If you would like to use any of the equip­ment from the DBA, please con­tact the DBA office.

912–583-4985 or daniellbaptist@gmail.com

Two Pull-Behind trail­ers are avail­able and can assist your orga­ni­za­tion in com­mu­ni­ty out­reach and events.

Please note a dona­tion of $25 is request­ed for the upkeep of the trail­ers & equipment.

The Evan­ge­lism Trail­er (E‑Trailer)

  • 1 15X15 Bounc­ing Bin
  • 1 13’W x 23’L x 18’H Dry Slide
  • 1 3 in 1 Sports Blowup
  • 1 Snow Cone Machine 
    • (Snow cone fla­vor not includ­ed. Snow cone machine can be used sep­a­rate­ly from trailer)

Portable Bap­tis­tery Trail­er (A‑Trailer)

  • Portable fiber­glass bap­tistry with steps
  • Heat­ing element

Oth­er equip­ment available: 

  • Pop­corn Machine 
    • (Some pop­corn avail­able while sup­plies last. Bags not included)
  • Blow-up/Pop-up Movie Screen
  • Video Pro­jec­tor
  • Sound Sys­tem
    • Two speak­ers
    • Sound board
    • Micro­phone with cord