SBC Sanctity of Life Sunday
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed that January 22 would be the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day because it is the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion-on-demand in the U.S. in 1973.
Churches traditionally recognize the third Sunday of January as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, which would be Jan. 16 in 2022.
However, some churches may choose the Sunday closest to the anniversary of Roe vs Wade, which would be Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022.
The attached bulletin inserts are undated so that you can use them on whichever Sunday you choose.
This year will be the 49th anniversary of the legalization of abortion in America.
Over 64.5 million babies have lost their lives because of abortion since 1973.
Respect for all human life begins with respect for life in the womb (Genesis 1:26–27; Psalm 139). When respect for life is diminished inside the womb, it has a negative impact on the value and sanctity of life outside the womb.
We need to trust the Lord’s value of ALL life.
God bless you,
Yours in Christ,
Mike Griffin
Public Affairs Representative
Georgia Baptist Mission Board
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a day to celebrate the intrinsic value of human life. It is held on the Sunday in January that falls closest to the day on which the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973. Your church can be involved by:
- Inviting Rachel’s House/First Choice Georgia to speak at your church
- Spreading the word on Facebook
- Taking up a love offering for Rachel’s House/First Choice Georgia Pregnancy Clinic on that Sunday.