SBC Sanctity of Life Sunday

In 1984, Pres­i­dent Ronald Rea­gan pro­claimed that Jan­u­ary 22 would be the first Nation­al Sanc­ti­ty of Human Life Day because it is the anniver­sary of the Supreme Court deci­sion to legal­ize abor­tion-on-demand in the U.S. in 1973.

Church­es tra­di­tion­al­ly rec­og­nize the third Sun­day of Jan­u­ary as Sanc­ti­ty of Human Life Sun­day, which would be Jan. 16 in 2022.

How­ev­er, some church­es may choose the Sun­day clos­est to the anniver­sary of Roe vs Wade, which would be Sun­day, Jan. 23, 2022.

The attached bul­letin inserts are undat­ed so that you can use them on whichev­er Sun­day you choose.

View or Download

This year will be the 49th anniver­sary of the legal­iza­tion of abor­tion in America.

Over 64.5 mil­lion babies have lost their lives because of abor­tion since 1973.

Respect for all human life begins with respect for life in the womb (Gen­e­sis 1:26–27; Psalm 139). When respect for life is dimin­ished inside the womb, it has a neg­a­tive impact on the val­ue and sanc­ti­ty of life out­side the womb.

We need to trust the Lord’s val­ue of ALL life.

God bless you,
Yours in Christ,
Mike Grif­fin
Pub­lic Affairs Representative
Geor­gia Bap­tist Mis­sion Board

Sanc­ti­ty of Human Life Sun­day is a day to cel­e­brate the intrin­sic val­ue of human life. It is held on the Sun­day in Jan­u­ary that falls clos­est to the day on which the Roe v. Wade deci­sion was hand­ed down by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan­u­ary 22, 1973. Your church can be involved by:

  • Invit­ing Rachel’s House/First Choice Geor­gia to speak at your church
  • Spread­ing the word on Facebook
  • Tak­ing up a love offer­ing for Rachel’s House/First Choice Geor­gia Preg­nan­cy Clin­ic on that Sunday.
Elaine DeLoach would love the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share short video of less than 5 min­utes and fly­ers with your church! Con­tact Elaine at or 912–538-0716


SBC Sanc­ti­ty of Life Sunday

The event is finished.


Jan 16 2022


All Day