LAST DAY for Surge Registration

Spon­sored by the Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion and held at Brew­ton-Park­er College
Mon­day May 30 through Fri­day June 3, 2022
For all youth just com­plet­ing 6th through 12th grade
EARLY REGISTRATION: Until April 30: $225 per camper
REGULAR REGISTRATION: May 1‑May 20: $240 per camper
Reg­is­tra­tion Fee includes 4 nights at Brew­ton-Park­er College,
11 meals, t‑shirt, mis­sions, mate­ri­als, and oth­er items through­out the week.
***T‑Shirts will NOT be avail­able to any camper reg­is­ter­ing after May 20th***

Reg­is­ter here:

LAST DAY for Surge Registration

The event is finished.


May 20 2022


All Day