Dear Broth­ers and Sisters,

Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am writ­ing this let­ter to share with you about an excit­ing out­reach we are doing for the His­pan­ic Com­mu­ni­ty in and around our area and we desire you to part­ner with us to help us reach the unchurched and those who need Christ. On Sep­tem­ber 24th and 25th in the evenings we will be doing a rodeo at the Toombs Coun­ty Ag Cen­ter, to give the His­pan­ics an oppor­tu­ni­ty to do some­thing fun with their fam­i­lies but also as an avenue to share the gospel of Christ with them. The event will be 2 nights and we plan on hav­ing games, infor­ma­tion tables, and com­pe­ti­tions with prizes. There will also be a spe­cial break­fast and “Stud Talk” for any of the men who are help­ing with the event.

We have con­tract­ed with Dr. Lew Ster­rett to come down and do “Ser­mon on the Mount”. He will be teach­ing the gospel and liv­ing for God by using hors­es as a teach­ing tool. He has many years of expe­ri­ence and has done his pro­gram with His­pan­ic groups before. Matthew Hen­ley and I have been pray­ing and prepar­ing for this since the begin­ning of the year and with your help and your prayers we it can be the begin­ning of a big­ger har­vest. I am ask­ing as a broth­er and fel­low work­er in Christ would you/your church please con­sid­er help­ing and being involved?

El Ran­cho Del Senor
Psalms 50:10–11,23

Loca­tion: 523–529 Quint Shrine Rd, Lyons, GA 30436
Time: Sat­ur­day 4–8 p.m. Sun­day 4–8 p.m.

What help we need

  • Finan­cial need ($7000 of $10,000)
    • $3000 food, sup­plies, gifts (giv­en by DBA mis­sions team)
    • $7000 for Dr. Lew Ster­rett, hous­ing, food, helpers.
  • Greeters giv­ing out infor­ma­tion bags.
  • Park­ing attendants
  • Peo­ple to prayer walk His­pan­ic Com­mu­ni­ties up until event. (Prayer groups).
  • Peo­ple to hand, post, share Rodeo handouts.
  • Need some­one who has hors­es or ponies for kids to ride.
  • Help with Audio/Dj show.
  • Cook­ers and kitchen work­ers for food for event.
  • Par­ent­ing and mar­riage resources, books. or pam­phlets in span­ish. (Bib­li­cal).
  • Pre Show activ­i­ties-pic­tures, tick­et booth, games for kids
  • Help with cows for cow chas­ing, sheep for mut­ton bust­ing, and any­one who can do bar­rel races. (prizes will be given).
  • Any­one know bull­fight­ers or rid­ers we could con­nect with.
  • Peo­ple to hang around after for after­glow and con­nect­ing His­pan­ics to church.

Thank you dear family,
Joey Davis


The event is finished.


Sep 24 2022


4:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Toombs County Ag Center
523-529 Quint Shrine Rd, Lyons, GA 30436