Pinnacle Summer Missions Camp educated girls about the Cooperative Program and gave a portion of their summer offering to the Cooperative Program.
- Six seminary scholarships were awarded to young women attending Southern Baptist seminaries. Three mission trip scholarships were awarded to Camp Pinnacle summer staff and six scholarships for travel to the MK Retreat were given to first-time college-bound missionary kids.
Church Revitalization
- Equipping for missions growth took place in a variety of venues for 650 Anglo, African-American, Hispanic, Korean, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian and Moldovan leaders.
- Summer Missions Camp exists to help girls and teens experience God and understand His desire to reach the nations with the truth of Jesus Christ. Our 2016 missions/culture camp focused on Utah. Ten girls accepted Jesus, five surrendered to missions, and one camp staff committed to semester missions in Utah. Visit to learn more.
- Held in three locations, more than 600 boys and girls experienced how God is working through missionaries around the world at Children’s Extravaganza. Participants engaged in hands-on community missions projects, worship and interacted with missionaries from around the world. A Georgia church planter was highlighted in each location. One girl made a decision for Christ.
- Sisters Who Care served as a liaison to African-American churches for the purpose of missions awareness and missions education.
Authentic Evangelism
- Women focused on Project HELP: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and continue to learn how to minister to those affected by PTSD.
- In July, the Hispanic WMU mission trip took place in South Georgia. Ten women participated in prayer walking and ministry outreach. One student accepted Christ.
- In partnership with churches and associations in Georgia, women participated in Christmas in Appalachia filling over 25,000 backpacks.
- Women participated in the Hampton Big A craft project in Hampton, TN. Twenty-five churches participated and there were 16 decisions for Christ.
- Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC) provided a Christian context in which women in need were introduced to Christ and equipped for life and employment. Seven CWJC sites provided job training, personal mentoring and weekly Bible study.
- Forty-eight young women, ages 18–35, and 11 volunteers participated in a missions discipleship weekend that equipped them to engage their culture in spiritual conversations and exposed them refugee missions opportunities.
Pinnacle Retreat Center in Clayton, Georgia, is owned and operated by Georgia WMU. This beautiful multi-purpose conference center, nestled in the northeast Georgia mountains, is an ideal setting for staff, deacon or church retreats from August through May. June and early July are reserved for our summer missions camp. Visit
We are eager to assist churches and associations with personal consultations and customized training. If we can serve you, please contact us at 770–936-5234 or 1–800-746‑4422, extension 324 or visit us at
Robert A. Boswell, State Missionary
The state missionaries of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board provide leadership training, conferences and resources to assist 3,600 Georgia Baptist churches. Each event, conference and resource is designed to assist churches with Mission Georgia, the 5 Smooth Stones emphasis: Spiritual Renewal, Kingdom Generosity, Church Revitalization, Church Planting and Authentic Evangelism.
- Adult Groups and Faith Development
- Associational Missions and Convention Planning
- Church Administration Ministry
- Church and Individual Finance Strategy
- Church Minister Relations
- Church Planting Ministry
- Church Research Services
- Church Revitalization and Evangelism
- Collegiate Ministry
- Communications
- Community Missions and Disaster Response
- Cooperative Program Giving and Stewardship
- Georgia Baptist Conference Centers
- Georgia Baptist Men’s Ministry
- Historical Archives
- Information Technology
- Intercultural Church Planting and Missions Ministry
- Kids Groups and Faith Development
- Mission Board Financial Services
- Mission Board Operations
- Regional State Missionaries
- Support Services
- Student Groups and Faith Development
- The Christian Index
- Worship and Music Ministry
State missionaries are available for consultation to associations and churches. You may contact each ministry by phone at 800-RING-GBC (800.746.4422), 770.455,0404 or visit the GBC website at to receive the latest information in each of these ministries.
In addition to state missionaries located at the Georgia Baptist Missions and Ministry Center in Duluth, numerous field personnel are located throughout the state. Among those available are the regional state missionaries located in three regions of Georgia. The RSM contact information is:
Charles Drummond, North Georgia Region, Augusta
Harris Malcom, Middle Georgia Region, Monroe
Mike Everson, South Georgia Region, Valdosta
George Barnett, Part-time, North Georgia,
Each ministry exists to serve the associations and churches of the Georgia Baptist Convention, strengthen churches and reduce lostness in Georgia. You may contact Robert A. Boswell, Assistant Executive Director at 6405 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 or call 800-RING-GBC, 770–936-5381 or e‑mail —
Tim Smith, State Missionary
All Georgia Baptists have the desire to accomplish the Great Commission! The Adult Groups & Faith Development(AGFD) state missionaries believe that small groups are one of the best tools to impact the lostness and make disciples.
Adult Groups & Faith Development – The largest age group in our churches as well as our communities are those 19 years of age and older. To reach and teach adults takes a variety of ministries and approaches. Whether it is the young single adult or the oldest senior adult we desire for them to know and grow in the Lord. Pastors and other leaders need resources to help them in their mission to reach the lost and disciple the saved. Through the ministry of Groups and Faith Development we partner with churches and leaders to fulfill the Great Commission.
The state missionaries of AGFD are ready to assist you, your group and your church to accomplish the goals of reducing lostness and making disciples. The team has resources and conferences, as well as personal consultations, to assist you with daily Bible reading, training members to share their faith, connecting with members, planning mission projects, starting new classes/groups and training present and potential teachers/leaders.
- In 2016, state missionaries in AGFD conducted 454 state, regional, associational, and local church training events, with a combined attendance of 33,272.
- Through the FREE Growing Groups Online training and other Social Media video training over 90,000 various resources have been viewed for group training, instruction, personal development, equipping leaders and encouragement. Pastors, ministers, leaders, directors, teachers, and/or members were equipped to improve their skills to reduce lostness and make disciples.
Our Vision: “Every Georgia Baptist church engaged in creating a disciple making culture.”
Our Mission: “Partnering with leaders and strengthening churches in their mission of making disciples through groups to reduce lostness.”
Our Approach:
- Events — The target audience is the person in the pew.
- Training — The target audience is the volunteer leadership, Sunday School teachers, and small group leaders.
- Networking — The target audience is the professional staff member.
- Resources — Both print and online. Both free and pay.
- Engagement/Coaching — With leaders, churches or groups.
The AGFD state missionaries provide leadership training in churches as well as through associational, regional, and state events that give Georgia Baptists the tools they need to have healthy groups. Below is a quick review of some of the major events provided by AGFD.
- Minister of Education GBACE in January.
- Two 55+ Leadership Conferences in February.
- Fifteen Associational & Regional Sunday School/Small Group Training Workshops.
- Go Georgia Conference in August.
- Four Growing Groups Forums in October.
- Georgia Baptist Sunday School Director’s Summit in October.
- Nine Sunday School mentoring groups in partnership with the local associations.
- Monthly FREE on-demand/on-line training opportunities through Growing Groups On-Line.
Frank A. Nuckolls, State Missionary
This ministry area seeks to engage Georgia Baptists in accomplishing the Great Commission through the mission of the “Five Smooth Stones.â€Â This task is accomplished through the following ministries:
Associational Missions Ministries engaged Georgia Baptists in accomplishing the Great Commission through:
- Engaging 10 associations in the development and implementation of a missional strategy.
- Equipping associational missionaries in Great Commission ministry.
- Encouraging and enlisting approximately 20,000 volunteers to serve on mission in Appalachia through a partnership with Appalachian Regional Ministries of the North American Mission Board. (
- Engaging Georgia Baptists to provide 35,281 Christmas Backpacks for Appalachian children, resulting in over 1,000 professions of faith in Christ.
Continuing Education Ministries engaged Georgia Baptists in accomplishing the Great Commission through:
- Equipping approximately one thousand church leaders through Continuing Education Ministries in associational, African-American, ethnic, and prison Continuing Education Centers.
- These church leaders were trained in twenty different locations.
- Equipping over 100 students in ministry at the Wheeler Correctional Center in Alamo.
Convention Planning Ministries seeks to accomplish the Great Commission through the logistical planning of the Annual Meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention.
For additional information on Associational Missions Ministries contact Frank Nuckolls at
- Alan Folsom, State Missionary
The Church Administration Ministry seeks to strengthen churches by equipping and informing leaders through relevant resources in order to comply with applicable laws and Biblical mandates. Churches are challenged by 1 Corinthians 14:40, “…let all things be done decently and in order…â€
Church Administration is organized into four areas of ministry and resources: F.O.R.M.
Financial Compliance | Church Governance | Personnel & Ministry Support | General Administration |
•      Budget
•      Financial Compliance •      Treasurer/Finance Training •      Ministers Tax Info •      Insurance Review •      Payroll & Benefits
•      Incorporation
•      Church Constitution •      By-Laws •      Policies & Procedures •      Parliamentary Procedure •      Legal Issues
•      Ministers Job Descriptions
•      Personnel Policies •      Ministers Compensation •      Ministry Development •      Ministry Job Descriptions •      Ministry Teams •      Nominating Committee
•      Building & Grounds
•      Facilities/Space Analysis •      Policies & Procedures •      Child Protection Policies •      Administrative Assistants (GBAMA) •      Insurance Coverage
Church Administration Ministry highlights for 2016
- Over 2,000 ministry contacts, consultations, conversations and conferences related to Church Administration issues were provided to 1,000 churches.
- Over 500 church financial leaders were equipped in financial compliance accountability in 10 locations across the state.
- 350 ministry leaders were trained through Ministry Safe’s Child Protection- Safety System to protect children and those who serve them in churches and child-serving organizations.
- 50 Ministry Assistants were equipped and encouraged through the annual Georgia Baptist Association of Ministry Assistants conference at Pinnacle Retreat Center in Clayton, GA.
For assistance, contact Alan Folsom, or Tony Neal or call 770–936-5274.
Marcus Merritt, State Missionary
Church Minister Relations assists churches and staff in fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission by providing encouragement, training, and resources to develop and maintain healthy ministers and congregations. We provide ministries to ministers, churches and associations in a personal, professional, biblical (and confidential) manner. We always honor the autonomy of the local church, association, and the New Testament office of pastor. Our department is directly related to the office of Dr. J. Robert White, Executive Director of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and is funded through the Cooperative Program.
Our ministries focus on the revitalization of churches and individual ministers. This focus blends quite naturally into the mission of The Five Smooth Stones, particularly Church Revitalization. Access to the Church-Minister website:
Resume Service: This service is available to any minister seeking a new place of service as well as churches, associations, institutions and agencies that are searching for new leadership. We do not make recommendations, but share resumes as information only through a profile system determined by those making the request. Our online resume sharing service is connected to nine state conventions across the country. During 2016, we received 276 requests for resumes and we shared 11,346 individual copies of resumes. To access the resume service use:
Committee Training/Consultation: We provide training/orientation for Pastor (or staff) Search Committees. This program is done on-site at the local church and at a time convenient for a committee. Training includes a step-by-step plan with printed materials from LifeWay. It also includes local demographic information, access to the online resume sharing service, a 10-year ACP report, and a sample search process. We are also available to meet with a church during transitional times — with committees, leadership, or the entire congregation to give guidance during the interim period. Last year, 26 Georgia Baptist Churches requested and participated in these services.
Pastoral Care: This ministry reaches out to Georgia Baptist ministers, their families, and the Georgia Baptist Convention staff with compassion, encouragement, prayer, support, and assistance during times of illness and crisis through personal contacts and on-site visits. Each month, our staff travels an average of 5,000 miles, extending an average of 50 visits to GBC ministers and their families, 20 visits with associational missionaries and 13 with Georgia Baptist Mission Board employees. An average of 400 additional contacts were made by phone, e‑mail and regular mail.
Barnabas Ministry: The Barnabas Ministry is an ongoing outreach and ministry of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board to terminated and hurting ministers. Georgia Baptist Churches forcibly terminated 29 Pastors (full-time and bi-vocational) and 10 full time church staff members; resulting in 39 ministers being forcibly terminated during 2016. In 2016, Church-Minister Relations partnered with Sherwood Baptist Church and Pastor Michael Catt to combine the “Barnabas Retreat†with their “ReFRESH†Conference. Terminated ministers received both inspiration (through lively corporate worship) and information (through break-out classes) with this approach.
In addition to the conference, last year 12 forcibly terminated ministers were helped with financial aid totaling over $13,100.00.
Interim Ministries: On average, ten percent of Georgia Baptist churches are seeking a pastor. We are available to consult with churches during the interim time to help the church discover which type of interim ministry is best for the church. Options include; Pulpit Supply, Interim Pastor, or Transitional Pastor. As a service to both ministers and churches, our office keeps a roster of available interim ministers. In 2016, 24 churches requested resumes for an interim minister and we mailed 285 resumes in response.
We offer Transitional Pastor Training in partnership with LifeWay Christian Ministries. In 2016, we trained 41 ministers to serve Georgia Baptist Churches as Transitional Pastors. This more in-depth interim service usually lasts twelve to eighteen months and follows an eight-step process.
Deacon Ministry: This ministry gives leadership by providing Georgia Baptist churches with deacon training and resources that will help the church achieve its ministry objectives. We offer an annual Pastor/Deacon/Spouse Retreat which is held at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center. In 2016, Drs. Chuck and Rhonda Kelley led our Conference. We had a total of 166 participants. In addition to the annual Deacon Retreat, we hosted 3 deacon fellowships in 3 different parts of the state and had a total of 175 participants.
Conflict Mediation: When ministers and/or churches find themselves in conflict, we are available for counsel, mediation and arbitrations. We were involved with Georgia Baptist Churches and Associations at two levels of conflict mediation assistance. We had 24 Churches where we provided on-site visits and assistance. In addition, we had 80–100 churches that we assisted through emails and phone conversations and provided conflict coaching.
Counseling Services: In 2016, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, partnering with The Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation, provided professional counseling services for Georgia Baptist ministers and their immediate family members. Last year we assisted 12 Georgia Baptist ministers and family members through counseling, with the Convention’s co-payment, which totaled $1240.00 for 45 counseling sessions. Local churches are encouraged to utilize these counseling services for church members and others in the community. A list of Christian Counselors is available on the Church-Minister Relation website. Our department also has a partnership with the “Clergy in Crisis†program of The Pastoral Institute of Columbus, Georgia.
Forgiveness/Restoration Ministry: Moral and/or ethical failure in the life of a minister, a key church leader, or a member of their family has a great impact upon the total life of a church and its witness. A good biblical model for a restoration ministry in these types of crisis is essential. We provide counsel and resources in these areas.
Ministers’ Wives; Mary Cox, State Missionary
Ministers’ Wives are special women with a great calling to be the helpmate in ministry to their husbands and to use their spiritual giftedness in ministry. We provide ministries that encourage, refresh and renew in the areas of physical, spiritual and emotional health. There are two events that are held every year for minister’s wives.
- Georgia Baptist Convention Annual Meeting Luncheon
The annual meeting luncheon is used to encourage and inspire Georgia Baptist Ministers’ Wives. The speakers and worship leaders bring messages that focus on their calling as a Christian woman and ministers’ wife. The theme for 2016 was ‘Hope Anchors the soul’. Our guest speaker was, Mrs. Joy Earle, Woman’s Ministry speaker and musician. We had 155 in attendance at the luncheon.
2016 Officers                                                              2017 Officers
President — Mrs. Mrs. Starla Harbin                              President — Mrs. Lisa Bullard
Vice-President — Mrs. Stephanie Merritt                         Vice-President — Mrs. Glenda Hearn
Secretary/Treasurer — Mrs. Becky Davis                        Secretary/Treasurer — Mrs. Debbie West
- Georgia Baptist Ministers’ Wives Winter Retreat
The Ministers Wives winter retreat is held every January and is a time of rest, relaxation, and renewing of mind, body, soul and relationships. In 2016, 264 wives participated in the retreat at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa, GA. The theme was ‘Resting in His presence’. The guest speakers were Joy Earle and Jenna Floyd. Heather Messick led the special music. Friday afternoon was a personal time of rest that included a spa day, breakout sessions health screenings. Each evening was filled with worship and encouragement through God’s word.
Church-Minister Relations Staff:
Marcus Merritt, State Missionary           770–936-5260
Marty Youngblood, State Missionary     770–936-5243
Bryan Alexander, State Missionary        770–936-5280
Robert Anderson, State Missionary       770–936-5279
Mary Cox, State Missionary                  770–936-5253
Laura Simms, State Missionary Support 770–936-5362
Ruth Smith, State Missionary Support   770–936-5362
Butch Butcher, State Missionary
As partners with churches and associations, Church Planting Ministry serves to fulfill the Great Commission by planting culturally relevant, healthy-kingdom, English speaking, reproducing churches in Georgia. During the year of 2016, we assisted with planting eighteen new churches, of which ten were Anglo congregations and eight were African-American congregations.
Our work can be divided into four areas.
- READINESS: We strive to create an environment for church planting with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board family of associations, churches, pastors and staff, Mission Board staff and laity.
It is our task to assist Georgia Baptists to be more aware of the lostness of the population in Georgia and how planting contextual and culturally relevant churches among the English-speaking population can penetrate that lostness with the Gospel.
Readiness includes spiritual preparation, understanding the cultural diversity of our population, and identifying people groups and their receptivity toward the Gospel.
- ENLISTING: We recruit and enlist associations, churches, pastors and staff, Mission Board staff, lay persons and students to participate in a statewide church planting effort and to pray for a church planting movement in Georgia. We also recruit church planters and church planting partners from among the “called of God†to serve the Lord in the area of church planting.
It is our task to recruit and enlist individuals, churches, and associations to participate in the ministry and mission of planting contextual and culturally relevant churches among the English-speaking population in Georgia.
Enlistment includes enlisting Georgia Baptist churches and leaders to sponsor and partner with church planters and new church plants. It also includes identifying and raising up leaders who will become involved in church planting as planters, staff members, coaches, strategists, small group leaders, team members and soul-winners. These leaders may be vocational, bi-vocational, and/or volunteers. We are looking for missionary-minded servants who are committed and “called of God†to the church planting arena.
III. EQUIPPING: We offer training and encouragement opportunities and events for church planters, church planters’ wives, church planting staff, church planting lay leaders, association staff, sponsoring/partnering pastors, and coaches.
It is our task to equip and encourage church planters and church planting teams, sponsoring churches, strategists, coaches and other leaders and partners in the church planting effort. Equipping also includes financial support available through the Cooperative Program ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention. Financial support is available in the form of start-up funds and church planter assistance.
Equipping and encouraging opportunities and events include: Church Planter Orientation, Assessment Event, Church Planting School, conferences, and coaching.
- MULTIPLICATION: We promote and assist in the establishing of a multiplication and reproduction vision and strategy among church planters and church planting teams, sponsoring and partnering churches, associational missionaries and staff, Regional State Missionaries, Mission Board staff, and lay leaders.
The multiplication and reproduction vision and strategy includes promoting and assisting churches to be strong, healthy kingdom churches that are reproducing new believers, disciples, leaders, planters and planting teams for the planting of new churches.
Multiplication includes an intentional and strategic commitment to evangelism and discipleship/leadership development. It focuses on a strong missions focus recognizing the more and more diverse and secular orientation of our state population. This focus demands a gospel sowing and missionary sending effort in all communities and areas of our state. The idea is simply to make disciples who make disciples and to plant healthy kingdom churches that plant healthy kingdom churches.
Joe Graham, State Missionary
The college and university students of today will be the leaders of, and missionaries from, our churches within a generation. Collegiate Ministry works to inspire collegians with the principles of on-going cooperative missions and ministry while allowing their creativity and energy to flow back to the churches, to Georgia Baptists, and to Southern Baptists. For more information about Georgia Baptist Collegiate Ministry around the state, please visit our website at
Georgia Baptist Collegiate Ministry focus a great deal of energy on Collegiate Missions through Send Me Now Missions. Every aspect of 5 Smooth Stones is enhanced as these students prepare for their roles in God’s Mission. In the summer of 2016, Georgia BCMs and partnering churches sent 173 students to serve in missions here in Georgia, across the nation, and around the world and raised $226,085 to send them. For more information, go to
Statewide Collegiate Events focus on Spiritual Renewal, Church Revitalization, and Authentic Evangelism. Confluence is a statewide collegiate conference for all Georgia Baptist churches and BCMs. Confluence 2017 will take place September 22–24 at Eagle’s Landing FBC near McDonough. The theme is “Seek, Know, Follow†and the emphasis will be on worship and prayer. For more information, go to  ENGAGE 24 is a national collegiate emphasis on evangelism that is focused on encouraging every collegian to share his or her faith with someone who is not a believer during one 24-hour period. This year, the emphasis date is October 10. Many of your Georgia Baptist Campus Ministers have expanded this emphasis to multiple days, an entire week, and for some, an entire month. For more information and resources for ENGAGE 24, go to
Reducing “lostness†in Georgia is something about which we are all concerned. One of the ways we measure our success is by the total evangelistic impact of Baptist Collegiate Ministries. During the 2015–16 academic year, we had 5,599 students involved regularly in our ministries statewide. During that year our Campus Ministers reported 255 collegians who made professions of faith during BCM worship times and events. 191 other individuals made professions of faith as a result of BCM ministry programs and/or teams. Finally, our student Summer Missionaries reported that 1,190 individuals made professions of faith during the summer as a result of their ministries. That was a total of 1,636 people who professed faith in Christ over the past year as a result of Georgia Baptists’ investment in Collegiate Ministry. This means for every 3.4 students involved in our ministry, one new Christian found faith in Christ. 1:3.4 is an outstanding ratio and Georgia Baptists can be proud of their Campus Ministers and students.
Stuart Lang, State Missionary,
Ricky Thrasher, State Missionary,
Community Missions engaged Georgia Baptists in accomplishing the Great Commission through:
- Assisting churches in reaching their communities by engaging them with the Gospel.
- Encouraging, assisting, and training Georgia Baptist chaplains who serve in the military, hospitals, prisons, businesses, and institutions.
- Supporting church and community ministries through 10 Baptist ministry centers throughout Georgia. These centers served 10,000 people last year.
- Coordinating prison evangelism, ministry, and continuing education classes that ministered to 50,000 inmates.
- Addiction Recovery Ministries through HEART Ministries and Penfield Christian Homes. These ministries served 125 men and women.
- Aiding student summer missionaries to serve in local associations. In 2016, 20 student summer missionaries were trained and sent out to do missions and ministry in Georgia, resulting in 115 professions of faith in Christ.
- Promoting and administering the Southern Baptist Global Hunger Offering serving 5 million meals with 22,000 professions of faith in Christ in North America.
- Supporting and directing the Missionary Service Corp (MSC) ministry in Georgia. There are 56 MSC missionaries doing multiple ministries in Georgia, including food ministries, homeless ministries, evangelism ministries, and church support.
- Partnering with Resort Ministries to evangelize people in the resort setting. Locations for Resort Ministries include Helen, Northeast Georgia, and the Golden Isles.
For additional information on Community Missions, please contact Ricky Thrasher at
Disaster Response continues to engage Georgia Baptists to be missional through the unique opportunities of service presented by natural disasters. We work with 41 other state conventions and the North American Mission Board to coordinate disaster responses throughout the nation and world with credentialed volunteers.
Additionally, we help churches develop their own strategy for disaster preparedness and church security. Please contact Stuart Lang at for further information or with any other questions you may have as pertains to Disaster Relief, church security, or disaster preparedness for your church family.
Buck Burch, State Missionary
The Cooperative Program Giving and Stewardship Ministry of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board has as its purpose “to enlist and partner with churches to effectively meet their needs in educating, assisting and encouraging them to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus by developing biblical stewards and missions support.â€Â The Cooperative Program begins in the hearts of individual believers who are committed to reaching the world for Christ. As they give through their local church, the church then determines what portion of its receipts will be channeled through the Cooperative Program. These funds are sent through the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, where they are divided between Georgia Baptist causes and national/international Southern Baptist causes. Georgia Baptists continue to be one of the leading conventions in both percentage and total dollar giving through the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program allows the member churches of the Georgia Baptist Convention to extend their witness for Jesus Christ throughout our state, nation and around the world. As Cooperative Program produces natural relationships among individuals, churches, association, and the varied regions throughout Georgia, this past year has brought about several exciting connection points:
Bridges to Missions – In March, May and October of 2016, there were Bridges to Missions Celebrations in the Centennial and Augusta Associations and among Atlanta area Hispanic churches, designed to draw attention to prayer for spiritual renewal, a renewed commitment to generosity, and our unity in giving through the Cooperative Program. In total, almost 100 Georgia Baptist churches participated in the weekend banquets and Sunday missionary speakers. A total of 572 people attended the three banquets/missions celebrations.
CP Sunday 2016 – April 10, 2016, was designated CP Sunday by the Southern Baptist Convention as a national emphasis on our cooperative missions support through the Cooperative Program. A significant increase in the number of Georgia Baptist churches ordering bulletin inserts, posters, and video downloads for CP Sunday with the theme “Beyond†was observed as our office promoted the emphasis.
Mission Georgia Emphasis 2016 – John Bryan, State Missionary, September 2016 was set aside as a month of prayer and offering for Missions to Georgia throughout the Georgia Baptist Convention to reduce lostness. The theme for 2016 was “BEYOND: Proving the Power of God.â€Â There were 1,221 separate orders for materials totaling 118,102 prayer guides in English and Spanish, 3,983 posters, 139,975 offering envelopes, and 724 DVDs. Speakers were requested by 184 churches. The total offering was $1,462,031, an increase of 4.4% from the last year.
Stewardship Leadership Ministries – Scott M. Preissler, State Missionary, Stewardship Leadership provides a wide portfolio of services and products for Georgia pastor and churches. Two primary services are: (1) Educational training and (2) Consultation support services. These services are consistently updated to always remain current. Results are annually assessed and monitored to annually offer new portfolio of current “stewardship helps†and personal consultation for pastors. Research consistently shows that the local church pastor is not seminary-equipped nor trained for common church steward leadership duties. In response, Stewardship Leadership Ministries mobilizes dependable helps for pastors which they can turn to and can count on, with low-cost, if not free, resources. A completely new and packaged 2017 Stewardship Series was planned and achieved with a coalition of Southern Baptist stewardship state directors known as the Stewardship Directors Association (SDA). The newest series is entitled “Generosity.â€Â This series includes ready-made church bulletin inserts on a giving theme for four Sundays, with a promotional video on CD to use in church with the congregation, themed offering envelopes, and posters.
A strategic partnership continues with the following top shelf leadership partners to widely assist GBC pastors:
- The National Center for Stewardship and Generosity – the United States’ largest knowledge center on biblical stewardship’s impact for Christian and Baptist generosity. A digital quarterly magazine has been released by e‑mail, free of charge, to all Georgia Baptist Convention church leaders. Over 10,000 free subscriptions were provided digitally by e‑mail attachment to church leaders.
- The Kingdom Generosity Collection (KGC) – The KGC is the largest experiential stewardship education collection and expression of historic and current Christian and Baptist biblical giving artifacts, resources, and artistic models. A new pre-arranged tour for church teams is now available at the Missions and Ministry Center in Duluth, Georgia.
- Stewardship Development Association (SDA) – released a new annual combination video and materials resource entitled, “Generosity.†This current audio visual and printed resources is the tenth new resource in the same number of years, available in free sample sets to Georgia pastors.
- Stewardship Workshops and Seminars – Customized workshops are collaboratively delivered with fellow Georgia Baptist Mission Board departments to ensure good attendance. Some of these are Church Administration Ministries, Georgia Baptist Women and WMU, Church Planting, Church Revitalization and Evangelism, GuideStone Retirement and Retirement Services, Men’s Ministries, Groups and Faith Development, and the Georgia Baptist Foundation. 2016 launches seven state-wide tours on Stewardship education. A special emphasis on “Under 19†has been a highlight focus.
- Sample Resource Packets – 30,000 educational resources “sample packets†in ten different topics are available. A Georgia Baptist pastor may request a sample packet of any available stewardship series and personally obtain a complete series sample of materials. There are currently ten series available.
Cooperative Program Advancement and Endowment Ministries
John Bryan, State Missionary,
Because we are called to be stewards and wise managers of what we have been entrusted, we must demonstrate this by giving back to God and in sharing the Gospel around the world. By doing so, we can assure future generations that we care enough about missions to provide for the present needs and are willing to meet the mission needs of the future. A continuance of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through on-going funding is the goal and challenge presented to all who participate in this ministry.
The Cooperative Program Endowment Missions Fund has been established to ensure present and future generations that our witness for Christ will not fade. We can make a difference now and until Jesus comes. Individuals, families, churches, associations and corporations can all participate in leaving a spiritual and financial legacy. The following are just a few ways in which this can be accomplished: estate planning, trusts, wills, charitable gifts and bequests. Although many worthy charitable opportunities are available for consideration, the Cooperative Program Endowment Fund (CP Fund) offers the assurance that nothing will be wasted and everything will go to advance God’s work through Southern Baptist ministries. Simply put, it is a one-stop method of giving with a guarantee of integrity for the present and into the future.
Individuals may participate through cash gifts or by placing the Cooperative Program Endowment Fund in their wills. Churches are also encouraged to participate through a joint venture between this ministry and the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. This unique approach, called Legacy For Life, allows a church to receive counsel and opportunity for all of its church membership to participate in an estate planning event benefiting the members, the church, and the Cooperative Program. Last year our ministry department serviced 124 churches and/or associations through conferences, estate planning or training events. Over 2,600 individuals heard the message of leaving a legacy gift through the Cooperative Program Endowment Fund, with many responding through our estate planning services. For more information about Cooperative Program Advancement, access:
Bill Wheeler, State Missionary
The Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa serves associations and churches by providing retreat facilities where people can “seek Jesus.â€Â Toccoa offers a serene mountain and lake setting where both the body and soul can be nourished and renewed. Comfortable accommodations, delicious meals, ample meeting facilities, and the natural beauty of God’s creation combine to create a tranquil atmosphere for fellowship, relaxation and spiritual renewal and growth. Toccoa was blessed by serving more than 24,500 guests in 2016. More than 325 people received Christ as their personal savior at the conference center in 2016.
The Toccoa Conference Center includes 240 guest rooms, 1000-seat auditorium, 300-seat chapel, 42 meeting rooms, the Higher Grounds Coffee Shop, the Service Station Snack and Gift Shop and the Lakeside Dining Room also known for delicious buffet meals.
5 Stone Personal Retreat
Please call the conference center to book your personal, complementary, 2 day, 1 night Spiritual Renewal retreat. Let us assist you as you seek how God wants to use Spiritual Renewal, Kingdom Generosity, Church Revitalization, Church Planting, and Intentional Evangelism to support the vision of your association or church.
Your conference center ministry assists churches by:
- Providing a place for Pastors to develop and equip a cohesive staff
- Providing environments to encourage relaxation, reflection and spiritual renewal
- Enabling Churches to fulfill their Mission by providing a place of retreat for:
- Pastors and Families, Youth and Children Camps,
- Deacon and Church Leadership, Senior adults
- Men’s and Women’s Groups, Couples Renewal Weekends
- Choir, Band or Orchestra Events
- Senior Adult Retreats
- Offering hands on volunteer mission projects for churches
- Encouraging personal renewal, relaxation, and rejoicing in the Lord.
The existence of this life-changing ministry can only continue with special care and devoted support. Prayer, Cooperative Program gifts, and Mission Georgia Offerings are vital for Georgia Baptists to continue to see lives refreshed and God’s Kingdom increased as people are saved at this beautiful retreat center. The Conference Center underwrites daily operating expenses through fees charged; however, capital improvements and facility development can only happen through the support of Georgia Baptists.
For more information about the Georgia Baptist Conference Center Ministry in Toccoa please contact Bill Wheeler. Bill can be reached at 706–886-3133.
Social Media Links
- Web:
- Facebook: o Georgia Baptist Conference Center – Toccoa
- Email: o
- Glen McCall, State Missionary
Glen McCall and Mike Flowers served 5,624 men and boys through their training and speaking opportunities through Men’s Ministry, involving 38 associations, and 65 churches. In addition, 3,745 children, youth, and church group members attended Camp Kaleo, conducted by Men’s Ministries last year. A total of 78 salvation decisions for Christ were made. Men’s Ministry also hosted four On Mission Connections through which over 17,000 members and attendees participated in this Missions Education partnership with IMB, NAMB, and the Georgia Baptist Mission Board Missionaries. The total participation in Men’s Ministry events was over 26,300 people.
77% of Georgia Baptist churches have some type of ministry to men and boys. We are delighted to work with you to develop an environment for men who follow the leadership of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. Reaching men will help the church grow. When a father is the first in a family to receive Christ, nearly 93% of the time his whole family will follow. It should be our highest priority because of the far-reaching effects on the family and the church. We stand ready to assist you.
5 Smooth Stones Impact in 2016: Four of the Five – Spiritual Renewal, Church Revitalization, Authentic Evangelism, and Kingdom Generosity were key elements addressed through Men’s Ministry training events in South and North Georgia, and through men’s retreats and conferences across the state. Through the Righteous Manhood Conference in January, with Phil Kramer, the Iron to Iron Men’s Conference, with Jeff Crook, and the GO Georgia Men’s Breakout training with Kelvin Cochran (Overcoming Strongholds of Condemnation), and the emphasis on 33 The Series with Rick Caldwell and Tierce Green with Authentic Manhood, men are getting fired up about their relationship and responsibility with Christ. In addition, our 2nd Annual North Georgia Men’s Conference, in partnership with the associations and churches in the North Georgia Mountains resulted in salvations, rededications, and prayer for families. The event was led by Randy Howell (2014 Bass Master Classic Champion) and the singing group was Crimson Ridge.
Church Planting, Authentic Evangelism, and Kingdom Generosity – four associations hosted OMC’s — Gordon Memorial, Grady, Ogeechee River, and Tattnall-Evans, introducing churches to the ministries of State, NAMB, and IMB missionaries which are supported through the Cooperative Program, and our special mission gifts – Mission Georgia, Annie Armstrong, and Lottie Moon. Over a hundred churches were involved with over 17,000 members participated.
Resources for Your Men and Boys: Men’s Ministries can help you with Men’s Missions and Spiritual Development, Church Lay Renewal, Legacy Builders Retreats, On Mission Celebrations, Camp Kaleo Retreats and camps, Royal Ambassadors & Challengers Programs including – Summer Camp, Camporee, Racer Derby, Campout Congress and State Track Meet. Please contact us for assistance. All events and materials are available at or call 1–800-746‑4422 ext. 257.
RA’s, Challengers and Camp Kaleo
2016 was another great year in the life of RA’s, Challengers, and Camp Kaleo. Next generation ministers, missionaries and lay leaders are being developed and taught to be well-informed responsible followers of Christ, to have a Christ-like concern for all people, to carry the message of Christ around the world, to work with others in sharing Christ, and to keep themselves clean and healthy in mind and body. Scripture study and memory are paramount along with the study of SBC missionaries and their work in countries around the world.
Total of 3,746 attended Camp Kaleo for 2016:
January – April                        1,015 Attendees
May – August                           1,676 Attendees
September – December            1,054 Attendees
Total of 940 attended State Royal Ambassadors Events:
State RA Racer Derby 400
State RA Camporee 224
RA Summer Camp 171
State RA Congress 145
Total Decisions at Camp Kaleo: 78 Professions of Faith; 3 rededications
Michael Flowers, Consultant & Director Camp Kaleo
478–994-5333 or 800–746-4422 x 257
Administrative Email:
Jerry Baker, State Missionary
Intercultural Church Planting & Mission Ministry relates to churches and associations working cross culturally with people of other languages, cultures and nations. Reports included below reflect the varied work done by state missionaries who are a part of this ministry. It also serves to support Georgia Baptist Mission Board statewide initiatives of 5 Smooth Stones, most specifically in church planting and evangelism.
Jerry Baker – State Missionary
Carlene Cooper – State Missionary Support
Luz Ayala – State Missionary Support
Diana Brown – State Missionary, Part-time, Baptist Mobile Health Ministry
Lorena Saenz — State Missionary, Part-time, Baptist Mobile Health Ministry
Paulette Dehart – State Missionary, Literacy Missions
Moses Valdés – State Missionary, Hispanics – North Georgia
Dennis Rivera – State Missionary, Hispanics – South Georgia
Vacant – State Missionary, Asian
Yong Nam Suh – State Missionary, Part-time, Korean
New Works: There were 11 new church starts reported in 2016. Burmese, Korean, Hispanic, and Nigerian.
- The Intercultural Leadership Conferences met at Norman Park, Duluth with 90 total attendance.
- Church Planting Seminars for Multiethnic pastors over 4 weekends.
- Assessment Events for potential Church Planters
- International Youth Camp at Superwow served 60 campers.
- Spanish Youth Camps met at Superwow and Norman Park & Jekyll Island with 124 attending the latter.
- South Georgia Hispanic Church Growth and Missions Conference reported 240 attending.
- South Georgia Hispanic Multiplying Church Networks met in three regions.
- Bible Institutes in Spanish in Savannah and Hinesville
- Basic Training Journey for Hispanic Church Planters
- Georgia Baptist Conference of the Deaf met at Norman Park
- Interpreter Training Program (Deaf) met at Camp Kaleo
Literacy Mission trains volunteers in 6 specific areas. 4,733 students participated, led by 1,015 volunteers and 610 Teachers. 16 Citizenship classes were provided, 100 nations were enrolled, resulting in 47 professions of faith and 17 baptisms.
Baptist Mobile Health Ministry completed 21 years of service in partnership with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. There were 105 clinic days were provided in 35 sites to more than 3,000 people. Four of these sites were for Georgia Baptist Ministers and staff members. All clinics provide dental care and 30 percent of the clinics provide medical screening.  There were 30 reported professions of faith during the clinic/health fairs.
Tim Smith, State Missionary
All Georgia Baptists have the desire to accomplish the Great Commission! The Kid’s Groups & Faith Development(KGFD) state missionaries believe that small groups are one of the best tools to impact the lostness and make disciples.
Kid’s Groups & Faith Development – At the youngest age we believe that we are building a foundation for children to move from preschool to elementary school it is our prayer that every child make a profession of faith. We are excited when we see our children come to know the Lord and we are just as enthused about leading our children to grow in their relationship with Christ. The home is the primary place of Christian instruction so we believe in in equipping parents. The church is the secondary place so we believe in investing in teachers, leaders and staff.
The state missionaries of GFD are ready to assist you, your group and your church to accomplish the goals of reducing lostness and making disciples. The team has resources, conferences, and personal consultations to assist you in daily Bible reading, training members to share their faith, connecting with members, planning mission projects, starting new classes/groups and training present and potential teachers/leaders.
- In 2016, a total of 3,207 VBS leaders were trained through the Groups and Faith Development area, who then impacted 1,459 churches resulting in 5,836 reported salvations.
- VBS summer missionaries assisted 18 churches and reached 1,173 people, 57 of whom made spiritual decisions.
- In 2016, 584 children, youth, and high schoolers participated in Bible Drill discipleship events this year. 279 high scoring students, representing 54 churches in 32 associations, advanced to regional and state Bible Drill competition.
Our Vision “Every Georgia Baptist church engaged in creating a disciple making culture.”
Our Mission “Partnering with leaders and strengthening churches in their mission of making disciples through groups to reduce lostness.”
Our Approach
- Events — The target audience is the people in the pew.
- Training — The target audience is the volunteer leadership, Sunday School teachers, and small group leaders.
- Networking — The target audience is the professional staff member.
- Resources — Both print and online. Both free and pay.
- Engagement/Coaching — With leaders, churches or groups.
The KGFD state missionaries provide leadership training in local churches as well as through associational, regional, and state events that give Georgia Baptist churches the tools they need to have healthy groups. Below is a quick review of some of the major events provided by KGFD.
- Twelve VBS JumpStarts in January.
- Kids Ministry Summit in February.
- Six Regional VBS Clinics in March.
- Seven Regional and State Bible Drill and Speakers Events in April and May.
- Three One-Day Bible Drill Extreme Events in September.
- Ten Kid’s Ministry Roundtables in September and October.
- Monthly FREE on-demand/on-line training opportunities through Growing Groups On-Line.
Charles Drummond, North Georgia Region, Augusta
Harris Malcom, Middle Georgia Region, Monroe
Mike Everson, South Georgia Region, Valdosta
George Barnett, Part-time, North Georgia,
In addition to State Missionaries located at the Georgia Baptist Missions and Ministry Center in Duluth, numerous field personnel are located throughout the state. Among those available are the Regional State Missionaries located in three regions of Georgia.
Doug Couch, State Missionary
Student Groups and Faith Development serves Christ by strengthening churches to share the faith with the next generation. We accomplish that goal by offering strategic youth events, training events, and strengthening local networks of youth leaders to cooperate toward reaching the 954,000 students for Christ who live in our state.
This past year was a season of transition. Cindy Fruitticher, with 20 years in service to Georgia Baptists, and Brian Bone, with 8 years in service, transitioned to ministry in a church. We are thankful for their contribution to the ministry and the legacy they leave behind.
We welcomed to the department two new state missionaries. Mike Ricks served Briarwood Baptist Church in Watkinsville for over 26 years. He has faithfully served as a network coach for many of those years, and will provide leadership in further development of our Student Ministry Network. We also welcomed Ricky Smith, who has served in student ministry in Columbus, Georgia for the past 20 years. Ricky has also served as a coach in our network for many years and will offer leadership in conferences and camps.
This past summer, over 3,000 students and their leaders attended Superwow. There was one week of Superwow on Jekyll Island and two weeks in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida.
Again, this year Impact was two camps in one location for High School and Middle School students. Both groups met at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa. We welcomed 968 students and leaders who attended this one great week of Impact.
This summer we had our eighth summer of MERGE in Toccoa. MERGE is a full-fledged mission camp and we had 312 in attendance. In addition to seeing students come to know Christ, we also saw many students share Christ with a lost person for the first time in their lives. Our students completed service projects in the city that included construction projects, Vacation Bible Schools, and a variety of ministry initiatives. The most impressive dynamic of the camp was watching the MERGE students and adults pour themselves into the local community by providing over 7,480 hours of service in one week. MERGE was truly a beautiful example of the power of cooperation with the State Convention, the association, youth groups from around the nation, and the city of Toccoa working together to bless a community.
The 2016 MOVE Conference was held at the Macon Centreplex on December 29 – 30, 2016. The goal of MOVE is to expose as many students as possible to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to challenge students who already have a personal relationship with Christ to make a difference in their families, church, and on their campuses. With an attendance of over 6,300 students and their leaders we saw over 334 students confess Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
For our 18th year of Conclave, in Chattanooga, Tennessee on January 28 – 30, 2016, we had over 600 youth workers from Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Louisiana come together for three challenging days of training and worship. This was a cooperative effort between the state conventions. In addition, there were over 30 seminar choices taught by the leading youth ministers from each state.
Student Groups and Faith Development also leads the Student Ministry Network. The Network exists to help youth pastors and workers connect for networking, mentoring, training and extension. With over 55 experienced and trained youth ministers, or “coaches,†around the state of Georgia, there is always someone close by to turn to for help. To find a coach in your area, please go to
We celebrate that we have witnessed 946 decisions. Of those 534 were first time professions of faith, 237 recommitments to Christ, and 155 surrendering to a call of ministry. In total, we resourced and partnered with Georgia Baptist churches to welcome 11,212 individuals to our student events, not including Conclave.
Each of our events creates an environment of Spiritual Renewal from the corporate worship to the small group experience. Through offerings taken at certain events and through service/mission projects that attendees participate in, the opportunity for Kingdom Generosity is presented. Church Revitalization is present at each of our events through leadership development and our state-wide training opportunities with the network of youth ministers. Our events offer affordable opportunities for church plants to network with other young and small churches across our state. At our events, training times, or in casual conversation with youth ministers and youth, Authentic Evangelism permeates what Student Groups and Faith Development is all about. Operating costs for Conclave, Impact, Superwow, Merge, and Move are based on conference registration income. Thank you Georgia Baptists, for your continued prayers and support.
Jon Duncan, State Missionary
The purpose of Worship and Music Ministry is to strengthen, enhance, and encourage the praise and proclamation ministries of local churches. When worship life in our churches is healthy then so, too is the evangelistic life in our people. In order to win Georgia we need a vibrant worship life in our churches. When people encounter God in worship—EVERYTHING changes! When people worship on the first day of the week, they are more apt to present a vibrant witness on day 2 through 7! It is our desire to equip God’s people to discover biblical worship which transforms lives. The biblical mandate for choral and instrumental ministry also includes the proclamation of the Word (1 Chronicles 25.1–7). The music of the church not only inspires God’s people—it teaches the Word of God (Col. 3.16). The music of the church allows the worshiper to grasp and internalize doctrinal truths from Scripture. It also provides a means and vehicle for expressing a unified confession of who we are as God’s people and the message we are responsible to carry out to the nations. The Worship and Music Ministry area is focused on worship and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and is a vital component of the 5 Smooth Stones initiative.
Our two state choral groups include The Sons of Jubal ( and the Jubalheirs ( The Sons of Jubal is a male chorus comprised of ministers of music and music leaders serving in local Baptist churches. This group has witnessed outstanding growth. In 2016 the group has well over 300 enrolled members. The Sons of Jubal sing to more than 12,000 people each year. This past year the men sang in churches large and small throughout every region of the state. The group is making preparations for an evangelistic mission endeavor to Great Britain in 2018.  Our local church concerts present the Gospel throughout the state. We are witnessing an increasing number of people in all age groups and ethnicities attending our concerts and offering support to the Jubal ministry.
The Jubalheirs is a choir composed of women who serve in various capacities in local church ministry. This group has continued to grow in numbers and effectiveness. The 300+ voice choir has presented concerts in a variety of settings. Like the Sons of Jubal, the Jubalheirs’ purpose is all about mission advancement. In 2016 the ladies were busy gathering materials, developing teams, and making musical preparations for an aggressive mission endeavor in New Orleans. Next year’s report will provide details of the mission trip and its impact. As the men, the ladies will do their best to sing in any church that can accommodate the group. The ladies also provided over $10,000 in scholarship help students to attend Surge 150 (music camp).
The Jubal Chorus is a combination of both choirs which presents 1 or 2 programs in local churches each year. Whether at a local church, concert hall, a prison, or mission point across the ocean, these ministry organizations are committed to the cause of Christ. The Jubals represent one of the strongest ministries of its kind in Southern Baptist life. The 5 Smooth Stones are all touched upon by this successful ministry.
In addition to these programs, we are thrilled with the resurgence of music camps. Surge 150 ( is drawing students from across the state. All three music camps are healthy and God is blessing the efforts with decisions that honor Christ. Nearly 400 students and faculty members make Surge 150 a major success story in Georgia Baptist life. Last year we had several who professed faith in Christ and were baptized in their local churches. Many more made rededications, and others surrendered to vocational service. These camps are a vital testimony to the vibrancy of Cooperative Program support. These programs reflect our commitment to all of the 5 Smooth Stones as we develop leaders that will impact kingdom generosity, authentic evangelism, church revitalization, church planting, and spiritual renewal.
We also experienced excellent participation in our festival programs. Unfortunately, our 2016 REEL FEST youth choir event had to be canceled due to weather issues. Over 200 participated at the Handbell Festival ( at Jekyll Island. Our Senior Adult Choir festivals drew over 400 in two locations in North and South Georgia. These events touch evangelism as we see students come to faith in Christ, spiritual renewal, and kingdom generosity with the emphasis placed on support of Cooperative Program. Our Keyboard Festivals ( encourage students to play hymns and other service music to prepare them for service in the church. We had nearly 100 children and youth participate in these regional events.
In 2016, we added our newest staff member. Nick Duke came to us from Warren Baptist Church in Augusta. He will be leading a training emphasis to help equip our churches that utilize a more contemporary approach to church music. He has expertise in all areas of technology as well as giving effective leadership to those who are in church “bands.†His work is especially crucial as we enter a new phase of reaching out to students in the upcoming years.
Nearly 1,000 attended Go Georgia ( held at Prince Avenue Baptist Church. This was a “first†as we combined with many other departments to provide total staff training in multiple areas of ministry. This event offered more than 100 class options over the 2 days. Leaders from across the state came to receive training and inspiration for their local ministries. The music training at the event is particularly driven to address the needs of revitalization of the worship life and music ministries of our churches.
Another area of growth is in the area of personal consultation. As a state missionary, I have worked with dozens of churches dealing with search committee training, conflict mediation, tutoring other worship leaders, and providing encouragement to hurting ministers. A week seldom passes in which we aren’t contacted by ministers of Christ needing some form of personal help. We offer what time is possible and place individuals at the forefront of attention. Email me at if I can be of assistance in any of these areas.
Our connection with association leadership training continues to grow. We were in more than a dozen associations providing training events in conjunction with the associational missionary in areas of worship leadership, keyboard training, sound systems, and much more.
Although we are thrilled with the growth and success of these ministries, the real rejoicing relates to the churches that are strengthened in their ministries. These training opportunities and inspirational events are designed with the church in mind. Of course, we couldn’t provide anything without the incredible support of the churches. It is a joy to serve such wonderful people known as Georgia Baptists!
To contact Music and Worship Ministries, please call 1–800-RINGGBC (800–746-4422), 770–936-5265 or email Visit our website at to access information about events, calendar, our staff, podcasts and photos.
Toby Howell, State Missionary
The Mission Board Financial Services Office receives, processes and disburses all funds in accordance with guidelines set by the Georgia Baptist Convention Constitution and Bylaws.
- Accounting – Performs all accounting functions for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. Responsibilities include complying with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
- Accounts Payable – Distribution of funds approved for Mission Board related purposes are disbursed from this office under strict internal control policies.
- Gift Receipts – Receipt of mission contributions from the Georgia Baptist Mission Board family of churches. All gifts are received in Mission Board Financial Services and disbursed monthly in strict accordance with budgetary guidelines and donor designations.
- Payroll – All payroll is processed for Georgia Baptist Mission Board employees.
- Kevin Smith, State Missionary
The Vice President for Operations has the responsibility for coordination of ministries staff and business operations according to the purposes of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.
Ministry areas that are under the coordination of the Vice President for Operations are Church Financial Services, Employee Services, Information Services, Research Services, Communications and Support Services.
This ministry area’s functions include:
- Leadership in the Georgia Baptist Missions and Ministry Center operations
- Assist the Vice President of Finance in planning, preparation and administration of the Cooperative Program budget
- Leadership in Employee Services
- Shared responsibilities for Georgia Baptist Conference Centers at Norman Park and Toccoa
- Research and writing assignments for the Executive Committee and special studies.
- Assist ministries, work teams, and committees of the Georgia Baptist Convention by managing resources that enable the successful fulfillment of their visions.
Keith Hamilton, State Missionary
The Georgia Baptist Mission Board has a long tradition of providing some great benefits to ministers and other church employees of its member churches. Annually, Georgia Baptist Mission Board has provided a wellness retreat, private confidential personal counseling, conflict resolution assistance, resume services, and many other ministries to ministers and church employees. Another ministry the Georgia Baptist Mission Board has provided over the years has been the survivor protection and disability income benefits. Last year alone, along with GuideStone Financial Resources of the SBC, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board paid out over $750,000 in benefits to surviving spouses or disabled church staff members. This is a tremendous benefit for church employees.
The protection benefits are based on monthly contributions to a participant’s retirement account at GuideStone. Ministers are eligible for protection benefits from the first day of employment and full-time support staff employees are eligible after three years of Southern Baptist employment. The only requirement the Georgia Baptist Mission Board has of member churches is to contribute at least $420 per retirement plan participant to the Cooperative Program to help recover part of the cost of providing these excellent protection benefits.
Since 1918, GuideStone has been meeting the needs of ministers, church workers, and employees of hospitals, universities, colleges, seminaries, retirement and children’s homes, and other institutions. GuideStone is a diversified Christian financial services provider, offering retirement, insurance, investment management, property and casualty coverage, and executive planning products and services to the Southern Baptist churches.
GuideStone sponsors the nation’s largest Christian-screened registered mutual fund family, GuideStone Funds. Through GuideStone Funds, they also offer Roth and traditional IRAs and personal investing opportunities.
Today, GuideStone serves more than 200,000 participants worldwide serving in some 36,000 churches, mission-sending agencies, hospitals, educational institutions and other related ministries.
GuideStone Retirement and Insurance Services seeks to assist churches and their staffs in Kingdom Generosity by helping church staff members and churches understand the importance of Biblical financial planning principles and providing leadership training workshops and materials in insurance and retirement matters.
Tom Crites, State Missionary
Church Research Services exists to reduce lostness in Georgia by encouraging cooperative missions, equipping Mission Board ministries, and empowering local congregations to become healthier, mission-minded churches by providing relevant, timely, and accurate information.
Church Research Services provides and interprets customized reports for churches, associations, and Mission Board staff strategy planning and decision-making. In 2016, we had the privilege of completing an estimated 800 Mission Field Reports – demographics and localized trends relevant to each church and association area. We also provided over 500 church and associational statistical reports, surveys and other specifically tailored reports. We were excited to be able to provide many of our pastors with a new online access to prospects living in their communities. This represents an estimated 1,300 total reports provided to nearly one thousand churches and associations for the purpose of reaching the people of Georgia for Jesus.
We also collect and analyze the Annual Church Report allowing pastors the opportunity to understand what God is doing around the state.
Church Research Services is continually developing new resources offering essential, ministry focused and locally relevant tools. We strive to make every tool freely available to each Georgia Baptist member, Georgia Baptist church and Georgia association.
Please feel free to contact your Church Research Services Team by calling 770–936-5238 or emailing us at
Mark Strange, State Missionary
The Communications Ministry area intentionally provides communications, marketing and production support for the 5 Smooth Stones strategy of Spiritual Renewal, Kingdom Generosity, Church Revitalization, Church Planting, and Authentic Evangelism through all the ministry areas of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.
The ministry’s purpose statement says, “Communications ministers as a team called by God to create and connect through effective communications in support of Georgia Baptists.†It is the vision of Communication Services to be a primary partner with Georgia Baptists in effectively communicating their ministries to reach their communities.
Communication Services provides
- Creation and development of promotional materials for ministry departments
- Production and printing services for ministry departments
- Communication of Georgia Baptist stories and ministry successes
- Public Relations activities & monitoring; including social media
- Web design and maintenance of Georgia Baptist Mission Board websites including, but not limited to:
- The corporate site at
- Event sites such as for the Go Georgia training event ( and the Big Invite, and more
- Other sites including,,, and others for various ministries
- Video production that includes: Executive Director emails, success stories, promotional videos, documentaries and ministry support/reports for annual meeting
- Radio programming through:
- Mission Georgia Radio Internet radio at
4 hours a day/7 days a week)
- Life With Purpose Radio at and syndicated on radio stations in Georgia and nationally
- Publication of the Georgia Baptist Missions and Ministry Guide and Calendar
- Assistance with crisis communication needs of churches and associations
- Consultations with churches and associations in marketing and communication areas including print design, web design, social media consulting, A/V needs, and video production
- Kevin Smith, State Missionary
The Georgia Baptist Historical Archives and Museum work in coordination with the Georgia Baptist Historical Commission to promote, preserve and record Georgia Baptist history and heritage. Documents and artifacts are assessed and stored that are of significance to Georgia Baptist history including items at the state, association and local church levels. The archives also serve as a repository for associations and churches who need a safe storage facility for their own historical documents. By preserving our past, we encourage future generations of Georgia Baptists to engage in learning and conserving their own unique history in the making.
Kevin Wilson, State Missionary
Information Technology (IT) seeks to provide solutions to the informational and technological needs of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board staff, Baptist agencies and institutions, associations, and churches. IT plays a vital role in the implementation of the Five Smooth Stones initiative. Through the work of IT; a stable, reliable technology infrastructure is provided for State Missionaries to connect with associations and churches across our state.
In IT, we are passionate about serving the Lord by seeking to effectively utilize technology in ministry. We see in technology viable tools that can be used to greatly enhance and enable the Five Smooth Stones strategy. The gifts given through the Cooperative Program and the Mission Georgia Offering allow us to use technology as a tool to reach the over 7 million lost people in Georgia.
We indirectly support your church by supporting the statewide ministries of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, covered in our services section below. If we can ever be of service to you or to your church, please contact us in Information Services.
We administer, maintain and support the Georgia Baptist Mission Board network, the corporate email system, the telephone system and mobile phones, and we provide security to protect our technology systems from external threats (i.e. virus protection, etc.). We provide technical support for internet services, general hardware and software tech support, consulting for churches and associations (as time allows), and information support for callers (related to iGO).
We also work to maintain and develop iGO, the central database of the Georgia Baptist Convention. iGO includes over 100,000 records describing our Georgia Baptist Churches and their staff members. We offer iGO and Microsoft Access support, integrate other databases with iGO, and process approved label and list requests (please contact the office of Dr. J. Robert White to request labels or lists). A large portion of the information within iGO comes from the Annual Church Report (ACR). Each year, we work with Church Research Services to collect and process the information you send us about your church. We update the changes to church and leadership records and incorporate the yearly church statistics into iGO.
We have continued to offer technology training for our staff throughout the year. We work each year to help with the registration process at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, as well as setting up and overseeing our registration process for the Georgia Baptist Convention Annual Meeting. In addition to the annual meetings, we oversee the registration process for many of our Georgia Baptist events throughout the year using our iGO system.
Judy Hinesley, State Missionary
Support Services partners with state missions staff and related ministries to provide a pleasant and safe working environment. The department is responsible for the oversight of the Missions and Ministry Center (MMC), and the facility is constantly being maintained to provide a beautiful place that will honor our Lord. The MMC houses the state missions staff as well as office space for the Georgia Baptist Foundation, Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation and The Christian Index.
Support Services schedules and coordinates meetings and conferences, and oversees operations of the switchboard, reception area, building security, mail services, shipping and receiving, fleet services, and food services. In addition to daily operations, this ministry area is responsible for registration at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s annual meeting.
Support Services also has the privilege to lead tours of this beautiful building that God has blessed us with. We share how the architecture, the inspirational murals and paintings, the historical stewardship collection, along with the ministry work within and without point to Him and glorify who He is and what He has done. These tours give a wonderful opportunity to share about the importance of the Cooperative Program and how much more can be accomplished for kingdom purposes through working together.
The Georgia Baptist Mission Board was blessed in late 2016 with two new tents to replace two of the three tents that are maintained through gifts of Georgia Baptists through Mission Georgia and the Cooperative Program. These tents are actively being used for evangelistic purposes all over Georgia. In 2016, 30 events were held under the dome of these tents including revival crusades, Vacation Bible Schools, children’s camps, community outreach, church anniversary and homecoming celebrations, wild game dinners, Sunday worship services, gospel singing/music concert, Youth hunting competition, back-to-school outreach, picnics and BBQ dinners, sportsman’s dinners, Fall festivals, Fair Expo outreach, church rebuild project, college campus outreach, and GO Georgia. From the reports we received in 2016, the attendance totaled 29,022. The Word of God preached, the Gospel shared, the music sung, and the testimonies shared under these tents resulted in 691 salvations, 260 rededications and 37 baptisms. To God be the glory for the way He uses a piece of canvas stretched over poles to draw people to Him and to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! Visit for details on leasing the tent.
- Gerald Harris, Editor and State Missionary
It has been said, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.†Adjusting ones’ sails to reach a desired destination is not always easy, especially for one who is a high “I†and “S†on the Disc Profile. A high “S†signifies that the individual tested does not particularly like change.
Changing a 195-year-old publication from almost two centuries of being a printed news journal to an online (computer) publication has not been easy for many, and particularly for me, but I am beginning to see the wisdom of the decision.
We endeavored to continue the printed edition of The Christian Index even though our primary focus was on the electronic edition, but subscriptions continued to plummet until it was no longer feasible to continue to do so.
However, I am pleased to report that our online readership continues to grow. In 2106 we had 815,998 page views from those who read at least portions of The Index. This year our goal is to surpass one million page views and we are on track to do just that. Now, we are attracting readers from all over the world with multiple readers in England, Australia, India and Russia.
Our objective is not simply to attract readers to boost our numbers, but to highlight the various ministries and missions serviced and supported by the Georgia Baptist Mission Board as together we endeavor to implement the “Five Smooth Stonesâ€. We are of the firm conviction that when our churches begin to catch a vision to plan and implement ministries that will focus on Spiritual Renewal, Kingdom Generosity, Church Revitalization, Church Planting and Authentic Evangelism they will begin to flourish. If your church is unusually blessed in one or more of these five areas, let us know. We would love to feature your church’s ministry in our publication.
The Christian Index is also excited about the U2019 emphasis during the remainder of this decade. We must reach our children and youth if we expect to have viable churches and effective ministries in the years ahead. We are always just one generation away from total atheism; and according to recent surveys the “nones†(those who profess no religion) are growing at an exponential rate. Churches must focus on reaching and evangelizing the children and youth of our culture. You will hear much about U2019 in the weeks and months ahead. Please embrace the challenge to reach the next generation for Jesus.
Please, go to: and subscribe for email updates and urge others to do likewise. It is possible for people to read our publication anywhere in the world at no cost. We also sell advertising to those who are interested in making their events or products known to countless readers. Please call us at 770–936-5590 if you are interested in placing an ad on our website. Except for our advertising revenue our ministry is now made possible entirely by your gifts to the Cooperative Program; and we are grateful.
Steve Parr, State Missionary
The V.P. of Staff Coordination and Development provides comprehensive leadership for all Mission Board ministries coordinating training, developing leadership, and implementing strategy that aligns all teams around the Mission Georgia vision, the U2019 Initiative, and the five priorities referred to as The Five Smooth Stones. The vision of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board is as follows: The Georgia Baptist Mission Board will seek to reduce lostness by focusing with Baptists on spiritual renewal resulting in Kingdom generosity, church revitalization, church planting and authentic evangelism.
Responsibilities related specifically to this ministry area include but are not limited to:
- Service on the Executive Leadership Team.
- Leadership and coordination of the U2019 initiative.
- Planning and leading staff meetings to enhance communication for and between staff members.
- Planning staff fellowship opportunities throughout the year.
- Seeking to align all staff members around the vison of Mission Georgia.
- Working with staff to coordinate calendars and enhance ministry activities.
- Developing training opportunities to improve staff performance including an annual Staff Professional Development Retreat.
- Working with church and associational leaders to provide quality ministry experiences to strengthen their ministries and leadership.
What is U2019? U2019 is an initiative of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board to challenge churches to reach out to kids and teens like never before. “U†means “under†and the challenge is to focus on reaching and making disciples of those age 19 and under. This is important for two reasons. First, churches in recent years have been baptizing fewer teens and children. [The average number of teen baptisms last year was only one per church.] If the decline continues, the consequences will have a great impact on our churches in future years. Second, almost three-fourths of people come to faith in Christ when they are in this age group. The Georgia Baptist Mission Board will be helping churches and associations to partner together to equip leaders to be more effective at reaching the next generation. That is what U2019 is all about. It is a choice we are calling on all Baptists to make. By God’s grace and in His strength we are choosing to reach the next generation. For more information, please go to
Larry Wynn, State Missionary
Church Revitalization is a process that begins with the pastor, the leader of the church. The pastor is the gatekeeper and the communicator of vision for the church. Our goal is to help pastors understand and embrace the process for revitalization in the church. Revitalization begins as the pastor influences the church and leads the church into revitalization. The church makes changes and as a result the community is impacted
Our most requested revitalization tool is the pastor roundtable. Pastor roundtables are being promoted throughout the state. Its foundation is Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.†(NKJV) The purpose of the pastor roundtable is to strengthen pastors through the open exchange of questions, ideas, best practices, mistakes and successes. It’s an environment where pastors can come together to exchange ideas and discuss topics related to ministry in the local church. These groups typically involve five to ten pastors representing churches of similar size, demographics. These churches do not have to all do church the same way. We welcome diversity in this format because we can learn a lot from each other. The meeting is a productive time of encouragement and discussion. Pastor Roundtable guidelines.
The Church Revitalization team provides resources to assist pastors with the revitalization process. These resources include personal growth and development, communicating and connecting effectively, “Ten Commandments for New Pastors,†strategic planning, embracing change, transitional pastoring, bi-vocational pastoring, and consultation. We also resource the church through the existing tools of evangelism, Sunday School/small groups, discipleship, church assessments, community assessments and effective church mergers.
Your Evangelism Ministries team has the vision of seeing every Georgia Baptist church being intentionally evangelistic. The triple focus thrust that drives our ministry across the state: elevate, educate and celebrate evangelism. The driving component in our helping churches become intentional and fruitful in evangelism is our 6E Strategy, a comprehensive strategy that not only fits every church regardless of size, community or culture, but one that has a proven track record of results in helping churches increase their baptisms.
A Georgia Baptist Evangelism Conference is held each year. Hundreds of Georgia Baptists have the opportunity to come together to be encouraged and inspired for the great work of evangelism. Some of the best preachers, technicians, testimonies and musicians available are scheduled each year to lead these services. Our evangelism conferences are called REACH.
In 2016, two REACH conferences were held. The preaching conference at Piedmont Church in Marietta, was held in the Spring, and the strategy conference was held in the Fall at Northway Baptist in Macon. Conference schedules and details are always posted at
Top Ten TourÂ
Each year we identify the top 10 baptizing churches in 5 size categories and publish that list at From that list, we select from that pastors to make “tour stops†around the state in various local associations. Small events are organized so that they can share with other pastors what’s working for their church right now in reaching more with the Gospel. These small events have proven very effective.
Evangelism BlogÂ
Our main information and content portal online. Located at
Evangelism PodcastÂ
Interviews, training and more. Available on iTunes.
Mobile App
Available on Android or iPhone. Search the App Store for ‘GBC Evangelism Ministries’
Online Revival Planning Guide
Full online training, including prep, promotion, follow-up and more. Go to
Where to Start?
Download a free gift and get on our mailing list at
Through the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Georgia Baptists cooperate in witnessing for Christ and building the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth. These two Southern Baptist boards undertake to project globally the same kind of ministries that the local churches and conventions undertake at home. Missionaries of the boards, on behalf of all Southern Baptists, are preaching the Gospel, teaching the truths of the Kingdom, healing the sick, winning the lost, and growing self-supporting and cooperating churches across the country and around the world.
Financial support for these North American and international programs is provided through the Cooperative Program. In addition to the regular support provided each month through the Cooperative Program, designated gifts made during the observance of special days in the Sunday Schools, churches and the seasons of prayer in Woman’s Missionary Union organizations make a valuable contribution toward the work of these two mission boards.
Both the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board are agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention. Members of these Boards (four members on each of these boards are from Georgia) are elected by the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Boards are responsible to that body for the work they direct. Georgia Baptists, through their faithfulness to the Great Commission, have made it possible for Georgia to be one of the top contributors to missions in the Southern Baptist Convention. An increasing number of Georgia churches are cooperating with the Woman’s Missionary Union in observing the Annie Armstrong season of prayer and offering for North American missions and the Lottie Moon season of prayer and offering for international missions. Georgia Baptist churches are urged to increase their gifts through the Cooperative Program by at least one-half percent each year so that Georgia and Southern Baptists may continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ at home and around the world.
North American Mission Board
4200 North Point Parkway, Alpharetta GA 30022–4174
Kevin Ezell, President
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) exists to serve pastors and churches as they seek to reach others for Christ and NAMB wants to see all believers on mission for Christ. NAMB has two areas of primary emphasis: Send North America and Send Relief. Send North America focuses on church planting in strategic cities. Send Relief focuses on providing disaster relief work as well as ministry in areas such as hunger and poverty, adoption and foster care, dental and medical clinics, human trafficking, first responder and more.
NAMB provides assistance to churches through the following:
- Planting healthy, multiplying, evangelistic Southern Baptist churches
In 2015, 927 churches were planted and 192 churches affiliated with the SBC. More than 250 vision tours were provided in the Send Cities with more than 1,600 attendees and more than 600 churches represented. Tours are designed to help pastors connect with church plants with which they might want to partner.
- Evangelism and making disciples
NAMB continued the personal evangelism tool called 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide in 2015. Over 1.5 million guides have been distributed. In 2016, Your Church on Mission will launch and will help pastors with practical and strategic training to help them lead their church on mission.
- Appointing, supporting and assuring accountability for missionaries
NAMB supports 5,684 missionaries. The improved assessment process for potential church planters in Send Cities will help NAMB place these planters. 387 GenSend student missionaries were placed in 15 of the 32 Send Cities in 2015 where they were immersed in urban church planting.
- Providing missions education and coordinating volunteer missions opportunities
NAMB continues to provide mission education resources through traditional avenues. In addition to traditional methods, NAMB has developed mission-specific training. SEND North America Conference had more than 13,500 participants during the two-day event.
- Leadership Development
A variety of resources are available to ministers and their families through NAMB. Some of the resources available are the Pastoral Care Line (1–844-PASTOR1), Galatians 6:6 marriage retreats, Pastor Round Tables, ReFresh conferences and Timothy+Barnabas conferences. Equipping is also provided through
- Disaster Relief
In 2015, more than 5,000 Disaster Relief volunteers responded to those in need across the United States. Through these volunteers more than 300 professions of faith were recorded.
International Mission Board
PO Box 6767 (3806 Monument Avenue) Richmond VA 23230
David J. Platt, President
The International Mission Board (IMB) is focused on five primary aims: exalting Christ, mobilizing Christians, equipping the church, facilitating church planting and playing our part in the completion of the Great Commission
IMB provides assistance to churches through the following:
- Evangelize people, plant churches and nurture church planting movements
The 2015 Annual Statistical Report of the IMB reports that the unreached people groups in the world totals 6,832. IMB missionaries engaged 886 people groups and out of these 742 of them are considered “unreached.†Nearly two million people heard a gospel witness and 127,385 became believers.
- Send and support missionaries and volunteers
In 2015, 136 new career/long-term personnel and 179 new short-term personnel were appointed. IMB missionary personnel continue to reflect the geographic and church size diversity of the SBC with missionaries from all 50 states and these missionaries come from all size churches.
- Mobilize Southern Baptists to be involved in missions
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering was $153 million which is the second largest in the history of the IMB. Many churches also committed to pray for missionaries and their work around the world. Throughout 2016, programs for training and equipping will be provided through the new training office.
- Develop global strategies
Human needs operations administered 297 relief and development projects in 53 countries. More than 3,246 communities were assisted through development projects and disaster relief projects. Over 1.4 million people were helped with basic life essentials using SBC World Hunger Funds and funds designated for Global Hunger Relief.
Kenny Thompson, President and CEO
HOME. We all long for a place to call home. A place where we can feel safe, accepted and loved.
Unfortunately, for many of the children in our care, home has sometimes been a place of hopelessness, fear and despair.
The children and families we serve today often come to us with very few possessions. Instead, they come with heavy emotional and physical scars. Many arrive defiant, traumatized, and angry at the world and everyone in it. And who can blame them? How would any of us feel if we had been forced to live on the streets, a homeless shelter, in the back of an old car, or in just another failed placement through the system?
Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes isn’t just our name; it’s who we are. We are a place where healing and hope can be found. A place where the knowledge of our living Savior can be found. A Place to Call Home. We realize that even though we may only be a temporary “Home†for some of our residents, we have the awesome responsibility of helping them build a solid foundation for their future.
Our campuses, residential group homes and family foster care programs offer a new beginning for children who have experienced abuse, abandonment or neglect. Our specialty ministries offer hope children with higher behavioral needs, girls who have been victimized through human trafficking, children with developmental disabilities in need of respite care, mothers and their children overcoming domestic violence, and individuals coping with physical and developmental disabilities through an innovative therapeutic riding program. Our community counseling centers, located on our campuses throughout the state, serve as a place for families to seek help, guidance, and understanding.
In 2016, we helped 1,274 children and their families find hope through a variety of innovative programs and ministries designed to bring spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.
We continue to minister to all of our children’s spiritual needs and show them that true healing and hope only comes through the salvation of Jesus Christ. We are blessed to share that this past year 49 children in our care made professions of faith!Â
We are proud of our heritage as an agency of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Since we do not receive Cooperative Program funding, we are especially grateful to many of our Georgia Baptist churches across the state that place us in their church budgets, recognize special offerings for our ministry and participate in associational truckloadings.
During our 145 years of ministry, we have seen the world change and grow and have always adapted our ministry to the changing needs of the children in our care. Our ministry has changed; our programs have changed; but the one thing that has not changed is our commitment to providing a strong spiritual foundation for each child we serve.
To view the Audit of the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, select AUDITS
The Graham Foundation provides emergency loans to students who need assistance to remain in school. In 1991 the trustees turned over daily administration of the Foundation funds and loan servicing to the Georgia Baptist Foundation, Inc. The Georgia Baptist Foundation was chartered in 1941 to serve as the independent trust agency of the Georgia Baptist Convention.
The Georgia Baptist Foundation is audited annually. Their report is submitted to the Executive Committee for inclusion in the Book of Reports. The audit of the Georgia Baptist Foundation suffices for the Graham Foundation’s requirement for an annual audit. The unaudited Graham Foundation financial statements and notes submitted here are compiled from account information provided by the Georgia Baptist Foundation.
To view Audit of the Graham Foundation, select AUDITS
Will C. Bacon, President and CEO
Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation is pleased to present our annual report for 2016.
As we selected the grant recipients for this year, we continued to emphasize transforming health care ministries in and through Georgia Baptist associations.
Our efforts in health care offer generosity that we pray will eventuate into continual deeds of kindness, both for the ones receiving the ministry, and the ones who offer it.  In our Christian vocation, we are called to bring unity, walk with the stranger, lift the oppressed and give voice to the unheard.  Our grants are distributed to help renovate communities for Christ, by touching individuals at their points of health care need.
Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ through a health care ministry, grants from the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation make a significant impact in the neighborhoods where our grantees are ministering, now and in the future. We thank you for your interest, prayers, and efforts to help us fulfill our great co-mission.
Please access our website at to learn more about our organization, and the grant application process.
To view Audit of the Health Care Ministry Foundation, select AUDITS
Peggy J. Beckett, President and CEO
Our Mission: To provide comfortable, attractive homes for senior adults at an affordable price within a Christian environment, and to further provide services and programs that enrich senior living and enable senior adults to age in place.
From the beginning of our ministry in 1967 until today seniors have enjoyed a standard of living and community experience that satisfies and enriches their lifestyle. Over 400 seniors reside or receive services from our three communities.
Clairmont Crest
Located on the outskirts of charming, revitalized downtown Decatur, Georgia near Emory University and hospital and Veterans’ Hospital, Clairmont Crest is our urban community. Two 5 story apartment buildings are connected with lighted pathways through prayer gardens, flower patches, a fountain, and an in ground swimming pool. Studios, one and two bedroom apartments for independent living are available. The residents of Clairmont Crest call themselves Crestors and live full, active lives. Regular planned trips help them take advantage of the plethora of cultural and entertainment events provided by a large metropolis. From simple shopping, dining out, to the fabulous Fox and its variety shows, plays, and concerts to church services and adventures in botanical gardens the Crestors can be found enjoying themselves. An organized activity program ascertains that those who prefer staying near home have ample opportunity to participate in games, parties, and enrichment services such as weekly Bible studies and prayer meetings. Other amenities of Clairmont Crest are an on-site beauty and barber shop and a fully equipped senior gym. Podiatrist, audiologist, and family practioners who do house calls are part of the Clairmont Crest experience. A special agreement with Ability Rehabilitation provides on-site therapies and free strengthening exercises. Our staff chaplain leads vespers and Sunday morning services. Hospital visitations, counseling and some small group focus sessions are also done by our chaplain.
Palmetto Park
Palmetto Park is our rural community. Situated on thirty acres in Palmetto, Georgia, the very edge of South Fulton County, Palmetto Park offers spacious grounds, lovely rolling hills and peaceful meadows. Twenty-six garden cottages for independent living are nestled around a pond filled with fish, turtles, and alternately wild geese. Deer and turkey often visit the campus. Situated on a small rise next to the cottages stands Baptist Manor, a two-story congregate living facility offering independent living studios, and one bedroom apartments. Baptist Manor has a large elegant dining room with vaulted ceilings and wide windows facing the pond. Residents enjoy waiter/waitress service with some table-side preparations, salad bars and a select menu. Other amenities include weekly light housekeeping, and convenient laundry facilities. A Lifestyle Director plans a full program of social, physical and spiritual enrichment opportunities. The staff chaplain is available for prayer meeting and visitation. Local businesses deliver groceries and pharmacy prescriptions and supplies at no additional charge for residents. On-site physicians are available for those who wish to have check-ups and family practice visits. A beauty and barber shop as well as a day spa complete with massages are available by appointment
Hiawassee Park
Hiawassee Park is our mountain resort community. Located on the outskirts of Hiawassee, Georgia, this community is built on a mountainside overlooking Lake Chatuge and Brass Town Bald Mountain. Presently there are 34 cottages offering independent living and a central clubhouse that features a large kitchen and recreation area, a stone fireplace, and large screen TV where movies nights and games are shared. There is a fully equipped senior gym, and a separate pool room where residents may work out in the resistance pool which has cross currents and a retractable underwater treadmill. This no impact exercise is great for osteoarthritis. A Lifestyle Director plans group and individual activities, trips and excursions. Resident led clubs offer opportunity for sharing special interests such as bridge, photography, crafts, and writing. Our Joyful Hearts Homecare service is housed in this community and allows residents to age in place with peace of mind and security. Transportation for grocery shopping, doctors’ appointments and other necessities is available.
There is never a large buy-in fee for BRC. Rental rates are all-inclusive, with exception of electricity at Clairmont Crest and Hiawassee Park. No additional maintenance or amenity fees apply. Our age requirement begins at fifty. Presently all our communities are in the upper 90 percentile for occupancy. God has richly blessed our ministry and we give Him the glory for all the success it enjoys. As an agency of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board we a part of the Cooperative Program budget and receive a portion each month. Many churches have been led to include us in their budgets on a monthly or quarterly basis. Individuals have remembered us in their wills either with an outright gift or a trust with the Georgia Baptist Foundation. These funds enable us to adhere to our ministry mission of offering affordable rates as they supplement rental income.
We are grateful to Georgia Baptists for their generous and faithful support of our ministry. Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to develop new services and complete our new community all to the glory of God. You are welcome to visit us at any location at any time or you may take a virtual tour and view pictures on our website. The individual communities also maintain Facebook internet for residents, families and friends to interact and view firsthand life at BRCGA. Website
To View Audit of Baptist Retirement Communities, select AUDITS
Delos L. Sharpton, President/CEO
The growth of Baptist Village Retirement Communities from facilities accommodating five residents to facilities in three locations providing retirement living for over five hundred senior adults shows the continued commitment of Georgia Baptists to minister to the needs of Senior Adults.  Baptist Village is the only Georgia Baptist ministry that that provides a full continuum of care, from Independent Living, Personal Care, to Skilled Nursing.
Independent Living
The single family and duplex homes offer all the amenities one would expect from a modern planned community. A lifestyle where upkeep and repairs are someone else’s concern, and a location where shopping, medical, recreation facilities are nearby. Independent living allows residents to age in place with tranquility and the availability of other levels of care. Baptist Village offers Independent Living villas in Waycross and Macon.
Personal Care
Personal Care is designed for the moment in time when an individual needs assistance in activities of daily living but does not require nursing care. The goal of this level of care is to help the resident maintain as much independence as possible. Baptist Village provides a program that offers the resident personal comfort and independence with the benefits of a compassionate staff that gives each resident the assistance they may need. Baptist Village Personal Care facilities are located in Waycross, Macon, and Lake Park.
Skilled Nursing Care
The J. Olan Jones Health Center in Waycross offers the most intensive level of skilled nursing care available. Through every avenue available Baptist Village strives to improve the quality of life for residents. This is accomplished in part through a multi-disciplined team skilled in responding to the health care needs of the residents.
For almost six decades Baptist Village Retirement Communities has provided seniors with housing and health care in a Christian environment, and has stood as a unique community where faith and caring are a way of life. With a mission to make life better for residents and their families the vision of Baptist Village Retirement Communities continues to be Serving God by Providing Excellence in Retirement Living.
For more detailed on Baptist Village Retirement Communities please visit us at .
To View Audit of Baptist Village Retirement Communities, select AUDITS
Johnathan W. Gray, President and CEO
The Georgia Baptist Foundation stewards Gospel generosity by working alongside individuals and organizations to gather and increase donations through creative gift plans and asset management. Because of our work, the Foundation strengthens ministry efforts to bring Gospel transformation to every part of life, in every place on earth, across every generation. We do this by managing and producing funds for churches, ministries, and institutions as well as helping generous givers contribute to their Spirit-led passions.  As a service-oriented ministry, we continue the search for new ways to assist our Baptist family and leverage our gifts to steward all those we serve.
The Foundation provides professional investment solutions that are both diversified and screened. For churches, agencies, and institutions we provide long-term investment management strategies for endowment-type funds as well as tailored strategies to meet particular needs. Furthermore, we provide a short-term investment strategy for funds with a 2–4 year investment horizon. Additionally, we work with individuals who want to give a portion of their estate to support Baptist causes or who may be seeking tax and income solutions for appreciated assets. We are also proud to report that in the fall of 2016, our accounting team successfully transitioned our trust accounting software to a new system which updates the user experience for our clients as well as enables expansion of our services in the future.
Our ministry is producing good fruit! The Foundation manages over 1,600 ministry and trust accounts with a market value of assets under management of approximately $360 million dollars. These funds are invested in a portfolio of stocks and bonds to provide sustainable income to support Baptist ministries. In 2016, a total of $10.8 million dollars flowed from the Foundation to support Baptist ministry.
Eleven staff members form our ministry team, led by Johnathan W. Gray as President/CEO. Susan DePasquale serves as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Candy Cannon serves as Client Accounting & Scholarship Director, and Scott Mitchell as Investment Accounting Director. Rachel Pinard also assists with accounting, as well as records management. Sam Warner serves as the Director of Development for North Georgia and Ray Sullivan as our Director of Development for South Georgia. Rick Head serves as our Director of Development for Institutional Endowment and Pam Mills as Vice-President of Trust Services. Nancy Patterson is our Director of Donor Relations. Ruth Ruiz serves as Executive Administrative Assistant and Corporate Secretary.
It is our joy to serve believers along with hundreds of Baptist churches and ministries as we follow God together in making all things new.
To View Audit of the Georgia Baptist Foundation, Select AUDITS
Steve Echols, President
201 David-Eliza Fountain Circle
PO Box 197
Mount Vernon, GAÂ 30445
Phone: 880.342.1087
Brewton-Parker College (BPC) is grateful for its Georgia Baptist heritage. The school had its beginning in 1904 through the efforts of local Georgia Baptists who had a vision for the importance of Christian education. Along with leaders from the towns of Mt. Vernon and Ailey and the surrounding area, Dr. John C. Brewton and C.B. Parker were particularly instrumental in the founding of the school. Since its inception, the institution has unapologetically provided biblically centered instruction and a Christian worldview. Initially established to offer a grade school education, today Brewton-Parker College is the only accredited four-year Christian college south of Macon and north of Jacksonville, Florida. As Alma Mater to over 20,000 students from throughout Georgia, the United States, and across the globe, the influence of BPC for the Kingdom’s sake continues to be inestimable.
Brewton-Parker College offers students a picturesque 270-acre campus set in the heart of sweet Vidalia onion country. Students find a warm welcoming atmosphere fostered by the cities of Mount Vernon and Ailey and the other nearby towns and counties. Typical of the scenic setting, the BPC community enjoys dining together in the beautiful and recently remodeled cafeteria. From there, the view encompasses Jones Lake which is adjoined by a quaint historic village and Tyre chapel where the cross steeple is a reminder of the purpose of the college.
The athletic fields, the track, and the newest addition to BPC, the Bartow and Jean Snooks Athletic Complex, are places where the students and community enjoy rooting for the Barons who compete on 12 athletic teams in one of the best NAIA conferences. However, far more important than the final standings in the conference is the stated passion of the entire athletic staff, which is to lead our student athletes be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
BPC equips students spiritually, and through numerous majors and concentrations provides students with the educational foundation they need to have successful careers. Staple majors, including business, English, history, Christian studies, biology, music, communication, social science, ministry, and education, establish the core of our institution. A small student-to-faculty ratio allows for mentoring and personal attention to the students by faculty members.
In recent years, BPC has made enormous progress in its financial health. The school has reduced its debt from over fourteen million dollars to a little less than eight million dollars. BPC has operated in the black for the last several years and in addition to endowment and operational funds, BPC has an ongoing cash reserve fund of over three million dollars. Because of its financial progress, BPC has more than doubled its federal financial composite score (a DOE measure of financial health) to a current number of 3.0 (the highest possible score). In 2014, SACS gave BPC a reaffirmation of accreditation with the next major review due in 2021. More recently, (December 2016) BPC passed a financial review that was part of the five-year SACSCOC report. BPC received the best possible report with no recommendations or notations of any kind concerning its financial health. In addition, the overall report for the five-year review (January 2017) was very good. The minimal responses required on a very small number of items is the best outcome the school has had in many years.
While BPC exists as a liberal arts academic institution, the most important part of the mission of BPC is to see spiritual transformation. This academic year, 40 students have made professions of faith and 70 more made recommitments of their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Taking this spiritual commitment beyond the campus, BPC has endeavored to minister to the surrounding area. Our staff, students, and faculty serve in many of the churches in the area on a volunteer basis. Cabinet members and faculty have preached in numerous churches over the past year and the concert choir and Voices of Truth have performed in Georgia Baptist churches throughout the state, including being the featured singing group at the 2016 Georgia Baptist Annual Meeting in Savannah.
Dr. Billy Puckett, BPC’s director of church and community relations, has led our students to minister at several disaster relief sites. In an expression of BPC’s commitment to local churches, Dr. Puckett also serves in a unique partnership with the Daniell Baptist Association as their DOM. In October of 2016, BPC students were instrumental in helping to evacuate nursing home residents from the coast to Vidalia during the threat of Hurricane Matthew. Recently BPC athletes helped with major cleanup and renovation efforts at the Montgomery County Recreation Center. Our students are active in tutoring students at local schools, and work in the local Boys Club. The BPC campus is the location for many events with thousands of guests annually at the sports day camps for children, fall festival, Easter egg hunt, athletic games, summer enrichment camps, biannual math and science festivals, and a Young Writer’s Conference. These events provide BPC with the opportunity to give back to the community and share the love of Christ.
BPC continues to work hard to improve its facilities. With the exception of one dorm (remodeled in 2010), all of the dorms at BPC have been remodeled in the past two years. The school will complete a new dorm unit by the fall of 2017 that will house 24 male students. An additional, unit is planned for the fall of 2018. These two units are part of a $1.5 million dollar Rise and Shine Campaign, which will also include extensive renovations on roofs, HVAC systems, and other improvements.
With so many blessings from God, including an increasing number of students, there is good reason for enthusiastic optimism concerning the future of BPC. Total enrollment for the 2016–2017 academic year is 897. That is an increase of 190 or 26% over last year’s 707. Signs are pointing to another major enrollment increase for the fall of 2017. We ask that you join our leadership in praying for BPC to fulfill its mission of seeing the lives of students transformed spiritually and academically for the glory of God.
Athletic website:
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Don Dowless, President
315 Shorter Avenue, Rome, GA 30165
Phone: 800–868-6980 / 706–291-2121
Web Site:
Kay Yow was the head coach of the women’s basketball team at North Carolina State University and won many titles in the highly competitive Atlantic Coast Conference. When she died in 2009 of cancer, a video of her was played at her funeral. She told the people gathered that she was very proud of the accomplishments in her life—the championships, the relationships, the years of coaching basketball. She was able to be at the height of her profession. But she said that the greatest moment of her life was not any championship: the greatest day of her life, she said, was the day she received Jesus Christ as her Savior.
The book of Colossians tells us that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge†(2:3). As a Christ-centered University, Shorter seeks to extend God’s kingdom through the lives of its students, faculty, and staff to every corner of the globe. Our educational philosophy encourages student-mentor relationships that help each student develop academically and spiritually, always keeping in mind that a great Shorter education is the beginning, not the end, of becoming a lifelong leader for Christ. It is important that students earn a living and continue to develop professionally in their chosen areas of study. But a greater impact is made through sharing Jesus Christ with others in everything we do.
We greatly appreciate the ongoing support of Georgia Baptists and are pleased to provide the following report of accomplishments from the 2016–17 academic year. Shorter continues to be ranked among the Best Regional Colleges in the South by U.S. News & World Report and as a Best Southeastern College by The Princeton Review. Our online programs are ranked among the 25 Best Online Colleges in Georgia by College Choice and among the Top 10 Best Online Colleges in Georgia by Value Colleges. The University was ranked as one of the 25 Most Beautiful Christian Colleges and Universities in the South by Christian Universities Online, and we were ranked as No. 21 on the list of 50 Most Affordable Christian Colleges and Universities, among the 25 Best Christian Colleges and Universities in the South, and among the Top 50 Christian Colleges and Universities for Veterans, all by Christian Universities Online. Individual programs have also received recognition. Our online Bachelor of Science in Human Services was ranked the No. 19 Best Buy among the 31 Best Affordable Online Human Services Degrees by, and our online Sport Management program was recognized as No. 11 among 15 Most Affordable Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Sports Management by and as No. 25 among the Top 30 Best Online Sports Management Degrees by Best Degree Programs.
In the fall of 2016, Shorter opened a new 3,300-square-foot Student Wellness Center located near the heart of campus. The majority of funding for the renovation project was provided by a generous grant from the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation, and the facility has been a boost to both student retention and student recruitment. The workout facility offers a wide array of cardio and weight equipment for use by students, faculty and staff. In October 2016, Shorter hosted a ribbon cutting for a newly renovated microbiology laboratory, which was named the Ware Family Foundation Microbiology Laboratory in honor of Marietta, Ga., residents Joe and Charlotte Ware, whose contribution funded the renovation project. The renovation included updating the microbiology laboratory, which also serves as the lab for anatomy, physiology and genetics. The lab is now equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including top-of-the-line microscopes and smartboard, incubators and upgraded furnishings.
Student achievement remains strong. Our Alpha Chi National Honor Society was named a Star Chapter for the seventh consecutive year, marking it as one of the best chapters in the nation. Senior English major Zayne Allen was chosen to receive the prestigious Nolle Scholarship from the national Alpha Chi organization, and Associate Provost Dr. Kathi Vosevich and junior nursing major Kayla Avery were elected to executive council seats for Alpha Chi. Sport management major Savannah Thomas landed a prestigious internship with the award-winning Intern Group that will take her to Melbourne, Australia, in October 2017. She was selected from 20,000 applicants. During 2016, senior Communication Arts major Caleb Britt completed a paid internship at WSB-TV, gaining experience as a multimedia journalist. Research by science students Jacob Case and Chris Elsey garnered a $1,000 grant from the TriBeta National Biological Honor Society. In the fall, Shorter’s Kappa Chi chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity was recognized as the chapter with the highest academic average in the nation.
Shorter also seeks to instill in our students an understanding of the importance of serving others through participation in service projects. Shorter freshmen volunteered hundreds of hours at the Rome Community Kitchen through their freshman seminar classes. Student mission teams traveled to Alaska and Covington, Kentucky. Shorter had six students selected to serve as BCM summer missionaries during the summer of 2017. They will be serving in Uganda, Italy, Ottawa (Canada), New England, New York City, and Houston. Other Shorter students will be working at Camp WinShape and with refugees in America through IMB. During Spring Break, Shorter students did Hurricane Matthew relief work in Johnsonville, S.C., and in Albany, Ga.
Our Cheer Hawks won the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) National Championship, the program’s fifth national title. The Shorter Lady Hawks volleyball team won the Gulf South Conference regular season championship and reached the finals of the GSC tournament. In February, Shorter Hawk basketball player Phil Taylor averaged 36 points per game, making him the most prolific scorer at any level of college basketball this season. His numbers earned him a mention in Sports Illustrated and Newsweek.
Most importantly, we had 17 students accept Christ as their personal savior this year. Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) had a total of seven different Bible studies involving at least 75 students. BCM also had two major outreach events. In the fall, they sponsored a “Week of Sharing†where students were encouraged to share their testimony with at least one person, made sandwiches and delivered them to students who texted questions about Christianity, and promoted Facebook testimonies through social media. That week ended with a bonfire to which students were encouraged to invite non-Christian friends. In the spring, we had special services led by Jason Lovins Band and Chris James.
We are grateful for the ongoing support of Georgia Baptists, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and of its leadership as we work toward Transforming Lives through Christ. We ask three things of you. Pray for us, that the Lord will continue to bless Shorter. Support us. Send us students. If we make a difference in the life of one student, it is worth it.
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Emir Caner, President
100 Alumni Drive
Cleveland GA 30528
Phone: 706–865-2134
Web Site:
The following points are true of Truett-McConnell University:
- Truett McConnell was chartered on July 23, 1946 to train up a generation of ministers to pastor churches and students who would love Christ. This same vision stays intact and only grows and expands.
- Scripture is the foundation for everything we do and of all that we are.
- Students get a biblical education, inside and outside the classroom.
- All undergraduates are required to take the Great Commission minor.
- We’re training students to love the Lord, love the Word, love the Church and love the lost.
- We’re preparing students not only for a career or to receive a paycheck, but to fulfill God’s high calling on their lives.
- We’re located in the beautiful Northeast Georgia Mountains in Cleveland, Georgia.
- All full time faculty have publically signed the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
- We offer a wide array of programs of study including Biology, (for all pre-health majors – dental, allied health, medicine, pharmacy, veterinarian, etc.), Business Administration, Christian Studies, Criminal Justice, Education, English, Exercise Science, History, Music, Nursing, Psychology and World Missions.
- We offer online programs including a BS in Business Administration, B.A. in Christian Studies, B.S. in Psychology, M.A. in Theology, and BS in Criminal Justice.
- We offer Master programs of study in Business, Education, Biblical Counseling, Theology, and Biology.
- TMU has a family friendly campus which offers students University activities including sporting events (Volleyball, Men and Women’s Soccer, Men and Women’s Basketball, Men and Women’s Golf, Men and Women’s Cross Country, Men and Women’s Track and Field, Wrestling, Women’s Lacrosse, Softball, and Baseball).
- Residential students live and learn in a community of faith with personal attention from TMU faculty.
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