Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joy­ful noise to the rock of our sal­va­tion! Let us come into his pres­ence with thanks­giv­ing; let us make a joy­ful noise to him with songs of praise! For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

The Annu­al Church Report is a per­fect way to com­mu­ni­cate what your min­istry has been doing and how God has been work­ing through your church.

It’s an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the facts and fig­ures that are usu­al­ly dis­cussed behind closed doors in lead­er­ship meet­ings and amongst elders, out into the open, where the Church­es of the DBA can cel­e­brate and be encour­aged by the work your church is doing for the King­dom. This is how we rejoice together!

It is inter­nal­ly use­ful as well! From tithing and gift­ing to atten­dance, bap­tisms, and a pletho­ra of oth­er things, your annu­al report can effec­tive­ly sum­ma­rize where you’ve been as a con­gre­ga­tion, and where the Lord is bring­ing you now. It can also help keep you on track with mis­sion state­ments and goals. What did you plan on doing last year? How far along did you get towards each goal you set? Did you sur­pass any these goals? How does all of this affect your vision for the upcom­ing year?

The 2021 ACR can be entered online at the fol­low­ing link:     Here is a help­ful how-to guide for fill­ing out your ACR Online: Annu­al Church Report How To Guide

Be sure to com­plete all the church reports:

  • Annu­al Church Report 
  • Church Lead­er­ship Profile 
  • Oth­er Church Information 
  • VBS Report (


If you would like blank, print­able forms:
ACR 2021 blank form
Church Lead­er­ship Pro­file — Blank
Oth­er Church Infor­ma­tion Form
2021 VBS Form instructions 
2021 VBS Form



The event is finished.


Aug 27 2021 - Sep 27 2021


8:00 am - 2:30 pm