In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and it was good. He created man and women in his image and told them to multiply and fill the earth and rule over it with benevolence, and God said that it was very good.
God’s intention for mankind is for us to be shaped in his image, to reproduce ourselves and to spread over the face of the earth. That is still God’s purpose for us.
Mankind is deceived by Satan and rejects God. Yes, we have spread over the earth, but not bearing God’s image, nor do we exercise benevolent rule. In fact, mankind often reflects the malevolence and ungodly spirit of Satan.
However, God’s eternal purpose to produce and spread his image for his glory will not be thwarted (praise God!). Through the gospel and the great commission, God is accomplishing his eternal purpose, shaping his children into the likeness of Christ and spreading that likeness from person to person unto the ends of the earth.
This eternal purpose is our great commission, and it cannot fail. We strive together, feeding on the Word of God, walking by the Spirit of God and exercising the gifts given to each member of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the fullness of Christ. And we spread over the face of the earth. We multiply as we go and make disciples within our homes and out of our communities, all way to the ends of the earth.
Nothing can stop the Church and the mission, neither the lies of Satan nor the powers of death and Hell can stop this mission from being accomplished.
That being said, I will share with you some thoughts about our work together:
1) God has granted us the opportunity to partner together and participate in his accomplishment of his mission in other places on the globe
2) God is impressing upon many in our area a strong heart for evangelism at home. We are praying toward an area-wide crusade in which every DBA church counts the cost, and commits the resources needed for lay-leaders from DBA churches to engage in a fervent movement of prayer and organize the proclamation of the gospel unto a harvesting of souls which is followed-up by discipleship (leading to more Christ on the earth!). Every component must be present for this to truly be effective.
3) Our churches should have some level of readiness to receive new believers, assimilate and disciple them and ultimately, send them out to multiply and fulfill the mission. Many of our DBA churches are not at this level of readiness. Many of our DBA churches are prime to engage in a revitalization effort so as to once again be a vibrant part of the fulfillment of the eternal purposes of God. Let’s begin to pray for God to lead us through a glorious process of revitalization.