Thanks from the Puck­ett family.

The Puck­ett fam­i­ly, in South­east Texas, want­ed me to extend their heart­felt grat­i­tude for our work in restor­ing their home after flood­ing from hur­ri­cane Har­vey. Our Lord used us to redeem their home, may he also redeem their souls and give them an imper­ish­able home with him in glo­ry. The Puckett’s write, “Thank you very much for what you did to help us after the hur­ri­cane. We would not be in our home today with­out your help. Thank you for the gifts you sent and for allow­ing Bil­ly Jr. to come work on the house.”

Brew­ton-Park­er stu­dents ready to serve

Sev­er­al Brew­ton-Park­er stu­dents have expressed inter­est in oppor­tu­ni­ties to serve. Below is  a list of BPC stu­dents who are avail­able to sup­ply preach or lead wor­ship on an occa­sion or for interim.

Steven Collins – preacher/pastor, 478–363‑3869,

(Steven will grad­u­ate soon and is look­ing for God’s assign­ment for he and his wife)

Nathan Pris­tavec – preach­er, 912–996‑5851,

Hunter Young – preach­er, 706–836‑3173,

Jeff Cov­ing­ton — wor­ship leader, 912–547‑7227,

Joseph Duke – wor­ship leader, 229–425‑6666,

Flori­da Irma Dis­as­ter Relief Trip

Our Flori­da Dis­as­ter Relief Mis­sion Trip was blessed. We had around 10–12 peo­ple on the trip (some came for part of the trip). We con­nect­ed with First Bap­tist Church, Mid­dle­burg. FBC Mid­dle­burg con­nect­ed us with three fam­i­lies that expe­ri­enced sub­stan­tial flood­ing dur­ing the storm. We were able to reme­di­ate their homes and infuse hope into them in the midst of their dis­cour­ag­ing sit­u­a­tion. Chris­t­ian Wal­ton was on the trip and com­ment­ed, “I learned how it feels to tru­ly be the hands and feet of Jesus.” Guid­ing your peo­ple into mis­sions is tru­ly one of the great­est dis­ci­ple mak­ing tools at the pastor’s disposal.