The Daniell Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tion exists to bring glo­ry to God
through facil­i­tat­ing part­ner­ships between church­es to accom­plish the Great Commission.

How to Participate

Church­es who wish to pray for every home and pro­vide a Bible for every home in your coun­ty should have their pas­tor con­tact the DBA Office at (912) 583‑4985 or

If you have signed up to par­tic­i­pate, you will receive a text when a per­son requests a Bible or prayer, so please make sure we have your cor­rect cell phone number.

Be sure to look for emails and texts regard­ing updates and requests for Bibles and prayer.


April 2021

A Prayer for Every Home A Bible in Every Home is your DBA ini­tia­tive to part­ner church­es togeth­er to pur­sue the sal­va­tion of every per­son in Treutlen, Wheel­er, Mont­gomery and Toombs counties.

The goal of the strat­e­gy is for each church to pray for every house­hold in their respec­tive coun­ty and then togeth­er we offer every home an oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear the gospel and have a copy of the Word of God.

Your DBA staff is pro­vid­ing the lead­er­ship of our mem­ber church­es an updat­ed con­tact list of house­holds in their coun­ty. We encour­age each church to devel­op their plan to pray for every house­hold in their county. 

In order for this spir­i­tu­al endeav­or to be accom­plished we need all our church­es to par­tic­i­pate. Each con­gre­ga­tion needs a vision, a deci­sion and a plan. Each church must devel­op a vision to pray for every home, make a deci­sion to go after that vision and put a plan in place that gets you to that vision.

If we can increase the prayer life of our con­gre­ga­tions for the spir­i­tu­al sal­va­tion of our com­mu­ni­ty, then we have tak­en the first vital steps toward spir­i­tu­al renew­al in our church­es and in our community.

We also invite the believ­ers in our church­es to join togeth­er in cor­po­rate fast­ing every Sun­day morn­ing as we seek, ask and knock for the door of spir­i­tu­al revival to be opened in our area. We encour­age each of our church­es to make every Sun­day morn­ing a morn­ing of prayer and fast­ing. When phys­i­cal hunger pulls at us on Sun­day morn­ing, we can direct that into spir­i­tu­al hunger and prayer. May God see that we hunger for his strong arm of salvation. 

The Bible tells us that the eyes of our Lord roam to and fro, through­out the earth, so that he may show him­self strong on behalf of those whose heart is ful­ly devot­ed to him (2 Chron­i­cles 16:9). Our prayer for every home, our fast­ing and our per­se­ver­ance in prayer will show God that our hearts are devot­ed to him and his agen­da and that our hope is in his mighty arm of salvation.


May 2020

The effort to pray for every home in Wheel­er, Treutlen, Toombs and Mont­gomery coun­ties is ongo­ing and we are find­ing a great deal of suc­cess. We began the cam­paign to get a Bible in every home in mid-March. Since we start­ed we have received around 30 requests for prayer and/or Bibles.

In light of the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion with Covid19
your DBA staff have been mail­ing Bibles to those who have request­ed one. We need our pas­tors and evan­ge­lists, to have the con­tact infor­ma­tion and to respond to these requests via phone and let­ter and to share the gospel with the goal of mak­ing a disciple.

How are we orga­niz­ing the work?
We are orga­niz­ing the work using a project man­age­ment pro­gram named ClickUp. 
As we in the office receive requests for prayer and for Bibles, we take that data and enter it into Click­Up. With­in Click­Up the data is orga­nized into our four coun­ties. All of the pas­tors (and lay-evan­ge­lists) in each coun­ty will receive a noti­fi­ca­tion about every request that is received from with­in their respec­tive coun­ty. At that point we all need to be eager to reach out and have a con­ver­sa­tion. Mul­ti­ple con­ver­sa­tions would be bet­ter than only one.

Each minister/evangelist that makes con­tact should update our progress in the work man­age­ment pro­gram in Click­Up. Is the per­son born again? Did they pray to receive Christ? Do they have a church home? Are they look­ing? You can update the sta­tus of each prospec­tive per­son in ClickUp.

We have emailed every pas­tor an invi­ta­tion to join the Click­Up pro­gram. You need to sign in to see your oppor­tu­ni­ties. You can also down­load the Click­Up app on your phone and keep up with min­istry oppor­tu­ni­ties and updates through the phone app.

We will also begin to text the con­tact infor­ma­tion for each request through our Remind tex­ting pro­gram, and at the begin­ning of each month, look for an email with an updat­ed excel spread­sheet with the com­plete list of requests for all coun­ties. We will send this list to every pas­tor and evangelist.

Also, please give your DBA staff the names and email con­tact of the evan­ge­lists in your con­gre­ga­tion that you would want to par­tic­i­pate in the evan­ge­lism cam­paign. We are eager to give our gift­ed evan­ge­lists a plat­form to exer­cise their gift.

Regard­ing the mar­ket­ing piece, we have bill­boards and oth­er signs out in the com­mu­ni­ty and we are cir­cu­lat­ing some pro­mo­tion­al pieces and videos on social media. We are mak­ing every effort to get this oppor­tu­ni­ty in front of the unbe­liev­ers in our com­mu­ni­ty. Please share these pro­mos and videos with your social net­work online.
We also have cards that we can dis­trib­ute as well as yard signs that we want to put up at strate­gic loca­tions through­out our 4 coun­ties. Please help us spread the Word.

This evan­ge­lism strat­e­gy has a finan­cial cost as well. We need all of the mem­ber church­es of the DBA to part­ner togeth­er to fund this local mis­sion and evan­ge­lism effort. Every aspect of this effort has a price tag. The lists that our church­es are using to orga­nize and direct their prayer strat­e­gy, the work man­age­ment and tex­ting pro­grams, the cards and signs that we have cre­at­ed and the 200 Bibles we have pur­chased and are send­ing out, all cost mon­ey. Please lead your church to part­ner finan­cial­ly with the oth­er church­es in the asso­ci­a­tion to accom­plish this great chal­lenge of pray­ing for every home and get­ting the Word of God in every home.

Please con­tin­ue to pray for every home. We led with prayer and the suc­cess of this effort depends on our per­sis­tence in prayer because the suc­cess of this effort will come from the mighty hand of God. We are count­ing on God. We are ask­ing and seek­ing and knock­ing. Some are fast­ing. We need per­sis­tence. We need to wear Him out with our con­stant prayers for the sal­va­tion of our neigh­bors. His eyes are look­ing for those whose heart is com­mit­ted so that He can show Him­self strong among them. A Prayer For Every Home A Bible In Every Home. Togeth­er, by His pow­er and for His King­dom, we can accom­plish this great and God hon­or­ing task.

A Prayer for Every Home A Bible in Every Home is your Asso­ci­a­tion evan­ge­lis­tic cam­paign for 2020. The DBA is com­prised of 50 church­es across Mont­gomery, Toombs, Treutlen, & Wheel­er Counties.

There are approximately:
2408 house­holds in Mont­gomery County
7828 house­holds in Toombs County
1810 house­holds in Treutlen County
1356 house­holds in Wheel­er County

A Prayer for Every Home
Togeth­er we are going to pray for every home in our four coun­ties. Each par­tic­i­pat­ing church will have a list of house­holds from with­in their coun­ty and will com­mit to pray, by name, for the spir­i­tu­al sal­va­tion of each

A Bible in Every Home
Begin­ning in Jan­u­ary of 2020 our DBA will engage in media and mar­ket­ing cam­paign that will reach our four
coun­ties with the oppor­tu­ni­ty for each home to receive the Word of God. Your DBA will use every media and
mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy we can think of and can afford; includ­ing com­mer­cials, bill­boards, social media, text
mes­sag­ing, yard signs (and car­ri­er pigeons if we need to); in order to con­nect with every house­hold that would like
to receive a free copy of the Word of God.

Then, for each of our neigh­bors that request prayer or a Bible, your DBA ser­vants will for­ward that request to
DBA church­es so that the church can pray and deliv­er a Bible, as well as deliv­er the mes­sage of the gospel.

Our imme­di­ate pri­or­i­ty is to begin pray­ing for every home. Many of your DBA church­es picked up their A
Prayer for Every Home A Bible in Every Home pack at this year’s Annu­al Cel­e­bra­tion and many church­es have
already giv­en a ver­bal com­mit­ment to pray. If you want to get start­ed pray­ing for your neigh­bors by name but do not
have your pack yet, please con­tact your DBA office.

The imme­di­ate need is for saints in every church in the DBA to call out to our Lord in prayer on behalf of our
neigh­bors. We are also call­ing all those who are will­ing and able to join in cor­po­rate fast­ing every Sun­day morn­ing. We will come to wor­ship hun­gry for God and we will repur­pose our phys­i­cal hunger on Sun­day morn­ings so that those crav­ings will dri­ve us toward God instead of dis­tract­ing us and dri­ving us away from His pres­ence. All who would like to be part of cor­po­rate fast­ing next year can receive and encour­ag­ing text on Sat­ur­day evening by email­ing their name, address, and cell phone num­ber to or tex­ting the same to Bil­ly at 912–347-0053.

Prayer is thing if we want to draw the atten­tion of our King. A prin­ci­ple we learn in 2 Chron­i­cles 16:9 is that, “the eyes of the Lord move to and fro through­out the earth that He may strong­ly sup­port those whose heart is com­plete­ly His.” As we offer a prayer for every home, may our God look upon the earth and see that our hearts are com­mit­ted to Him and may He show Him­self mighty to save.

Bro. Bil­ly