National Day of Prayer

Introducing the National Day of Prayer 2021 Theme

2 Corinthi­ans 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spir­it, and where the Spir­it of the Lord is, there is liberty.

My heart is full of joy and grate­ful­ness as we just wrapped up our 2020 Nation­al Day of Prayer Coordinator’s Sum­mit. This three-day vir­tu­al meet­ing was filled with prayer, inspi­ra­tion from God’s Word and devo­tion­al mes­sages from some of our lead­er­ship team. The days and evenings also includ­ed the intro­duc­tions of new staff and Nation­al Area Lead­ers, infor­ma­tion, project and part­ner­ship updates, vital train­ing to equip our coor­di­na­tors, and the announce­ment of our 2021 Nation­al Day of Prayer theme that will be the focus of our prayers for Amer­i­ca and around the world as we step into the 70th year of  the incred­i­ble bless­ing of observ­ing the Nation­al Day of Prayer. We are thank­ful for our amaz­ing pho­tog­ra­ph­er and to the pow­er­ful prayer war­riors that posed for this pow­er­ful image rep­re­sent­ing who Amer­i­ca is – a nation made up of every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Yes, we are rich­ly blessed to have a law that has pro­claimed a day of prayer for our nation each year since the first obser­vance as the law was signed in 1952! Decades lat­er, Amer­i­ca still needs our prayers. We need to be pray­ing for all peo­ple, every day, for all sev­en moun­tains of influ­ence and more, because peo­ple are still in need and the Church is still called to a prayer, care, share lifestyle. First and fore­most, peo­ple need to hear the mes­sage and expe­ri­ence the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. All have sinned and fall short, but God’s arm is not short, and we have been sent to show and share His mes­sage of LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY.

Before God even spoke, “Let there be…” He loved you and me. God is love. We are sur­round­ed by the hurt­ing, hope­less, and help­less who have nev­er expe­ri­enced the love of God and pos­si­bly of anoth­er per­son. God designed and defines love, real love; uncon­di­tion­al, authen­tic love that sent His Son to pay our sin-debt in full so that we could believe in Him and have ever­last­ing, abun­dant LIFE.

We live in a nation that does not respect life – all life from womb to tomb. We are sur­round­ed by peo­ple who can­not be incon­ve­nienced or made uncom­fort­able to keep the heart­beat of oth­ers beat­ing. Whether it is an unborn child, the home­less or hun­gry, orphans and wid­ows, or oth­ers who are vul­ner­a­ble and need com­pas­sion and thought­ful­ness. Every­one needs to know that they were cre­at­ed by God and that He loved them so much He put His image in them and authored their val­ue and pur­pose that no per­son can take away from them. As fol­low­ers of Jesus we must come togeth­er in obe­di­ent uni­ty and love that spreads God’s glo­ry across the earth. We must share this mes­sage of love and life, so that our neigh­bors, co-work­ers, class­mates – so that all the world would come to repen­tance, that NONE may per­ish and know the LIBERTY, the free­dom from the stain and shame of sin. Every­one can have free­dom ring in their hearts, lib­er­ty that pro­nounces you, “NOT GUILTY” from the One true Judge. God alone knows your heart, knows every­thing about you; every­thing you have thought, done and had done against you. God alone is our judge and in Christ alone, we expe­ri­ence authen­tic, eter­nal LIBERTY.

In 2 Corinthi­ans 3:2–3, Paul reminds the Jesus fol­low­ers in Corinth, “You are our let­ter, writ­ten in our hearts, known and read by all men; being man­i­fest­ed that you are a let­ter of Christ, cared for by us, writ­ten not with ink but with the Spir­it of the liv­ing God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” Just as it was 2000 years ago, the mis­sion remains today. We, the believ­ers and fol­low­ers of Jesus are the mes­sen­gers, the let­ters writ­ten with the Spir­it on our hearts, and from the over­flow of the heart the mouth speaks. It is our prayer today and through­out 2021 that the Spir­it of the Lord, pour out, pour through us across Amer­i­ca, to fill our lives, fam­i­lies, church­es, work­place, edu­ca­tion, mil­i­tary, gov­ern­ment, arts, enter­tain­ment and media, with Bib­li­cal, not cul­tur­al, not world­ly, but Spir­it-empow­ered, Spir­it-filled LOVE, LIFE and LIBERTY as designed and defined by our Cre­ator and Savior.

Our 2021 Nation­al Day of Prayer theme prays: ”LORD pour out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY.” Once again pray­ing and pro­claim­ing a promise of God in our theme verse, 2 Corinthi­ans 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spir­it, and where the Spir­it of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Let’s begin pray­ing togeth­er now, please join me. Jesus we come now pro­fess­ing that You are our Lord, the One and only Son of God who came to take away the sin of the world and that whoso­ev­er believes in You will not per­ish but have ever­last­ing life. As our Lord we are clay in Your hands, ves­sels of Your plans and love. Fill us we pray, to be over­flow­ing ves­sels and exam­ples of Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY. We thank you for lov­ing us and com­mit to show­ing and shar­ing Your love. We thank you for our life, and com­mit to serve You in the awe and respect You deserve, know­ing You have put Your image in all of us, and that every per­son is fear­ful­ly and won­der­ful­ly made. We thank you for for­giv­ing our sins; for the LIBERTY you have giv­en us, the mer­cy You have shown us, and You suf­fered in agony on the cross and the wrath of the Father was upon You, so that I might be found “Not guilty” through Your shed blood. Help me to show com­pas­sion and respect to oth­ers so that they may hear the gospel and come to know You as Lord and know the release of being a slave to sin. Pour out Lord, and pour through Your Church across Amer­i­ca we pray, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Kathy Branzell
Nation­al Day of Prayer Task Force



Nation­al Day of Prayer

The event is finished.


May 06 2021


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