Canoeing the Mountains

Pas­tor’s Round Table 

The pas­tors and lead­ers of the DBA are invit­ed to join togeth­er to dis­cuss Canoe­ing the Mountains.

There are two oppor­tu­ni­ties to par­tic­i­pate, in per­son or online! 

In-per­son will meet at the DBA from 11:30 am — 1:00 pm, for dis­cus­sion and lunch
Online will meet via Zoom from 8:00 pm — 9:00pm
Both online & zoom meet­ing will take place on the fol­low­ing dates:
     Jan­u­ary 24
     Feb­ru­ary 7
     March 7
     April 11

The first meet­ing will cov­er chap­ters 1–3. 
Books are $5.00 each (bring to the first meet­ing or if you pay online a Pay­Pal fee will be added).
Please reg­is­ter below and we will mail the book to you before the first meet­ing. Or call (912)583‑4985

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Canoe­ing the Mountains

The event is finished.


Jan 24 2022


All Day


Daniell Baptist Association
205 SW Railroad Ave. Ailey, GA 30410