The pas­tor or his appoint­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tive and one lay per­son of each church shall serve on the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee of the Asso­ci­a­tion. If the church is with­out a pas­tor, the church may elect some­one else to serve until a pas­tor is called. 
If no names appear, a response was not received from the church, and/or the pastor’s posi­tion is vacant

Ailey- Luis Gonzalez

Alston- Doyle Waller

Bear Creek- Owen Waters

Bethel — John Farwell

Bet­ter Togeth­er- Craig Snead

Beu­lah- Clarence Best

Boil­ing Springs- Con­way Jones

Cedar Cross­ing — Reece Mincey

Cor­ner­stone-Gaynor Ridgdill, Pey­ton Rap­er

Cross Tim­bers- Bil­ly Folsom

East Gor­don- Thomas Rhodes

Fairview- Glenn Russell

Faith Mis­sion­ary- Jim­my Dupree

First Bap­tist Alamo- Adam Cok­er, Bet­ty Thomas

First Bap­tist Glen­wood- Kevin Hammons

First Bap­tist Lyons- Steven Echols (Inter­im), John Mosley

First Bap­tist Mt. Ver­non- Chad Ritchie, Karl Hay

First Bap­tist Sop­er­ton — Chad Cofield

First Bap­tist Uval­da- Adri­an Bell

First Bap­tist Vidalia- Steven Echols (Inter­im)

Friend­ship- Wal­ter Jarrell

Grace Truth- James Tippins

Ham­mond- Daniel Caraway

Har­mo­ny — Ker­ry Walker

Hig­gston- Mur­ray Ward

Hope — Kei­th Tipton

Jour­ney- Jason Corbett

Long Pond- Joe Siman

Mt. Pis­gah– 

New Corinth- Justin Weaver


North Thomp­son- Joe Phillips

Oak Grove- Rob­bie Fowler

Ohoopee -

Primera Igle­sia Bautista- Juan Vallejo

Prov­i­dence- Robert Ferrell 

Red Bluff- Crick­et Green

Rocky Creek- Joseph Dyal


Smith Street- Chester Proc­tor, David Barrett

Snow Hill- Ran­dell Tarpley

South Thomp­son- B.L. Horne

Spring Hill- Niles Dixon

Stuck­ey- Robert Rogers

Taber­na­cle- Bob­by Thompson

Tar­ry­town- Roy Drawdy

The Way-Joey Davis

Trin­i­ty- Chris Vinson

Unit­ed Fel­low­ship- Lar­ry Perkins

Vidalia Bap­tist Tem­ple- Cur­tis Baird