In the begin­ning God cre­at­ed the heav­ens and the earth, and it was good. He cre­at­ed man and women in his image and told them to mul­ti­ply and fill the earth and rule over it with benev­o­lence, and God said that it was very good.
God’s inten­tion for mankind is for us to be shaped in his image, to repro­duce our­selves and to spread over the face of the earth. That is still God’s pur­pose for us.
Mankind is deceived by Satan and rejects God. Yes, we have spread over the earth, but not bear­ing God’s image, nor do we exer­cise benev­o­lent rule. In fact, mankind often reflects the malev­o­lence and ungod­ly spir­it of Satan.
How­ev­er, God’s eter­nal pur­pose to pro­duce and spread his image for his glo­ry will not be thwart­ed (praise God!). Through the gospel and the great com­mis­sion, God is accom­plish­ing his eter­nal pur­pose, shap­ing his chil­dren into the like­ness of Christ and spread­ing that like­ness from per­son to per­son unto the ends of the earth.
This eter­nal pur­pose is our great com­mis­sion, and it can­not fail. We strive togeth­er, feed­ing on the Word of God, walk­ing by the Spir­it of God and exer­cis­ing the gifts giv­en to each mem­ber of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the full­ness of Christ. And we spread over the face of the earth. We mul­ti­ply as we go and make dis­ci­ples with­in our homes and out of our com­mu­ni­ties, all way to the ends of the earth.
Noth­ing can stop the Church and the mis­sion, nei­ther the lies of Satan nor the pow­ers of death and Hell can stop this mis­sion from being accomplished.

That being said, I will share with you some thoughts about our work togeth­er:
1) God has grant­ed us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner togeth­er and par­tic­i­pate in his accom­plish­ment of his mis­sion in oth­er places on the globe
2) God is impress­ing upon many in our area a strong heart for evan­ge­lism at home. We are pray­ing toward an area-wide cru­sade in which every DBA church counts the cost, and com­mits the resources need­ed for lay-lead­ers from DBA church­es to engage in a fer­vent move­ment of prayer and orga­nize the procla­ma­tion of the gospel unto a har­vest­ing of souls which is fol­lowed-up by dis­ci­ple­ship (lead­ing to more Christ on the earth!). Every com­po­nent must be present for this to tru­ly be effec­tive.
3) Our church­es should have some lev­el of readi­ness to receive new believ­ers, assim­i­late and dis­ci­ple them and ulti­mate­ly, send them out to mul­ti­ply and ful­fill the mis­sion. Many of our DBA church­es are not at this lev­el of readi­ness. Many of our DBA church­es are prime to engage in a revi­tal­iza­tion effort so as to once again be a vibrant part of the ful­fill­ment of the eter­nal pur­pos­es of God. Let’s begin to pray for God to lead us through a glo­ri­ous process of revitalization.