Backpacks Of Hope

Backpacks Of Hope

Back­packs of Hope  (For­mer­ly Back­packs for Appalachia) Vis­it For:  Instruc­tions Bul­letin inserts Back­pack Tags The Christ­mas Sto­ry Insert for Back­pack ARM Mail­box Club Post­card Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions Deliv­er back­packs Octo­ber 17–19 from 9 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 3 PM

From the Desk of Bro. Billy

From the Desk of Bro. Billy

August 2017 Newslet­ter Arti­cle An asso­ci­a­tion pas­tor recent­ly com­ment­ed that folks may not ful­ly under­stand or appre­ci­ate the des­ig­na­tion, “bi-vocational pastor.” He may be cor­rect. First, and most obvi­ous, shep­herd­ing is cer­tain­ly not a 9–5 job and we should appre­ci­ate the