Meet the Pas­tors of the DBA

And I will give you shep­herds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowl­edge & under­stand­ing. Jere­mi­ah 3:15

Name:   Scot­tie Pitts
Church:  Vidalia Bap­tist Temple
Posi­tion:  Pastor
Mar­ried to:  Cynthia
Chil­dren:  Amy
Favorite Bible Verse:  Romans 5:8
Favorite Songs (At least one Chris­t­ian & one secular):

Chris­t­ian: “God With Us” by MercyMe
Sec­u­lar:  “You’re the Inspi­ra­tion” by Chicago
Inter­est­ing Fact:  I once fell out of a pulpit.  Long story.
Short Bio:   I was born on April 15th, 1970 and grew up in Snipesville, GA.

I was licensed to preach by First Bap­tist Church in Hazle­hurst and was ordained by Mt. Zion Bap­tist Church in 2003. I was mar­ried to Cyn­thia Quar­ter­man on June 26th 1993 and we have a daugh­ter, Amy who was born on March 20th, 1995. I have an Asso­ciate of Arts degree from Brew­ton-Park­er and have slow­ly been work­ing toward a Bach­e­lor’s Degree in Reli­gion from Luther Rice Sem­i­nary. I have served as Youth Pas­tor at Eliz­a­beth Bap­tist Church in Hazle­hurst, Pas­tor of Mt. Zion Bap­tist Church in Hazle­hurst, and am cur­rent­ly serv­ing as Pas­tor at Vidalia Bap­tist Temple.  In 2004, I had surgery for what was thought to be a hyper-active thy­roid nod­ule but was dis­cov­ered to be can­cer and end­ed up hav­ing my thy­roid removed. Praise the Lord, I am can­cer free!!! God has been very good to me and I am thank­ful for the priv­i­lege of pro­claim­ing God’s Word!


Name: Niles C. Dixon

Church: Springhill Bap­tist Church

Posi­tion:  Pastor

Mar­ried to:  Christy Dixon

Chil­dren:   Lau­ren 13, Ethan 11

Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 139:14.….I am fear­ful­ly and won­der­ful­ly made

Favorite Songs (At least one Chris­t­ian & one secular):  So, so many to choose from, I lis­ten the 100.7  The­P­romise but a short list is: Even If by Mer­cy Me    I will not be moved (Natal­ie Gant)    The Riv­er (Jor­dan Feliz)

Sol­diers Under Com­mand (Stryper)    To Hell with the Dev­il (Stryper)

Secular.….You Give Love a Bad Name (Bon Jovi).…I was an 80’s teenag­er, sorry

Inter­est­ing Fact:  I have Elvis’s birth­day, HUGE Star Wars Fan; love Hard Rock Chris­t­ian music

Short Bio: I have lived my whole life in Hazle­hurst GA. 46 years old. I am mar­ried to Christy Kirk­land Dixon, teacher and co-direc­tor of Mt. Zion Learn­ing Cen­ter and Chris­t­ian School in Hazle­hurst.  2 chil­dren Lau­ren (13); Ethan 11. I pas­tor Springhill Bap­tist Church out­side of Alamo, Ga and pre­vi­ous­ly pas­tored Mt. Galilee Bap­tist Church out­side Jack­sonville GA.  I work at DFCS (Dept. of Fam­i­ly and Chil­dren Ser­vices) pro­cess­ing Food Stamp and Med­ic­aid cas­es. As stat­ed above, I love Star Wars. I’m a huge GA Bull­dog fan. Grad­u­at­ed from Geor­gia South­ern Uni­ver­si­ty in 1993.


Name: Clarence Best

Church: Hig­gston Baptist

Posi­tion:   Youth & Wor­ship Pastor

Mar­ried to:  Regi­na H. Best

Chil­dren:   David C. Best & Stephen J. Best

Favorite Bible Verse:  1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

Favorite Songs (At least one Chris­t­ian & one secular):  “When We All Get To Heav­en” & “The Anchor Hold­s” & “Midnight Cry”

Inter­est­ing Fact:  Grad­u­at­ed from Vidalia Com­pre­hen­sive High School in 1989,

Mar­ried in April of 1991, Plays Trum­pet, Love work­ing with Youth and Young Adults, Enjoyed Coach­ing Sports at the Rec. Depart­ment in Mont­gomery County,

Pas­tored at Cross Tim­bers Bap­tist in Vidalia, Ga.

Short Bio: My father and moth­er, Earl & Annette Best, moved to Vidalia, Ga. in 1980. I am the youngest of 3 sib­lings, Sena Lorine Cain and Richard James Best, Sr. I am tru­ly the baby; you could say a sec­ond fam­i­ly. My sis­ter and broth­er are 18 & 16 years old­er than I. We began wor­ship­ping at Smith Street Bap­tist Church. I become part of the Fam­i­ly of God the sum­mer of 1984 while attend­ing the DBA Church Camp in Brunswick, Ga. The pas­tor of the church at this time was Bro. Jer­ry Pickard. I grad­u­at­ed from Vidalia High School in 1989. I mar­ried Regi­na Holton on April 28, 1991. We have two won­der­ful sons David C. Best, 21 years old, and a 2014 Grad­u­ate of Mont­gomery Coun­ty. Stephen J. Best, 15 years old and cur­rent­ly a stu­dent at Robert Toombs Chris­t­ian Acad­e­my. I have served in many lead­er­ship roles at Hig­gston Bap­tist; from Dis­ci­ple­ship Train­ing leader, Sun­day Teacher, Youth Pas­tor to Wor­ship Pas­tor. I was ordained as a Pas­tor in 2015 and became the Pas­tor of Cross Tim­bers Bap­tist Church of Vidalia, Ga. I tru­ly enjoyed my time as the pas­tor at a won­der­ful church. I cur­rent­ly am serv­ing back at Hig­gston Bap­tist as the Wor­ship Pas­tor & Youth Pas­tor. I always find any time I am at the church it is a peace­ful time for me. Whether I am study­ing, work­ing or meet­ing. I also work at BMC, pre­vi­ous­ly VNS Cor­po­ra­tion, and have been employed for near­ly 16 years with the com­pa­ny. I love serv­ing Christ and I love watch­ing Christ work in young adults as they grow. I have a heart­felt desire for the youth in this area to know Jesus Christ and become more active in a local church. There are many peo­ple that say the youth is the future of our church. I how­ev­er say, the youth are the “NOW” of the church. If we do not reach out and help the youth of the area we will have failed in God’s com­mand­ment. We as the Fam­i­ly of God need to love, cor­rect, and help lead them so that they know there is more to life than what the world shows them day-in and day-out.


Name: Ricky Cummings

Church: First Bap­tist Church Vidalia

Posi­tion: Pastor

Mar­ried to: Kristy Helen Craven

Chil­dren: Noah (11), Joshua (9), and Creed (2)

Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Corinthi­ans 2:2 (ESV) For I decid­ed to know noth­ing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

 Favorite Songs: Even If by Mer­cy Me

 Inter­est­ing Fact: I have a twin broth­er (Ray Cum­mings) who is also a pas­tor (Gold­en Acres Bap­tist Church — Phoenix City, AL)

Short Bio: 

Grad­u­at­ed with a B.S. in Chem­istry from William Carey Uni­ver­si­ty — played base­ball there

Grad­u­at­ed with a Ph.D. in Chem­istry from Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern MS

Chem­istry Pro­fes­sor at William Carey Uni­ver­si­ty for 9 years.

Began preach­ing full time.

Received MDIV, Th.M, and Ph.D in preach­ing from New Orleans Bap­tist The­o­log­i­cal Seminary

Began at FBC Vidalia in Octo­ber of 2016.





Name: Chester Proc­tor

Church: Smith Street Bap­tist Church

Mar­ried to: Heather (Bevan) Proctor

Chil­dren: Andrew and Ava

Favorite Bible Verse: Gala­tian­s 1:10 Am I now try­ing to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I try­ing to please peo­ple? If I were still try­ing to please peo­ple, I would not be a ser­vant of Christ.

Favorite Songs (At least one Chris­t­ian & one sec­u­lar): Where I Belong (Build­ing 429), As the Deer (Hymn), Wait­ing for a Star to Fall (Boy Meets Girl)

Inter­est­ing Fact: I have been in radio almost 20 years and cur­rent­ly host a dai­ly morn­ing news show, region­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed week­ly bib­li­cal advice show , foot­ball score­board show on Fri­day nights, and call base­ball play by play for Robert Toombs Chris­t­ian Academy.

Short Bio: I am a 2000 grad­u­ate from Vidalia Com­pre­hen­sive High School. He holds a B.S. in Busi­ness Man­age­ment from West­ern Gov­er­nors Uni­ver­si­ty and Mas­ters of Arts The­o­log­i­cal Stud­ies (M.A.T.S.) with a con­cen­tra­tion in Bib­li­cal Stud­ies from Lib­er­ty Uni­ver­si­ty. I was ordained in Octo­ber 2007 at Alston Bap­tist Church, where I served as pas­tor for over three years. I have also served as Youth Pas­tor and Asso­ciate Pas­tor before join­ing Smith Street Bap­tist Church in 2014, I has writ­ten the book, Game Chang­ers: Under­stand­ing Effec­tive Church Membership.

When I am not spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly or on my boat fishing, I enjoy work­ing at Vidalia Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Cor­po­ra­tion (WYUM-FM, WTCQ-FM and WVOP-AM) where I got my start in radio broad­cast­ing near­ly 20 years ago and con­tin­ue it, on the side, to this day.





Name:  Bil­ly Folsom

Church: Cross Tim­bers Bap­tist Church

Mar­ried: Tammy

Chil­dren: Matthew, Ty

Favorite Bible Vers­es: 2 Corinthi­ans 6:18 And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

Favorite Songs: A Won­der­ful Savior

Inter­est­ing Fact: Served on White House duty under two pres­i­dents while in the USMC.

Short Biog­ra­phy: I was raised in north Flori­da. After com­ple­tion of high school worked odd jobs and met my wife on a blind date. Joined the USMC in 1989 and dis­charged in 1995. I have trav­eled all over the US. I was saved at an evan­ge­lis­tic event held in an ele­men­tary school at age six­teen. I have bee ordained for about nine years now and am cur­rent­ly at my first church as pas­tor. It is a lot of work but I am lov­ing it.