Con­tact the DBA at or 912–583-4985 to reserve the use of the fol­low­ing mate­ri­als for your church or group:


  • Sun­day School cur­ricu­lum for children


  • Dave Ram­sey’s Finan­cial Peace Uni­ver­si­ty Dis­ci­ple­ship Mate­r­i­al and Leader Guide 
    • In Finan­cial Peace Uni­ver­si­ty, you’ll learn how to:
      • Take con­trol of your money
      • Attack debt with a vengeance and pay it off fast
      • Save for emergencies
      • Choose the right insur­ance plans
      • Invest wise­ly and build wealth
      • Give gen­er­ous­ly (the best part)