We enjoyed a spectacular time of fellowship and worship together at FBC Lyons during our annual gathering of the DBA churches. The Spirit of Christ was heavy in that place.
We heard tremendously encouraging testimonies of the excellent work that our Lord is accomplishing in and through his saints, and the all association choir was truly powerful. In fact, the choir was a glorious experience of what it means to be part of an association. Our worship in song was rich and Spirit filled in an exceptional way because the believers and churches across our area were joined together in one accord. My understanding of the value of our association grew as I experienced the power of our combined churches. When we come together in harmony the power and presence of the Spirit of Christ is amplified!
If you didn’t make the celebration, we missed you. Below is a summary of important actions taken at the Executive Meeting:
- We adopted the title of Associational Missions Strategist to replace the title of Associational Missionary, in accordance with the recommendation of The Georgia Baptist Mission Board.
- We allocated the responsibilities of the Nominating Team to the Administrative Team.
- We modified our purpose statement for our association.
The previous purpose statement was, “The purpose of the Association is to bring glory to God through cooperation among the member churches, to equip the churches to reach our communities for Jesus Christ and to disciple believers.â€
The current adopted purpose statement reads, “The Daniell Baptist Association exists to bring glory to God through facilitating partnerships between churches to accomplish the Great Commission.
Our current adopted purpose statement includes everything covered in the previous purpose statement and expands the scope of the previous statement to accomplish more.
We modified our purpose statement for two primary reasons.
1) The Association is churches in partnership. The Association is not a separate para-church organization that does ministry apart from the commissioning and participation of the member churches.
2) Our previous purpose statement refers to our target ministry as “our communities.†The Great Commission includes our communities and the entire world, every tribe, tongue and nation. It would not be biblical for any of our churches to only be concerned about accomplishing international missions or for any of our churches to only be concerned about engaging in local ministry in our community. Each biblical healthy church will be engaged in missions and ministry at every level, so it would only be natural and biblical that as our churches partner together, those conversations and partnerships in missions and ministry will encompass our local communities and the entire world.
God is at work and I fully expect great things ahead. I am convinced that the more you engage with believers from other churches and the more your fellowship partners with other churches, the richer your Christian walk will be and the more impactful your kingdom work will be.
Bro. Billy