Special Called Executive Team Meeting

Exec­u­tive Committee,

We pray this invi­ta­tion finds you well. We are thank­ful that you are a mem­ber of the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion. Your active lead­er­ship in the asso­ci­a­tion enables us to be suc­cess­ful in accom­plish­ing our mis­sion. The mis­sion of the DBA is to bring glo­ry to God through facil­i­tat­ing part­ner­ships between church­es to accom­plish the Great Commission.

On Thurs­day, March 4 at 6pm at the DBA office in Ailey we will hold a spe­cial called meet­ing of the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee in order to make deci­sions on rec­om­men­da­tions giv­en by the DBA Finance Team and Admin­is­tra­tive Team con­cern­ing the use of mon­ey which is in the gen­er­al budget.

Because we were not able to host DBA Youth and Children’s camps or engage in our usu­al mis­sion trips and activ­i­ties in 2020, the Gen­er­al Bud­get has $22,548.46 which was not spent in 2020. The Finance and Admin­is­tra­tive Teams rec­om­mend this mon­ey be used to pur­chase a qual­i­ty used 15 pas­sen­ger van for the use of the DBA church­es and for any remain­ing mon­ey to be used to bless a mis­sion or min­istry that is engaged in accom­plish­ing the Great Com­mis­sion. Fur­ther, the Finance Team rec­om­mends that the cur­rent DBA 15 pas­sen­ger van be donat­ed for min­istry use to the Sweet Onion Chris­t­ian Learn­ing Center.

If you will not be avail­able to attend the Exec­u­tive Team Meet­ing, we encour­age you to express your thoughts and ideas by reply­ing to this email or email us at daniellbaptist@gmail.com.

This is a very pos­i­tive moment in the life of our DBA, so we are look­ing for­ward to this meet­ing of the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee. The DBA suc­ceeds when you lead and so we are eager to see you on Thurs­day, March 4 at 6pm at the DBA office.

Best and blessings,

Bil­ly Puckett

Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor of Theology
Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty and Church Relations
Direc­tor of Missions
Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion 
The Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion exists to bring glo­ry to God through facil­i­tat­ing part­ner­ships between church­es to accom­plish The Great Commission.
Spe­cial Called Exec­u­tive Team Meeting


Mar 04 2021


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Daniell Baptist Association
205 SW Railroad Ave. Ailey, GA 30410
Daniell Baptist Association


Daniell Baptist Association