Saturday, May 19 through Monday, May 21 is the celebration of the festival of Shavuot. Shavuot is the festival God commanded Israel to observe, 7 weeks after Passover. (Deuteronomy 16:10; Exodus 23:16).
The festival of Shavuot celebrates the beginning of the harvest. Shavuot takes place 50 days after Passover. During Shavuot, the people of God take a portion of the “first fruits†of the grain harvest and wave them before God in thankfulness, with eager expectation of a great harvest at the end of the harvest season.
50 days after our Passover lamb died on the cross, came one of the greatest days in human history, the day the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in the hearts of men, the day of Pentecost. Jesus Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection. The believers who were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost were the first fruits of the harvest of souls.
In Judaism, Shavuot is also associated with the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. A Law that the people of God could never fulfill. They could not fulfill the Law of love because their hearts were hard. The new covenant promise of Shavuot is that God would cleanse us, take out of us the heart of stone, place in us a soft heart, write his Laws upon our hearts and empower his children to walk in his commands. He accomplishes this through the death and resurrection of the Lamb and the sending of the Holy Spirit.
We live in the season of harvest, the time of resurrection and reconciliation. God has not come merely to live with us, but to live within us and empower us to fulfill the Law of love by faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.
These are the days of the preaching of the good news and the ingathering of the people of God from every tribe, tongue, and nation.
My friends, those who are truly engaged and focused on the harvest do not have time to concern themselves with the things of the flesh, including man made religion. Brothers, lead our congregations from an inward focus and inspire us to turn outward and be on mission with a vision of the kingdom.
Christ died for our sins. I can’t sit and dwell on my depravity and failure as a means to my sanctification. I must adopt the agenda of my King and the work of the harvest in order to truly lay aside the sin, which so easily entangles me, and run this race. I want to be on guard for the schemes of Satan, but a continual fear and focus on my sin will never set me free. We can move on from self-flogging and laying again and again the foundation of repentance from dead works. Move on to the harvest field.
What a wonderful day it will be when none of my thoughts are focused on me. Increase the spiritual health of your flock by filling their thoughts with the excellencies of their King and harnessing their resources and energy for the kingdom of Christ.
Bro. Billy